Emeritus Professor Dr. Fun Hoong Kun |
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Solid State Physics, X-Ray Crystallography |
Summary of Scientific Achievements of Emeritus Professor Fun Hoong Kun, F.A.Sc.
Emeritus Prof. Fun Hoong Kun, Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia, was born in Penang, Malaysia on 1946. He completed his B.Sc. (1stClass Honors) in Physics at University of Malaya in 1969 and proceeded to Purdue University for his graduate studies under the Fulbright Fellowship. He obtained his M.S. in 1971 and his Ph.D. in experimental Solid State Physics (Solid State Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance technique) in 1974. Upon return to Malaysia in September 1974, he has worked at Universiti Sains Malaysia until 30 August 2012 when he joined King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a full professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy. Prof. Fun has studied on his own in the field of X-ray crystallography while in service at Universiti Sains Malaysia. On December 17th, 2013, Academy of Sciences Malaysia has bestowed upon Prof. Fun the status of Top Researcher Scientists Malaysia (TRSM).
Emeritus Prof. Fun Hoong Kun is a self-taught X-ray crystallographer and has set up the X-ray Crystallography Laboratory at the School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia in 1987. This laboratory has been very active in x-ray structural research, collaborating mainly with researchers from China,Taiwan, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Under his supervision, this research group has solved a few thousand structures in organic, metal-organic and inorganic structures from which Prof. Fun has published more than 2651 Science-Citation-Indexed (SCI) papers. Prof. Fun is the top and most productive scientist in Malaysia (Period 1955-2002) as reported in "Science and Technology Knowledge Productivity in Malaysia, Bibliometric Study 2003” (ISSN1823-1012), a study commissioned by Malaysian Science and Technology Information Center (MASTIC), Ministry of Science , Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysia. He is also the top and most productive scientist in OIC member states (Period 1995 –June 2005) as reported in “Status of Scientific Research in OIC Member States” published by COMSTECH Secretariat on November 2005. In the latest online publication by COMSTECH entitled "Leading Scientists and Engineers of OIC Member States", Prof. Fun is listed as the top and foremost Physicist of the OIC Member States. Prof. Fun was awarded "The Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur Diraja Research Gold Medal" on 13th April 2012 by The Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur Diraja. Prof. Fun is now rank 6th in position world-wide (with 2824 entries) among the 447 authors who are cited in Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) entries in January 2014. http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/products/csd/statistics/.
Prof. Fun's current h-index is 43.
Prof. Fun's webpage at King Saud University is given below :-
URL: http://fac.ksu.edu.sa/hfunc
Details of Prof. Fun publications and citations can also be found at :-
URL: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-3561-2009
URL: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9970-067X
URL: http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=34975048300
URL: https://library.villanova.edu/Find/Summon/Search?lookfor=Fun+Hoong-Kun&type=Author&sort=PublicationDate%3Adesc&view=list
URL: http://scholar.google.com.my/citations?hl=en&user=jm5QaHkAAAAJ
His broad area of research covers x-ray crystallographic investigations on co-ordination complexes, natural products compounds, synthesized organic and inorganic compounds and high Tc superconductors.
Amongst his broad spectrum of research in X-ray Crystallography, the more important contributions are :-
(1) Elucidation of crystal structures of some high Tcsuperconductors
(2) Elucidation of disordered and twinned structures
(3) Finding absolute configuration of natural products
(4) Crystal Enginnering
(5) Discovery of Fun-Anwar-Suchada-Transition (FAST).
(6) Protein Crystallography
FAST is a new type of reversible phase transition originating from hydrogen bonds which has been discovered in some phenol-amine adducts and benzoic acid-amine adducts. A macroscopic Landau theory and a microscopic theory using pseudo-spin approach have been developed to explain these phase transitions.
HKF 9 June 2015
Highlights of Emeritus Prof. Fun's Major Scientific Accomplishments
Emeritus Prof. Fun Hoong Kun is a self-taught x-ray crystallographer and has set up the X-ray Crystallography Laboratory at the School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia in 1987. This laboratory has been very active in X-ray structural research, collaborating mainly with researchers from China, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. A broad spectrum of structures in organic, metal-organic and inorganic structures have been solved in Prof. Fun's research laboratory. Under his supervision, this research group has published more than 2651 Science-Citation-Indexed (SCI) papers.
Prof. Fun's current h-index is 43.
Prof. Fun's webpage at King Saud University is given below :-
URL: http://fac.ksu.edu.sa/hfunc
Details of Prof. Fun publications and citations can also be found at :-
URL: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-3561-2009
URL: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9970-067X
URL: http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=34975048300
URL: https://library.villanova.edu/Find/Summon/Search?lookfor=Fun+Hoong-Kun&type=Author&sort=PublicationDate%3Adesc&view=list
His broad area of research covers x-ray crystallographic investigation into co-ordination complexes, natural products compounds, synthesized organic and inorganic compounds and high Tc superconductors.
Amongst his broad spectrum of research in X-ray Crystallography, the more important contributions are :-
(1) Elucidation of the crystal structures of some high Tc superconductors
Prof. Fun has determined the crystal structures of a few high Tcsuperconductors using Rietveld analysis and three of the publications are lised below :-
Structure of TlSr2PrCu2O7-x by Rietveld Analysis. Hoong-Kun Fun, Ping Yang, Rusli Othman, Tsong-Jen Lee, Chiou-Chu Lai and Huan-Chiu Ku. Powder Diffraction (1994) 9(3) 194.
(b). Structures and Antiferro-Magnetic Pr Ordering Mechanism of Tl(Ba2-xSrx)PrCu2O7-y Compounds by Rietveld Analysis. Hoong-Kun Fun, Ping Yang, Chiou-Chu Lai, Huan-Chiu Ku and Tsong-Jen Lee. Physica C (1994) 223, 267.
(c) Variation of antiferromagnetic Pr ordering in the Tl(Ba1-xSrx)2PrCu2O7-d system. C.C. Lai, T.J. Lee, Hoong-Kun Fun, H. C. Ku and J.C. Ho. Physical Review B (1994) 50, 4092
(2)Elucidation of disordered/twinned structures
Prof. Fun has contributed to the elucidation of many difficult disordered structures. Amongst many examples, two execellent examples can be found in the following publications :-
Crystal and molecular structures of [Ru3(m -H)(m3-h1:h1:h3-C12H17)(CO)9] revision of a previous determination. Michael I. Bruce, Hoong-Kun Fun, Brian K. Nicholson, Omar bin Shawkataly and Ralph A. Thomson. Journal of Chemical Society, Dalton Transaction (1998), 751-754.
(b) A cocrystal of clusiacitran A, clusiacitran B, fluorinated clusiacitran A and fluorinated clusiacitran B (0.45:0.45:0.05:0.05) Hoong-Kun Fun, Sorwaporn Koysomboon, Kan Chantrapromma and Suchada Chantrapromma. Acta Cryst. (2006). E62, o3228-o3230.
(c) 5-Diethylamino-2-[(E)-(4-methyl-3-nitrophenyl)iminomethyl]phenol: a redetermination Hoong-Kun Fun, Reza Kia, A. M. Vijesh and Arun M. Isloor. Acta Cryst. (2009). E65, o349-o350.
(d) 1,2-Di-2-quinolylethene Hoong-Kun Fun, Reza Kia, Annada C. Maity, Rinku Chakrabarty and Shyamaprosad Goswami Acta Cryst. (2009). E65, o354.
(e) (E)-N'-(4-Chlorobenzylidene)-p-toluenesulfonohydrazide 0.15-hydrate Reza Kia, Hoong-Kun Fun and Hadi Kargar. Acta Cryst. (2009). E65, o1119-o1120.
(f) Tris(2-methoxyphenyl)phosphine Omar bin Shawkataly, Mohd. Aslam A. Pankhi, Imthyaz Ahmed Khan, Chin Sing Yeap and Hoong-Kun Fun. Acta Cryst. (2009). E65, o1525-o1526.
(g) (E)-1-Methyl-4-[2-(1-naphthyl)vinyl]pyridinium 4-bromobenzenesulfonate Suchada Chantrapromma, Kullapa Chanawanno and Hoong-Kun Fun Acta Cryst. (2009). E65, o1144-o1145.
(h) (E)-1-Methyl-4-[2-(2-naphthyl)vinyl]pyridinium iodide1 Hoong-Kun Fun, Kullapa Chanawanno and Suchada Chantrapromma Acta Cryst. (2009). E65, o1406-o1407.
(i) 7-Nitro-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene-1-spiro-2'-(1,3-dithiane) Hoong-Kun Fun, Reza Kia, Annada C. Maity and Shyamaprosad Goswami Acta Cryst. (2009). E65, o347.
(j) 2-[1-(2-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl]-6-methoxyphenol methanol 1.13-solvate Mohammed H. Al-Douh, Hasnah Osman, Shafida A. Hamid,Reza Kia and Hoong-Kun Fun. Acta Cryst. (2009). E65, o925-o926.
(k) 4-Butylamino-3-nitrobenzoic acid Shivanagere Nagojappa Narendra Babu, Aisyah Saad Abdul Rahim, Hasnah Osman, Samuel Robinson Jebas and Hoong-Kun Fun. Acta Cryst. (2009). E65, o1122-o1123.
(l) (E)-3-[4-(Dodecyloxy)phenyl]-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one Ibrahim Abdul Razak, Hoong-Kun Fun, Zainab Ngaini, Siti Muhaini Haris Fadzillah and Hasnain Hussain. Acta Cryst. (2009). E65, o1133-o1134.
(m) N'-[(E)-4-Bromobenzylidene]-2-(4-isobutylphenyl)propanohydrazide Hoong-Kun Fun, Ching Kheng Quah, K. V. Sujith and B. Kalluraya Acta Cryst. (2009). E65, o1184-o1185.
(n) (E)-1-(4-Bromophenyl)ethan-1-one semicarbazone Hoong-Kun Fun, Jia Hao Goh, Mahesh Padaki, Shridhar Malladi and Arun M. Isloor Acta Cryst. (2009). E65, o1591-o1592.
(o) 1,1'-Dimethyl-4,4'-(2,4-di-1-naphthylcyclobutane-1,3-diyl)dipyridinium-(E)-1-methyl-4-[2-(1-naphthyl)vinyl]pyridinium-4-aminobenzenesulfonate-water (0.25/1.50/2/2) Hoong-Kun Fun, Kullapa Chanawanno and Suchada Chantrapromma Acta Cryst. (2009). E65, o2048-o2049.
(p) 4-[2,3-Dibromo-3-(4-bromophenyl)propanoyl]-2-phenyl-1,2,3-oxadiazol-2-ium-5-olate Hoong-Kun Fun, Tara Shahani, Nithinchandra and Balakrishna Kalluraya Acta Cryst. (2010). E66, o2818-o2819
(3) Absolute configuration of natural products
The absolute configuration of natural products determined by x-ray crystallography can be found in the following publications :-
(a) Absolute Configuration of 14b-hydroxy-3b-O-(L-thevetosyl)-5b-card-20(22)- enolide chloroform disolvate. Hoong-Kun Fun, Suchada Chantrapromma, Saroj Cheenpracha, Chatchanok Karalai, Shazia Anjum, Kan Chantrapromma and Azhar Abdul Rahman Acta Crystallographica, (2003) E59, o1694-o1696.
(b) Absolute Configuration of 3a-feruloytaraxerol dicholormethane solvate. Suchada Chantrapromma, Hoong-Kun Fun, Ibrahim Abdul Razak,Surat Laphookhieo and Chatchanok Karalai. Acta Crystallographica, (2003) E59, o1864-o1866.
(c) Cadinane Sesquiterpenes from the Leaves of Eupatorium adenophorum Lan He, Jing Hou, Maoluo Gan, Jiangong Shi, Suchada Chantrapromma, Hoong-Kun Fun, Ian D.Williams, and Herman H.-Y. Sung. J. Nat. Prod. 2008, 71, 1485-1488
(d) Redetermination and absolute configuration of 6-hydroxysalvinolone Hoong-Kun Fun, Ching Kheng Quah and Suchada Chantrapromma Acta Cryst. (2010). E66, o146-o147.
(e) Redetermination and absolute configuration of atalaphylline Hoong-Kun Fun, Chin Seng Yeap and Suchada Chantrapromma Acta Cryst. (2010). E66, o252-o253.
(f) Absolute configuration of methyl isoeichlerialactone Hoong-Kun Fun, Nantiya Joycharat, Supayang Piyawan Voravuthikunchai and Suchada Chantrapromma Acta Cryst. (2010). E66, o1604-o1605
(g) Absolute configuration of isovouacapenol C Hoong-Kun Fun, Orapun Yodsaoue, Chatchanok Karalai and Suchada Chantrapromma Acta Cryst. (2010). E66, o2059-o2060
Absolute Configuration of (2S)-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)butan-2-ol Hydroxytirucalla-8,24-dien-21-oic acid. S. Yousuf, S. G. Musharraf, I. Khan, Samiullah and Hoong-Kun Fun Acta Cryst. (2011). E67, o952.
(i) Redetermined structure, intermolecular interactions and absolute configuration of royleanone Hoong-Kun Fun, Suchada Chantrapromma, Abdul Waha Salae, Ibrahim Abdul Razak and Chatchanok Karalai Acta Cryst. (2011). E67, o1032-o1033.
(j) Redetermination and absolute configuration of pruniflorone M monohydrate Hoong-Kun Fun, Suchada Chantrapromma, Nawong Boonnak, Chatchanok Karalai and Kan Chantrapromma Acta Cryst. (2011). E67, o1916-o1917.
(k) New Inhibitors of ROS Generation and T‑Cell Proliferation from Myrtus communis M. Iqbal Choudhary, Noureen Khan, Manzoor Ahmad, Sammer Yousuf, Hoong-Kun Fun, Samreen Soomro, M. Asif, M. Ahmed Mesaik and Farzana Shaheen ORGANIC LETTERS (2013). Vol. 15, No. 8, 1862–1865
(4)Crystal Engineering
Many examples of interesting crystal enginnering structures have been elucidated by Prof. Fun and his collaborators. Some good examples are :-
(a) Recognition of creatinine by weak aromatic acids in solid phase along with their supramolecular network. Shyamprosad Goswami, Subrata Jana, Anita Hazra, Hoong-Kun Fun,Shazia Anjum and Atta-ur-Rahman. CrystEngComm, (2006), 8, 712-718.
(b) Recognition of Dicarboxylic Acid by 6,6'Dipivaloylamino-3,3'bipyridin and the Supramolecular Solid State Locking of the Carboxyls in the anti Form. Shyamaprosad Goswami, Subrata Jana, Swapan Dey, Ibrahim Abdul Razak and Hoong-Kun Fun. Supramolecular Chemistry, October-November, 2006, Vol. 18(7), pp. 571-574.
(c) Crystal engineering through [Hg(SCN)4]2- templates: S...S interaction mediated 3-D parallel interpenetration in the self-assembled superstructure of [Hg(SCN)4]2- and protonated 2,2'-dipyridylamine Rajarshi Ghosh, Atish Dipankar Jana, Sutonu Pal, Golam Mostafa, Hoong-Kun Fun and Barindra Kumar Ghosh CrystEngComm, (2007), 9, 353-357.
(d) Coordination polymers constructed by linking metal ions with azodibenzoate anions Zhen-Feng Chen, Zhi-Li Zhang, Yu-Hui Tan, Hoong-Kun Fun, Zhong-Yuan Zhou, Bredan F. Abrahams and Hong Liang. CrystEngComm, (2008), 10, 217-231.
(e) Recognition of dicarboxylic acids by 3,3'-bipyridine amide based receptors and its supramolecular behavior in solid state. Shyamaprosad Goswami, Subrata Jana and Hoong Kun Fun CrystengComm, (2008), 10, 507-517.
(f) Fluorescence sensing of theobromine by simple 2,6-diamino-pyrridine and the novel cyclic chair-like hydrogen-bonded tetramer of its diacetyl derivative Ajit Kumar Mahapatra, Prithidipa Sahoo, Shyamaprosad Goswami, Suchada Chantrapromma and Hoong Kun Fun. Tetrahedron Letters 50 (2009) 89-92.
(g) Recognition of Carboxylate Anions and Carboxylic Acids by Selenium-Based New Chromogenic Fluorescent Sensor: A Remarkable Fluorescence Enhancement of Hindered Carboxylates Shyamaprosad Goswami, Anita Hazra, Rinku Chakrabarty and Hoong-Kun Fun Organic Letters, (2009), Vol. 11, No.19, 4350-4353
(h) Recognition study of substituted benzoic acids by 7-substituted pterin receptors in solution and solid phases. Shyamaprosad Goswami, Anita Hazra, Subrata Jana and Hoong-Kun Fun CrystEngComm, (2010). 12, 1501-1508.
(i) A simple 1,10-phenanthroline-based fluorescent receptor in solution and 1,10-phenantroline in solid state for urea recognition Ajit Kumar Mahapatra, Prithidipa Sahoo, Giridhari Hazra, Shyamaprosad Goswami and Hoong-Kun Fun Journal of Luminescence 130 (2010) 1475-1480.
(j) Ethylene spacer-linked bis-acetamidopyridine for dicarboxylic acid recognition and polymeric new wave-like anti-perpendicular arrangement of a host-guest in the solid state Shyamaprosad Goswami, Nirmal Kumar Das, Debabrata Sen and Hoong-Kun Fun SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY Volume: 22 Issue: 9 Pages: 532-543
(K) A simple naphthalene-based colorimetric sensor selective for acetate Shyamaprosad Goswami, Avijit Kumar Das, Debabrata Sen, Krishnendu Aich, Hoong-Kun Fun, Ching Kheng Quah Tetrahedron Letters (2012). 53, 4819?823
(5) Discovery of Fun-Anwar-Suchada-Transition (FAST)
FAST is a new type of reversible phase transition originating from hydrogen bonds which has been discovered by Prof. Fun抯 group in some phenol-amine adducts and benzoic acid-amine adducts. A macroscopic Landau theory and a microscopic theory using pseudo-spin approach have been developed to explain these phase transitions. Publications related to FAST are given below :-
(a) Phase transitions in hydrogen-bonded phenol-amione adducts: analysis by ferroeleastic theory. H.-K. Fun, A. Usman, S. Chantrapromma, J.Osman, L.-H Ong, D. R. Tilley and Y. Ishibashi. Solid State Comm. 127 (2003), 677-682.
(b) Microscopic Theory of Phase Transitions in Hydrogen-bonded Phenol-Amine Adducts. Pye Ton How, Beck Sim Lee, Hoong-Kun Fun, Ibrahim Abdul Razak and Suchada Chantrapromma. Phys. Rev. B 71, 174109 (2005).
(c) Orthorhombic-to-monoclinic temperature-dependent phase transition of hexamethylenetetraminium-3,5- dinitrobenzoate-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid monohydrate crystal. Suchada Chantrapromma, Hoong-Kun Fun, Anwar Usman. Journal of Molecular Structure (2006).Vol. 789, No.1-3, 30-36.
(d) First order temperature-dependent phase transition of hexamethylenetetraminium 3,5-dinitrobenzoate hemihydrate crystal: Landau phenomenological theory approach. Hoong-Kun Fun, Mohd. Mustaqim Rosli, Beck-Sim Lee, Lye-Hock Ong, Suchada Chantrapromma. Journal of Molecular Structure (2007). 837, 132-141.
(e) Hydrogen Bonding Phase Transition in Some Organic Crystals. Hoong-Kun Fun, Beck-Sim Lee and Suchada Chantrapromma. Ferroelectrics (2007). 349, 45-48.
(f) Mean feld satistical mechanics of model Hamiltonian for hydrogen bonded phase transitions. Mohd. Mustaqim Rosli, Beck Sim Lee and Hoong Kun Fun. Phys. Status Solidi. (2009) B 246, No. 2376-382.
(g) Temperature-dependent isomorphous phase transition studies in molecular crystals of 2,4,4?trimethoxybenzophenone Hoong-Kun Fun, Ching Kheng Quah, Samuel Robinson Jebas, Lye-Hock Ong Journal of Molecular Structure (2010). 964, 31-38.
(h) Temperature dependent order杁isorder multiple phase transitions studies of the hexamethylenetetraminium p-nitrobenzoate crystal Ching Kheng Quah, Hoong-Kun Fun, Lye-Hock Ong Journal of Molecular Structure 1010 (2012) 8-16
(6) Protein Crystallography
(a) Crystal Structure of Dimeric Flavodoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas Suggests a Potential Binding Region for the Electron-Transferring Partner Yin-Cheng Hsieh, Tze Shyang Chia, Hoong-Kun Fun and Chun-Jung Chen Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2013). 14, 1667-1683
(7) Others (a) Intermolecular Photocyclizations of N-( Hydroxyalkyl)tetrachlorophthalimide with Alkenes Leading to Medium- and Large-Ring Heterocycles - Reaction Modes and Regio- and Stereoselectivity of the 1,n-Biradicals Yong-Miao Shen, Xiao-Liang Yang, Da-Qing Chen, Jie Xue, Liang Zhu, Hoong-Kun Fun, Hong-Wen Hu, Jian-Hua Xu Chem. Eur. J. (2010). 16, 2873-2886.
(b) Photoinduced Tandem Reactions of Isoquinoline-1,3,4-trione with Alkynes To Build Aza-polycycles Haitao Yu, Jinbo Li, Zhuangfei Kou, Xuewen Du, Yi Wei, Hoong-Kun Fun, Jianhua Xu and Yan Zhang Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010 Volume: 75, Issue: 9, Pages: 2989-3001
(c) Photoinduced [4+4], [4+2], and [2+2] Cycloadditions of o-Quinones with Oxazoles : Chemo-, Regio-, and Diastereoselectivity Lei Wang, Yu-Cheng Huang, Yang Liu, Hoong-Kun Fun, Yan Zhang and Jian-Hua Xu Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010, 75, 7757-7768.
(d) Nitric oxide inhibitory Activity of xanthones from the green fruits of Cratoxylum formosum ssp. Pruniflorum Nawong Boonnak, Achjana Khamthip, Chatchanok Karalai, Suchada Chantrapromma, Chanita Ponglimanont, Akkharawit Kanjana-Opas, Supinya Tewtrakul, Kan Chantrapromma, Hoong-Kun Fun and Shigeru Kato Aust. J. Chem., 2010, 63, 1550-1556.
(e) A new rhodamine based colorimetric "off-on" fluorescence sensor selective for Pd2+ along with the first bound X-ray crystal structure Shyamaprosad Goswami, Debabrata Sen, Nirmal Kumar Das, Hoong-Kun Fun and Ching Kheng Quah Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 9101-9103.
(f) Photoinduced reactions of bicycloalkylidenes with isatin and isoquinolinetrione Dong-Dong Wu, Ming-Tao He, Qi-Di Liu, Wei Wang, Jie Zhou, Lei Wang, Hoong-Kun Fun, Jian-Hua Xu and Yan Zhang Org. Biomol. Chem. (2012). 10, 3626-3635
(g) A facile and highly atom-economic approach to biaryl-containing medium-ring bislactones Dongdong Wu , Lei Wang , Kai Xu , Jia Song , Hoong-Kun Fun , Jianhua Xu and Yan Zhang Chem. Commun. (2012). 48, 1168-1170
(h) Rapid and Ratiometric detection of hypochlorite with real application in tap water : molecules to low cost devices (TLC sticks) Shyamaprosad Goswami, Abhishek Manna, Sima Paul, Ching Kheng Quah and Hoong-Kun Fun. Chem. Commun. (2013) 49, 11656-11658.
(i) Photoinduced Reactions of Para-quinones with Bicyclopropylidene Leading to Diverse Polycyclic Compounds with Spirocyclopropanes Wei Wang, Wen-Jie Zhang, Lei Wang, Ching Kheng Quah, Hoong-Kun Fun, Jian-Hua Xu and Yan Zhang The Journal of Organic Chemistry (2013) 78, 6211-6222.
(j) Photocycloadditions of substituted oxazoles with isoquinoline-1,3,4-trione— chemo-, regio-, diastereoselectivities and transformation of the photocycloadducts Cheng-mei Huang, Heng Jiang, Ru-zhi Wang, Ching Kheng Quah, Hoong-Kun Fun and Yan Zhang. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (2013) 11, 5023-5033.
(k) A new rhodamine-coumarin Cu2+–selective colorimetric and ‘off–on’ fluorescence probe for effective use in chemistry and bioimaging along with its bound X–ray crystal structure Shyamaprosad Goswami, Debabrata Sen, Avijit Kumar Das, Nirmal Kumar Das, Krishnendu Aich, Hoong–Kun Fun, Ching Kheng Quah, Anup Kumar Maity, Partha Saha Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2013) 183, 518-525.
(l) CHEF induced highly selective and sensitive turn-on fluorogenic and colorimetric sensor for Fe3+. Shyamaprosad Goswami, Sangita Das, Krishnendu Aich, Deblina Sarkar, Tapan Kumar Mondal, Ching Kheng Quah and Hoong-Kun Fun Daltons Transactions (2013). 42, 15113-15119.
(m) Selective detection and bio-imaging of Pd2+ with novel ‘C-CN’ bond cleavage of cyano-rhodamine, cyanation with diaminomaleonitrile Shyamaprosad Goswami, Abhishek Manna, Anup Kumar Maity, Sima Paul, Avijit Kumar Das, Krishnendu Aich, Manas Kumar Das, Partha Saha, Ching-Kheng Quah and Hoong-Kun Fun. Daltons Transactions (2013). 42, 12844-12848.
(n) New Inhibitors of ROS Generation and T‑Cell Proliferation from Myrtus communis M. Iqbal Choudhary, Noureen Khan, Manzoor Ahmad, Sammer Yousuf, Hoong-Kun Fun, Samreen Soomro, M. Asif, M. Ahmed Mesaik and Farzana Shaheen ORGANIC LETTERS (2013). Vol. 15, No. 8, 1862–1865
Prof. Fun's elucidation of organic, organo-metallic and inorganic structures by single crystal x-ray structure determination and Rietveld Analayis has contributed significantly to his collaboration with researchers inside and outside Malaysia.
Research done at Universiti Sains Malaysia
(1) Growth of Single Crystal of Tin. Joint Investigation with Dr. Hoo Koung (1976 - 1977).
(2) Investigation of New Materials for Solar Cells Joint Investigation with Dr. Donald G. S. Chuah (Principal) (1985 - 1987) (Universiti Sains Malaysia Short Term Grant).
(3) Gamma Radioactivity in Tin Slag Dumps at Penang Stadium. Joint Investigation with Dr. Chong Chon Sing (Principal), Dr. Chong Hon Yew and Dr. Leong Lap Sau (1985 - 1987) (Universiti Sains Malaysia Short Term Grant).
(4) Single Crystal Structure Determination by X-Ray Crystallography. M.Sc. research for Mr. Chan Boon Teong (1986 - 1988) (Universiti Sains Malaysia Short Term Grant $5,800.00).
(5) X-Ray Structural Determination of Some Degenerate Semiconductors and Organometallic Compounds. M.Sc. research for Mr. Yeoh Teong San (1986 - 1989) (Universiti Sains Malaysia Short Term Grant).
(6) Chemical Structure Determination using X-Ray Crystallography. Joint Investigation with Dr. Rusli Othman (Principal) (1988 - 1990) (Universiti Sains Malaysia Short Term Grant M$20,000.00).
(7) X-Ray Structural Determination of Organic/ Organometallic Compounds. Joint Investigation with Dr. Teoh Siang Guan and Dr. Omar Shawkataly (1987 - 1990 ) (Universiti Sains Malaysia Short Term Grant).
(8) X-ray in Industry: Structure Determination and Investigation of Physical and Chemical Properties of Materials which have Applications to Malaysian Industries. Programme co-ordinator and project leader of team comprising of Prof Madya Dr. Teoh Siang Guan, Prof. Madya Dr. Omar bin Shawkataly, Dr. Mohamed Ismail Mohamed Ibrahim, Dr. Mohamad Abu Bakar and Dr. Fauzi Aziz. (Awarded M$1,000,000.00 under the Sixth Malaysian Plan, Research Grant No.: 123/3417/2201).
(9) X-ray Structural Determination of Materials with Potential Applications/Uses Project Leader of team comprising Prof. Madya Dr. Omar Shawkataly, Dr. Mohd. Ismail Mohd. Ibrahim, Dr. Mohd. Abu Bakar, Prof. Chong Chong Sing, Prof. Lee Beck Sim, Prof. Sam Teng Wah, Prof. Gan Ee Kiang, Prof. Bohari M. Yamin and Prof. Abdul Hamid Othman. (Awarded M$985,000-00 under the Seventh Malaysian Plan, Research Grant No: 190/9609/2801).
(10) Structural Studies on Materials of Technological Importance by X-ray Diffraction. Joint Investigation with Prof. Sam Teng Wah, Prof. Madya Omar Shawkataly, Dr. Mohd. Ismail Mohd Ibrahim, Prof. Bohari M. Yamin, Prof. Abd. Hamid Othman and Prof Muhammad Idiris Saleh (1 February 2000- 1 July 2001) IRPA 09-02-05-9034/Account No. 305/PFIZIK/610942 M$ 180,000.00
(11) Structural Studies of Peptides and Natural Products by X-Ray Crystallography. Joint Investigation with Prof. Sam Teng Wah, Dr. S. Shanmuga Sundara Raj and Prof. D. Velmurugan (1 October 2000 -30 September 2001). IRPA 09-02-05-0019/Account No. 305/PFIZIK/610961. RM37,000-00.
(12) Crystal Growth and Crystal Structure Analysis of Stilbene Derivatives for Second Order Non-Linear Optics. Joint Investigation with Dr. Anwar Usman, Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim and Ms. Suchada Chantrapromma (15 November 2001 -14 November 2002) USM Short Term Research grant. Account No. 304/PFIZIK/633154. M$ 11,300-00.
(13) Hydrogen Bondings, Phase Transitions & Theoretical Studies of Phenol-Amine Adducts. Joint Investigation with Prof. Junaidah Osman, Dr. Anwar Usman and Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim (1st July 2002 - 30th June 2004) Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS). Account No. 304/PFIZIK/670011) RM$74,300-00.
(14) Single Crystal X-ray Structural Studies of Natural Products Compounds from Fruits of "BRUGVIERA CYLINDRICA". Joint Investigation with project leader Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim and team comprising of Assoc. Prof. Chatchanok Karalai, Assoc. Prof. Suchada Chantrapromma and Assoc. Prof. Chanita Ponglimanont. (1st April 2004 - 31st March 2006). USM Short Term Research grant. Account No. 304/PFIZIK/635028. RM$ 20,000-00. (15 November 2001 ?14 November 2002) USM Short Term Research grant. Account
(15) Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Structural Phase Transitions In Crystals due to Hydrogen Bondings and Hydrogen Bonding Patterns In Natural Products. Project Leader of team comprising Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim, Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman, Dr. Anwar Usman, Mr. Azhar Abdul Rahman, Dr. Suchada Chantrapromma, Prof. Lee Beck Sim, Prof. Lim Koon Ong and Dr. Shazia Anjum. (January 2005 - September 2006). Scientific Advancement Grant Allocation (SAGA). RM342,000-00
(16) Structural Investigation of Molecular based Opto-electronic Materials from Porphyrin Chromophores. Project Leader of team comprising Dr. Suchada Chantrapromma, Dr. Jing-Lin Zuo, Dr. Zhen Shen and Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim. Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (eScienceFund) (December 2006 - December 2008) RM313,995.00.
(17) X-Ray Structural Characterization of New Organic Materials for Non_Linear Optical Allications. Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim (Project Leader), Prof. Fun Hoong Kun, Dr. Suchada Chantrapromma, Prof. S. M. Dharmaprakash and Mr. P.S.Patil. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS). (15 Jan 2007 - 14 Jan 2010). RM39,000.00.
(18) Theoretical And Experimental Studies of Phase Transition (Fun-Anwar-Suchada Transition, FAST) In Hydrogen-Bonded Phenol-Amine Adducts. Prof. Lee Beck Sim (Project Leader), Prof. Fun Hoong-Kun, Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) (October 2007 -October 2008). RM 101,200.00.
(19) X-ray Structural Determination of Natural Products and Their Structural Activity Relationships (SAR) and Hydrogen Bonding Studies of Organics Compound (Natural and Synthetic) Prof. Fun Hoong Kun (Project Leader). Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim, Dr. Suchada Chantrapromma. Geran Universiti Penyelidikan (Golden Goose Project). (November 2007 -October 2010). RM 2,322,500.00
(20) Charaterization and Strutural Studies of Isoamylase Starch Enzymes Prof. Madya Abdul Razak Ibrahim (Project Leader), Prof. Fun Hoong Kun, Dr. Mohd Hasnain Md. Hussain, Dr. Zainab Ngaini, Prof. Paul Marie Gerard Curmi, 侣侣侣侣 Dr Stephen Harrop, Dr Roberta Donadini. Geran Universiti Penyelidikan (RU) (15 September 2009 -14 September 2011). RM 100,000-00
(21) X-Ray Structural Characterization of Bioactive Compounds From Medicinal Plants: Premna Obtusifolia And Cratoxylum Formosum Ssp. Pruniflorum Prof. Madya Abdul Razak Ibrahim (Project Leader), Prof. Fun Hoong Kun, Prof Madya Suchada Chantrapromma . Geran Universiti Penyelidikan (RU) (1 April 2010 -31 Mac 2013) RM 245,216-00
(22) Supramolecular Designs Based on Hydrogen Bonding Prof. Fun Hoong Kun, Prof. Madya. Abdul Razak Ibrahim, Prof. Shyamaprosad Goswami, Prof. Madya. Dr. Suchada Chantrapromma Geran Universiti Penyelidikan (RU) (1 August 2010 -31 July 2013) RM 240,000-00
(23) Structure Determination of kDa Outer Membrance Proteins From S. Typhi By X-ray Protein Crystallography Prof. Fun Hoong Kun (Principal Investigator till 8/2012; Co-Principal Investigator from 9/2012) Amount : RM 747, 800-00 Cluster Title: Molecular Approaches To Fundamental Studies On Biomarkers And Development Of Sustainable Rapid Nano-Biodiagnostics To Enteric Disease For Low Resource Setting Amount Cluster: RM 4, 867, 684-00 Prof. Asma Ismail (Cluster Leader) Geran Universiti Penyelidikan (RU) (1 Nov 2010 -30 Nov 2013)
(24) Synthesis and Characterization of Non Linear Optical (NLO) Organic Crystal and Porphyrin Derivative Prof. Madya Abdul Razak Ibrahim (Project Leader) Prof Fun Hoong Kun Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS). (1st February 2011-31st January 2013) RM 50,000-00
(25) Structural analysis and biological evaluation of natural products and medicinal compounds and their derivatives. Dr. Quah Ching Kheng (Project Leader), Emeritus Prof. Fun Hoong Kun, Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim, Dr. Lim Gin Keat, Dr. Mohd Hasnain Md Hussain, Prof. Madya Dr. Zainab Ngaini, Prof. Madya Dr. Suchada Chantrapromma Grant Apex Delivering Excellence 2012 (1 Nov 2012 -31 Oct 2014) Amount: RM285,000.00
Research done at Other Institutions
(1) Purdue University, U.S.A.: Ligand ENDOR Study of the Deep Impurity, Feo , in Silicon (1971 - 1974) Position : David Ross Research Fellow (Ph.D. candidate). (2) Fukui University, Japan : Spin Resonance Investigation of Sn1-X(Me)XTe where 0 at. % < x < 5.0 at. % and Me = Cr, Mn, Co, Fe and Ni (October 1979 - June 1980) Position : Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellow (Sabbatical Leave from Universiti Sains Malaysia). (3) University College of Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom: White Light Laser Research (March 1987 - December 1987) Position : The Royal Society Research Fellow (Sabbatical Leave from Universiti Sains Malaysia). (4) National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China : Structure Determination of High TC Superconductors and Organometallic Complexes (September 1992 - September 1993) Position : Visiting Professor, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University. Research supported by National Science Council Grant NSC82-0212-M007-118 (Sabbatical Leave from Universiti Sains Malaysia). (5) Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Thailand. (a) X-ray Structural Determination of Copper(I) and Silver(I) Substituted Thiourea Complexes and Bioactive Natural Products in Thailand (b) Crystal Structures of Complexes of Copper(II) abd Di-2-pyridylamine Ligand and Some Natural Products of Thailand. (August 15 - December 15, 1997) Position: Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Thailand. Visit supported by The Ministry of University Affiars, Thailand. (Sabbatical Leave from Universiti Sains Malaysia) (6) Coordination Chemistry Institute and The State Key Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry, Nanjing University, People’s Republic of China. Crystal Structure and Nonlinearity Optical Properties of IIB Metal Complexes. (December 15, 1997 - May 15, 1998) Position: Visiting Professor, Coordination Chemistry Institute and The State Key Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry, Nanjing University, People’s Republic of China. Visit supported by the Government of The People’s Republic of China. (Sabbatical Leave from Universiti Sains Malaysia) (7) Department of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. Course conducted: X-Ray Structure Determination (27th Mac – 25th April 2010) Position: Visiting Professor Visit supported by Beijing Normal University, Government of The People’s Republic of China. (8) College of Pharmacy, King Saud University. Visiting Professor (Dec. 23rd 2011 - 14 Jan. 2012) Visit supported by King Saud University.
HKF 9 June 2015
Courses Taught at Universiti Sains Malaysia
(1) Electricity and Magnetism (2) Electromagnetism (3) Introduction to Electronics (4) Solid State Physics (5) Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (6) Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography (7) Atomic and Nuclear Physics (8) Optics (9) X-Ray Structure Analysis (M.Sc. Course) (10) Classical Mechanics.
(1) Modern Physics (2) Optics (3) Waves and Vibrations (4) Classical Mechanics (5) Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics (6) Properties of Matter (7) Special Theory of Relativity (8) Electricity and Magnetism (9) Electromagnetism (10) Introduction to Electronics (11) Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
(1) Undergraduate Level 200 (2) Undergraduate Level 300 (3) Undergraduate Level 400 (4) X-Ray Crystallography Research Laboratory (M.Sc.Course)
Research Projects: (1) Undergraduate Level 400 and M.Sc. by Coursework in X-ray Crystallography.
Course Taught at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Lecture : (1) X-Ray Diffraction and Its Applications (PHYS583/3) (M.Sc. Course) 1992.
Course Taught at Beijing Normal University, Beijing, Peoples' Republic of China.
Lecture : (1) Solving Structures using SHELXTL :- simple structures ; rotaional and whole molecule disorder ; and twin strucrures using PLATON. (graduate students and Academic staff). 28th March - 23th April 2010
HKF 9 June 2015
Appointed Principal Supervisor for the following post-graduate candidates and post-doctoral research fellows :-
(1) Mr. Chan Boon Teong: Single Crystal Structure Determination by X-Ray Crystallography (1986-1988), M.Sc. candidate. (2) Mr. Yeoh Teong San: X-Ray Structural Determination of Some Degenerate Semiconductors and Organometallic Compounds (1986-1989) , M.Sc. candidate. (3) Dr. Kandasamy Chinnakali, Ph. D. (Anna University, India), Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Single Crystal X-ray Structural Determination of Organometallic Complexes (January 1992 - July 1992). (4) Mr. Yip Boon Chuan: Struktur Dan Ciri-ciri Elektronik Bagi Beberapa Pencelup Organik (1992 - ), M.Sc. candidate but did not complete his studies. (5) Dr. Yang Ping, Ph.D. (Nanjing University, People's Republic of China), Post-doctoral Research Fellow in X-ray Powder Rietveld Analysis of High Tc Superconductors (January 1993 - January 1994). (6) Dr. K. Sivakumar, Ph.D. (Anna University, India), Post-doctoral Research Fellow in X-Ray Crystallography Laboratory, School of Physics. (March 1994 - February 1996) (7) Dr. Kandasamy Chinnakali, Ph.D. (Anna University, India), Post Doctoral Research Fellow in X-Ray Crystallography Laboratory, School of Physics. (March 1997 - March 1999). (8) Dr. Sema Ozturk, Ph.D. (Erciyes University, Turkey) Post Doctoral Research Fellow in X-Ray Crystallography Laboratory, School of Physics. (November 1997 -November 1998). (9) Dr. Yang Ping, Ph.D. (Nanjing University, People's Republic of China), Post Doctoral Research Fellow in X-Ray Crystallography Laboratory, School of Physics. (June 1997 - June 1998). (10) Dr. S. Shanmuga Sundara Raj, Ph.D. (Madras University, India) Post Doctoral Research Fellow in X-Ray Crystallography Laboratory, School of Physics. (April 1998 - May 2001). (11) Mr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim, ‘Structural Studies of Ferrocenium Compounds and its Derivatives with Organotin and Antimony X-Ray Crystallograhy Technique’. M. Sc. candidate (1997 - 1999) (12) Mr. Elssfah Mohamed Elawad, 'X-Ray Structural Studies on Some Clonidine Derivatives', M. Sc. candidate (1997-1999). (13) Mr. Abdul Razak Ibrahim, 'Structural Studies on Complexes of Metal with Monothione and Phosphorus Derivatives and Structural Studies of Polypeptides'. PhD. candidate (1999-2002). (14) Ms. Suchada Chantrapromma, 'Structural Studies of Solid State Hydrogen Bonding in Adducts of Some Amine Derivatives', PhD. candidate (1999-2004). Co-supervisor. Main supervisor is Prof. Poh Boh Long from School of Chemical Science. (15) Dr. Anwar Usman. PhD. (Tohoku University, Japan) Post Doctoral Research Fellow in X-Ray Crystallography Laboratory, School of Physics (2001-2003). (16) Mr. Azhar Abdul Rahman, 'Structural Studies of Natural Products and Non-Linear Optical Materials', M. Sc. candidate (2002-2004). (17) Mr. Mohd Mustaqim Bin Rosli, 'Study of Hydrogen Bonding in Phenol-Amines Adducts', M. Sc. candidate (2005 - 2008). (18) Ms. Ng Shea Lin, 'Single Crystal X-ray Structural Studies of Some Natural Product Compounds in Thailand', M. Sc. Candidate (2005 - 2008). Co-supervisor. Main supervisor is Dr. Razak Ibrahim from School of Science Physics. (19) Ms. Jeannie Teh Bee Jan, 'Single Crystal X-ray Structural of Some Natural Product Compounds in Pakistan', M. Sc. Candidate (2005- 2007 ). (20) Dr. S. Robinson Jebas, Ph.D. (National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli Tamilnadu, India) Post Doctoral Research Fellow in X-ray Crystallography Laboratory School of Physics (2008 - 2009 ) (21) Dr. Reza Kia, Ph.D. (University of Isfahan) Post Doctoral Research Fellow in X-ray Crystallography Laboratory School of Physics (2008 - 2009) (22) Mr. Quah Ching Kheng 'Influence of Hydrogen bonding Interactions on the structural and packing modes of organic molecules in single crystalline state.' Ph.D.. Candidate (2008- 2010). (23) Mr. Yeap Chin Sing, 'Synthesis and Crystal Structures of Some New Tetradentate Schiff base Compounds.' M. Sc. Candidate (2008-2010) (24) Dr. Kasturi Balasubramani, Ph.D. (Bharathidasan University, India). Post-doctoral research fellow in X-ray Crystallography Laboratory, School of Physics (April - July 2009). (25) Mr. Goh Jia Hao 'Synthesis and Crystal Structures of Some New Tetradentate Schiff base Compounds.' M. Sc. Candidate (2009- 2011) (26) Ms. Loh Wan Sin 'Structural Investigation of Quinoline and Pyrazole Compounds' M. Sc. Candidate (2009-2011). (27) Ms. Tara Shahani, 'Influence of Hydrogen bonding Interactions on the structural and packing modes of organic molecules in single crystalline state.' M. Sc. Candidate (2009-2012 ). (29) Dr. Madhukar Hemamalini, Ph.D. (Bharathidasan University, India) Post Doctoral Research Fellow in X-ray Crystallography Laboratory School of Physics (2009 -2012). (30) Ms. Safra Izuani, ‘X-ray Structural Studies of Bioactive Natural Products’, M. Sc. Candidate (2010- ). Co-supervisor. (31) Mr. Chia Tze Shyang, ‘Structure Determination of kDa Outer Membrane Proteins From S.typhi By X-ray Protein Crystallography’, Ph.D. Candidate (2012- ). Co-supervisor (32) Ms. Ooi Chin Wei, ‘Supramolecular Design Based on Hydrogen Bonding’, M. Sc. Candidate (2012-2014). Co-supervisor. (33) Mr. Abbas Farhadikoutenaei, '‘Synthesis, Characterization and Structural Studies of Carbonylthiourea Derivatives for Potential Medicinal Uses’, Ph D. Candidate (2012-). Co-supervisor
(34) Dr. C. S. Chidan Kumar, PhD. (University of Mysore, India) Post Doctoral Research Fellow in X-ray Crystallography Laboratory School of Physics (2013-Till date)
HKF 9 June 2015
Emeritus Prof. Fun has published over 2651 Science Citation Index (SCI) papers and is the top and most productive scientist in Malaysia (Period 1955-2002) as reported in "Science and Technology Knowledge Productivity in Malaysia, Bibliometric Study 2003?(ISSN1823-1012), a study commissioned by Malaysian Science and Technology Information Center (MASTIC), Ministry of Science , Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysia. He is also the top and most productive scientist in OIC member states (Period 1995 -June 2005) as reported in "Status of Scientific Research in OIC Member States" published by COMSTECH Secretariat published by COMSTECH Secretariat on November 2005. In the latest online publication by COMSTECH entitled "Leading Scientists and Engineers of OIC Member States", Prof. Fun is listed as the top and foremost Physicist of the OIC Member States. This publication is now available at http://comstech.org/publicationsnew.aspx
Prof. Fun's current h-index is 43.
Prof. Fun's webpage at King Saud University is given below :-
URL: http://fac.ksu.edu.sa/hfunc
Details of Prof. Fun publications and citations can also be found at :-
URL: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-3561-2009
URL: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9970-067X
URL: http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=34975048300
Full list of publications can be requested from Prof. H. K. Fun through his email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Below are listed the recent more significant 56 SCI publications:-
1. Phase transitions in hydrogen-bonded phenol-amione adducts: analysis by ferroeleastic theory. H.-K. Fun, A. Usman, S. Chantrapromma, J.Osman, L.-H Ong, D. R. Tilley and Y. Ishibashi. Solid State Comm. 127 (2003), 677-682.
2. Formation of a Novel Polymeric Cadmium(II) Complex Bridged by Sulfur and Thiocynato Ions. Sheng-Li Li, Jie-Ying Wu, Xuan-Jun Zhang, Yu-Peng Tian, Min-Hua Jiang, Zu-Yao Chen, Anwar Usman and Hoong-Kun Fun. Chemistry Letters Vol. 32, No. 8 (2003), 748-749.
3. Macrocyclic, dinuclear zine(II)-directed self-assembly with pyridine 2,2?Bipyridine and 2-Methylquinoline: m2-OH Bridging Bi-Macrocyclic Complexes and hydrogen-bond-supported Donor-Acceptor Complexes Wei Huang, Shaohua Gou, Huifen Qian, Dahua Hu, Suchada Chantrapromma, Hoong-Kun Fun and Qinjing Meng. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.,(2003), 947-954
4. Absolute Configuration of 14b-hydroxy-3b-O-(L-thevetosyl)-5b-card-20 (22)-enolide chloroform disolvate. Hoong-Kun Fun, Suchada Chantrapromma, Saroj Cheenpracha, Chatchanok Karalai, Shazia Anjum, Kan Chantrapromma and Azhar Abdul Rahman. Acta Crystallographica, (2003) E59, o1694-o1696.
5. Absolute Configuration of 3a-feruloytaraxerol dicholormethane solvate. Suchada Chantrapromma, Hoong-Kun Fun, Ibrahim Abdul Razak, Surat Laphookhieo and Chatchanok Karalai. Acta Crystallographica, (2003) E59, o1864-o1866.
6. Novel Cu(II)-quinoline carboxamide complexes : Structural characterization, cytotoxicity and reactivity towards 5?GMP. Junyong Zhang, Xiaokang Ke, Chao Tu, Jun Lin, Jian Ding, Liping Lin, Hoong-Kun Fun, Xiao-zeng You and Zijian Gou. Biometals 16 (2003) 485-496
7. An Unprecedented 8-Fold Interpenetrating Diamondoid-like Coordination Polymer Containing a Cu+4(RCO2)4 Cluster as Conneting Node. Xi-Sen Wang, Hong Zhao, Zhi-Rong Qu, Qiong Ye, Jing Zhang, Ren-Gen Xiong, Xiao-Zeng You and Hoong-Kun Fun Inorganic Chemistry (2003), 42, 5786-5788.
8. Synthesis of Lateral Macrobicyclic Compartmental Ligands: Structural, Magnetic, Electrochemical, and Catalytic Studies of Mono- and Binuclear Copper(II) Complexes. M. Thirumavalavan, P.. Akilan, M. Kandasamy, Kandasamy Chinnakali, G. Senthil Kumar and H-K. Fun. Inorganic Chemistry (2003), 42, 3308-3317.
9. Reaction Modes and Mechanism in Indolizine Photooxygenation Reactions Yun Li, Hua-You Hu, Jain-Ping Ye, Hoong-Kun Fun, Hong-Wen Hu and Jian-Hua Xu Journal of Organic Chemistry, (2004), 69, 2332-2339.
10. Synthesis, Structural, Magnetic and Electrochemical Studies of Antiferromagnetically Coupled Symmetric Oxamidate-Bridged Binuclear Copper (II) Complexes. Duraisamy Saravanakumar, Nallathambi Sengottuvelan, Vengidusamy Narayanan, Muthusamy Kandaswamy, Kandasamy Chinnakali, Gopal Senthikumar and Hoong-Kun Fun. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem, (2004), 872-878.
11. Photoinduced [4+4] Cycloadditions of o-Quinones with Oxazoles. Yang Zhang, Lei Wang, Min Zhang, Hoong-Kun Fun and Jian-Hua Xu. Organic Letters (2004), Vol. 6, No.26, 4893-4895
12. Microbial transformation of (-)-isolongifolol and butyrylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of transformed products. M. Iqbal Choudhary, Syed Ghulam Musharraf, Sarfraz Ahmad Nawaz, Shazia Anjum, Masood Parvez, Hoong-Kun Fun and Atta-ur-Rahman. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 13 (2005) 1939-1944.
13. Microscopic Theory of Phase Transitions in Hydrogen-bonded Phenol-Amine Adducts. Pye Ton How, Beck Sim Lee, Hoong-Kun Fun, Ibrahim Abdul Razak and Suchada Chantrapromma. Phys. Rev. B 71, 174109 (2005).
14. Photoreactions of 1-Acetylisatin with Alkynes : Regioselectivity in Oxetene Formation and Easy Access to 3-Alkylideneoxindoles and Dispiro[oxindole[3,2'furan[3'3"]oxindole]s Lei Wang, Yan Zhang, Hua-You Hu, Hoong-Kun Fun and Jian-Hua Xu. Journal of Organic Chemistry, (2005), 70 (10) 3850-3858.
15. Microbial Transformation of Mesterolone M. Iqbal Choudhary, Sadia Sultan, Saima Jalail, Shazia Anjum, Azhar Abdul Rahman, Hoong-Kun Fun and Atta-ur-Rahman. Chemistry and Biodiversity, (2005), Vol. 2, 392-400.
16. New diterpenoids from stems and roots of Caesalpinia crista. Sarot Cheenpracha, Rattikan Srisuwan, Chatchanok Karalai, Chanita Ponglimanont, Suchada Chantrapromma, Kan Chantrapromma, Hoong-Kun Fun, Shazia Anjum and Atta-ur-Rahman. Tetrahedron 61, (2005), 8656-8662.
17. Formation and Nonlinear Optical Properties of a Novel Polymeric Cadmium(II) Complex Bridged by Sulfur Ions. Sheng-Li Li, Jie-Ying Wu, Yu-Peng Tian, Xu-Tang Tao, Min-Hua Jiang and Hoong-Kun Fun. Chemistry Letters Vol. 34, No.8 (2005), 1186-1187.
18. Dynamic molecular recognition in the generation of a new crystal-engineering motif: a unique case study of a dicarboxylic acid with a ditopic receptor favouring a polymeric over a dimeric hydrogen-bonded supramolecular complex. Shyamaprosad Goswami, Swapan Dey, Hoong-Kun Fun, Shazia Anjum and Atta-ur-Rahman. Tetrahedron Letters, (2005), 46, 7187-7191.
19. Preparation, characterization, two-photon absorption and optical limiting properties of a novel metal complex containing carbazole. Sheng-Li Li, Jie-Ying Wu, Yu-Peng Tian, Ying-Wen Tang, Min-Hua Jiang, Hoong-Kun Fun and Suchada Chantrapromma. Optical Materials (2006). 28, 897-903..
20. Orthorhombic-to-monoclinic temperature-dependent phase transition of hexamethylenetetraminium-3,5- dinitrobenzoate-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid monohydrate crystal. Suchada Chantrapromma, Hoong-Kun Fun, Anwar Usman. Journal of Molecular Structure (2006).Vol. 789, No.1-3, 30-36.
21. A cocrystal of clusiacitran A, clusiacitran B, fluorinated clusiacitran A and fluorinated clusiacitran B (0.45:0.45:0.05:0.05) Hoong-Kun Fun, Sorwaporn Koysomboon, Kan Chantrapromma and Suchada Chantrapromma. Acta Cryst. (2006). E62, o3228-o3230.
22. Recognition of creatinine by weak aromatic acids in solid phase along with their supramolecular network. Shyamprosad Goswami, Subrata Jana, Anita Hazra, Hoong-Kun Fun, Shazia Anjum and Atta-ur-Rahman. CrystEngComm, (2006), 8, 712-718.
23. Recognition of Dicarboxylic Acid by 6,6?Dipivaloyl amino-3,3'bipyridine and the Supramolecular Solid State Locking of the Carboxyls in the anti Form. Shyamaprosad Goswami, Subrata Jana, Swapan Dey, Ibrahim Abdul Razak and Hoong-Kun Fun. Supramolecular Chemistry, October-November, 2006, Vol. 18(7), pp. 571-574.
24. First order temperature-dependent phase transition of hexamethylenetetraminium 3,5-dinitrobenzoate hemihydrate crystal: Landau phenomenological theory approach. Hoong-Kun Fun, Mohd Mustaqim Rosli, Beck-Sim Lee, Lye-Hock Ong, Suchada Chantrapromma. Journal of Molecular Structure (2007). 837, 132-141.
25. Hydrogen Bonding Phase Transitions in Some Organic Crystals Hoong-Kun Fun, Beck-Sim Lee and Suchada Chantrapromma Ferroelectrics (2007). 349, 45?8.
26. Crystal engineering through [Hg(SCN)4]2- templates: S...S interaction Mediated 3-D parallel interpenetration in the self-assembled superstructure of [Hg(SCN)4]2- and protonated 2,2?dipyridylamine Rajarshi Ghosh, Atish Dipankar Jana, Sutonu Pal, Golam Mostafa, Hoong-Kun Fun and Barindra Kumar Ghosh. CrystEngComm (2007), 9, 353-357.
27. Coordination polymers constructed by linking metal ions with azodibenzoate anions Zhen-Feng Chen, Zhi-Li Zhang, Yu-Hui Tan, Hoong-Kun Fun, Zhong-Yuan Zhou, Bredan F. Abrahams and Hong Liang. CrystEngComm, (2008), 10, 217-231.
28. Cadinane Sesquiterpenes from the Leaves of Eupatorium adenophorum Lan He, Jing Hou, Maoluo Gan, Jiangong Shi, Suchada Chantrapromma, Hoong-Kun Fun, Ian D.Williams, and Herman H.-Y. Sung. J. Nat. Prod. (2008), 71, 1485-1488.
29. Recognition of dicarboxylic acids by 3,3'-bipyridine amide based receptors and its supramolecular behavior in solid state Shyamaprosad Goswami, Subrata Jana and Hoong-Kun Fun CrystengComm, 2008, 10, 507-517.
30. A Versatile Series of Nickel(II) Complexes Derived from Tetradentate Imine/Pyridyl Ligands and Various seudohalides: Azide and Cyanate Compared Mohammad Habib, Tapan K. Karmakar, Guillem Aromi, Jordi Ribas-Arino, Hoong-Kun Fun, Suchada Chantrapromma, and Swapan K. Chandra Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 47, No. 10, 2008, 4109-4117.
31. A Versatile Series of Nickel(II) Complexes Derived from Tetradentate Imine/Pyridyl Ligands and Various seudohalides: Azide and Cyanate Compared Mohammad Habib, Tapan K. Karmakar, Guillem Aromi, Jordi Ribas-Arino, Hoong-Kun Fun, Suchada Chantrapromma, and Swapan K. Chandra Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 47, No. 10, 2008, 4109-4117.
32. Potential new inorganic antitumour agents from combining the anticancer traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) liriodenine with metal ions, and DNA binding studies Zhen-Feng Chen, Yan-Cheng Liu, Li-Min Liu, Heng-Shan Wang, San-Hai Qin, Bo-Long Wang, He-Dong Bian, Bin Yang, Hoong-Kun Fun, Hua-Gang Liu, Hong Liang and Chris Orvig Dalton Trans, 2009, 262-272
33. Mean feld satistical mechanics of model Hamiltonian for hydrogen bonded phase transitions. Mohd. Mustaqim Rosli, Beck Sim Lee and Hoong Kun Fun. Phys. Status Solidi. (2009) B 246, No. 2376-382.
34. Fluorescence sensing of theobromine by simple 2,6-diamino-pyrridine and the novel cyclic chair-like hydrogen-bonded tetramer of its diacetyl derivative Ajit Kumar Mahapatra, Prithidipa Sahoo, Shyamaprosad Goswami, Suchada Chantrapromma and Hoong Kun Fun. Tetrahedron Letters 50 (2009) 89-92.
35. Anti-Pseudomonas aeruginosa xanthones from the resin and green fruits of Cratoxylum cochinchinense Nawong Boonnak, Chatchanok Karalai, Suchada Chantrapromma, Chanita Ponglimanont, Hoong-Kun Fun, Akkharawit Kanjana-Opas, Kan Chantrapromma and Shigeru Kato Tetrahedron 65 (2009) 3003-3013.
36. Recognition of Carboxylate Anions and Carboxylic Acids by Selenium-Based New Chromogenic Fluorescent Sensor: A Remarkable Fluorescence Enhancement of Hindered Carboxylates Shyamaprosad Goswami, Anita Hazra, Rinku Chakrabarty and Hoong-Kun Fun Organic Letters, (2009), Vol. 11, No.19, 4350-4353
37. Redetermination and absolute configuration of 6-hydroxysalvinolone Hoong-Kun Fun, Ching Kheng Quah and Suchada Chantrapromma Acta Cryst. (2010). E66, o146-o147.
38. Redetermination and absolute configuration of atalaphylline Hoong-Kun Fun, Chin Seng Yeap and Suchada Chantrapromma Acta Cryst. (2010). E66, o252-o253.
39. A cocrystal of 3-hydroxytirucalla-8,24-diene-21-oic acid and 3-fluorotirucalla-7,24-diene-21-oic acid (0.897:0.103) S. Yousuf, R. S. T. Kamdem, P. Wafo, B. T. Ngadjui and Hoong-Kun Fun Acta Cryst. (2011). E67, o1015-o1016.
40. Absolute Configuration of (2S)-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)butan-2-ol 3-Hydroxytirucalla-8,24-dien-21-oic acid. S. Yousuf, S. G. Musharraf, I. Khan, Samiullah and Hoong- Kun Fun Acta Cryst. (2011). E67, o952.
41. Redetermined structure, intermolecular interactions and absolute configuration of royleanone Hoong-Kun Fun, Suchada Chantrapromma, Abdul Wahab Salae, Ibrahim Abdul Razak and Chatchanok Karalai Acta Cryst. (2011). E67, o1032-o1033
42. Redetermination and absolute configuration of pruniflorone M monohydrate Hoong-Kun Fun, Suchada Chantrapromma, Nawong Boonnak, Chatchanok Karalai and Kan Chantrapromma Acta Cryst. (2011). E67, o1916-o1917
43. A new rhodamine based colorimetric "off-on" fluorescence sensor selective for Pd2+ along with the first bound X-ray crystal structure Shyamaprosad Goswami, Debabrata Sen, Nirmal Kumar Das, Hoong-Kun Fun and Ching Kheng Quah Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 9101-9103.
44.A facile and highly atom-economic approach to biaryl-containing medium-ring bislactones Dongdong Wu , Lei Wang , Kai Xu , Jia Song , Hoong-Kun Fun , Jianhua Xu and Yan Zhang Chem. Commun. (2012). 48, 1168-1170
45.Photoinduced reactions of bicycloalkylidenes with isatin and isoquinolinetrione Dong-Dong Wu, Ming-Tao He, Qi-Di Liu, Wei Wang, Jie Zhou, Lei Wang, Hoong-Kun Fun, Jian-Hua Xu and Yan Zhang Org. Biomol. Chem. (2012). 10, 3626-3635
46.A simple naphthalene-based colorimetric sensor selective for acetate Shyamaprosad Goswami, Avijit Kumar Das, Debabrata Sen, Krishnendu Aich, Hoong-Kun Fun, Ching Kheng Quah Tetrahedron Letters (2012). 53, 4819-4823
47.Crystal Structure of Dimeric Flavodoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas Suggests a Potential Binding Region for the Electron-Transferring Partner Yin-Cheng Hsieh, Tze Shyang Chia, Hoong-Kun Fun and Chun-Jung Chen Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2013). 14, 1667-1683
48.Temperature dependent order杁isorder multiple phase transitions studies of the hexamethylenetetraminium p-nitrobenzoate crystal Ching Kheng Quah, Hoong-Kun Fun, Lye-Hock Ong Journal of Molecular Structure 1010 (2012) 8-16
49.New Inhibitors of ROS Generation and T‑Cell Proliferation from Myrtus communis M. Iqbal Choudhary, Noureen Khan, Manzoor Ahmad, Sammer Yousuf, Hoong-Kun Fun, Samreen Soomro, M. Asif, M. Ahmed Mesaik and Farzana Shaheen ORGANIC LETTERS (2013). Vol. 15, No. 8, 1862–1865
50.Rapid and Ratiometric detection of hypochlorite with real application in tap water : molecules to low cost devices (TLC sticks) Shyamaprosad Goswami, Abhishek Manna, Sima Paul, Ching Kheng Quah and Hoong-Kun Fun. Chem. Commun. (2013) 49, 11656-11658.
51.Photoinduced Reactions of Para-quinones with Bicyclopropylidene Leading to Diverse Polycyclic Compounds with Spirocyclopropanes Wei Wang, Wen-Jie Zhang, Lei Wang, Ching Kheng Quah, Hoong-Kun Fun, Jian-Hua Xu and Yan Zhang The Journal of Organic Chemistry (2013) 78, 6211-6222.
52.Photocycloadditions of substituted oxazoles with isoquinoline-1,3,4-trione— chemo-, regio-, diastereoselectivities and transformation of the photocycloadducts Cheng-mei Huang, Heng Jiang, Ru-zhi Wang, Ching Kheng Quah, Hoong-Kun Fun and Yan Zhang. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (2013) 11, 5023-5033.
53.A new rhodamine-coumarin Cu2+–selective colorimetric and ‘off–on’ fluorescence probe for effective use in chemistry and bioimaging along with its bound X–ray crystal structure Shyamaprosad Goswami, Debabrata Sen, Avijit Kumar Das, Nirmal Kumar Das, Krishnendu Aich, Hoong–Kun Fun, Ching Kheng Quah, Anup Kumar Maity, Partha Saha Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2013) 183, 518-525.
54.CHEF induced highly selective and sensitive turn-on fluorogenic and colorimetric sensor for Fe3+. Shyamaprosad Goswami, Sangita Das, Krishnendu Aich, Deblina Sarkar, Tapan Kumar Mondal, Ching Kheng Quah and Hoong-Kun Fun Daltons Transactions (2013). 42, 15113-15119.
55.Selective detection and bio-imaging of Pd2+ with novel ‘C-CN’ bond cleavage of cyano-rhodamine, cyanation with diaminomaleonitrile Shyamaprosad Goswami, Abhishek Manna, Anup Kumar Maity, Sima Paul, Avijit Kumar Das, Krishnendu Aich, Manas Kumar Das, Partha Saha, Ching-Kheng Quah and Hoong-Kun Fun. Daltons Transactions (2013). 42, 12844-12848.
56.New Inhibitors of ROS Generation and T‑Cell Proliferation from Myrtus communis M. Iqbal Choudhary, Noureen Khan, Manzoor Ahmad, Sammer Yousuf, Hoong-Kun Fun, Samreen Soomro, M. Asif, M. Ahmed Mesaik and Farzana Shaheen ORGANIC LETTERS (2013). Vol. 15, No. 8, 1862–1865
In addition, Prof. Fun has published (i) 8 university-level undergraduate textbooks published by Universiti Sains Malaysia and Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka and (ii) 1 monograph (2010) published by Academy of Sciences Malaysia.
HKF 9 June 2015
Presented more than 80 papers in poster and oral sessions of many national and international conferences since 1975. The more recent and important conferemces are list below :-
1. Ferroelastic phase transition in some phenols-amines adducts- experimental and theoretical findings. H.K. Fun, B.S. Lee, P.T. How and S. Chantrapromma Oral presentation at The 9th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (8th APPC), Hanoi, Vietnam, October 25-31, 2004. Also published in “Proceedings of The Ninth Asia Pacific Physics Conference (9th APPC), Hanoi, Vietnam, October 25-31, 2004.
2. The Importance of X-ray Structural Analysis for Advanced Materials. Hoong-Kun Fun (Plenary speaker). The XXII Regional Conference on Solid State Science & Technology 2005 [RCSST’05], Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia, 18-21 December 2005. Also published in“J. Solid State Science and Technology Letters, (2005), Vol. 12, No. 1 (Suppl.), page 5”.
3. Hydrogen Bonding Phase Transition in Some Organic Crystals. Hoong-Kun Fun (Invited speaker). International Conference on X-Ray and Related Techniques in Research and Industry 2006. Putrajaya, Selangor, Malaysia, 29-30 November 2006.
4. Distinguishing between Natural Products and Natural Product Artifacts: X-ray Structural Determination and Computational Chemistry Approach: A Case Study of a Compound Containing a Chromene Ring. Hoong-Kun Fun (Keynote speaker). ANSCSE11 :- The 11th Annual National Symposium on Computational Science and Engineering. Prince of Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand, 28-30 March, 2007.
5. Hydrogen Bonding Phase Transition In Some Organic Crystals. Hoong-Kun Fun. The 8th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association AsCA’07, Taipei, Taiwan. 4-7 November 2007.
6. Distinguishing between Natural Products and Natural Product Artifacts: X-ray Structural Determination and Computational Chemistry Approach: A Case Study of a Compound Containing a Chromene Ring. Suchada Chantrapromma, Nawong Boonak and Hoong-Kun Fun The 8th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association AsCA’07, Taipei, Taiwan. 4-7 November 2007.
7. Hydrogen Bonding Phase Transition In Some Organic Crystals. Hoong-Kun Fun (Invited Speaker) Department of Chemistry, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. 9 November 2007
8. Hydrogen Bonding Phase Transitions in Some Organic Crystals. Hoong-Kun Fun (Invited Speaker), Beck-Sim Lee and Suchada Chantrapromma Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference PACCON 08, Bangkok, Thailand. January 30 – February 1, 2008.
9. Distinguishing Between Natural Products and natural Products Artifacts: X-ray Structural Determination and Computational Chemistry Approach: A Case Study of a Compound Containing a Chromene ring. Hoong-Kun Fun (Invited Speaker), Nawoong Boonak and Suchada Chantrapromma International Conference on X-Ray and Related in Research and Industry 2008, Kota konabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. 2 – 6 June 2008
10. X-ray Single Crystal Structural Determination: A Powerful Technique for Natural Products Research and Drug Discovery. Hoong-Kun Fun (Plenary Speaker), Suchada Chantrapromma and Nawong Boonnak International Conference on Molecular Chemistry 2008, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 25-26 Nov 2008.
11. X-ray Single Crystal Structural Determination: A Powerful Technique for Natural Products Research and Drug Discovery. Hoong-Kun Fun (Keynote Speaker).Suchada Chantrapromma and Nawong Boonnak Fundamental Science Congress 2009 , Universiti Putra Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 17 & 18 June 2009. 12. X-ray Single Crystal Structural Determination: A Powerful Technique for Natural Products Research and Drug Discovery. Hoong-Kun Fun Inaugural Lecture of New Fellow of Academy of Sciences Malaysia Academy of Sciences Malaysia 902-4, Jalan Tun Ismail 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. www.akademisains.gov.my 6th February 2010. Published in Academy of Sciences Malaysia Inaugural Lecture Monograph series, 2010. ISBN 978-983-9445-41-1.
13. Single Crystal X-ray Structural Determination: A Powerful Technique for Natural Products Research and Drug Discovery Hoong-Kun Fun (Keynote speaker) International Conference on the Advancement of Materials and Nanotechnology (ICAMN II 2010) Institute of Science, Universiti Technology MARA, Prince Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 29th November – 1st December 2010.
14. X-ray Structural Determination of Natural Products, 2nd ASEAN-APCTP Workshop on Advanced Materials Science And Nanotechnology (AMSN2010) Hoong-Kun Fun (Keynote Speaker) Advanced Materials Research Centre, Flamingo Hotel, Penang, Malaysia. 21st-23rd December 2010.
15 Crystallography And Structure Determination Workshop Hoong-Kun Fun (Main Speaker And Trainer) Centre for Nanomaterials Research Institute of Science, Universiti Teknologo MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam, Malaysia 6th-10th June 2011
16 International Conference on Synthetic and Structural Chemistry (ICSSC-2011) (i) Hoong-Kun Fun (Plenary Speaker) Single Crystal Structure Determination : A Powerful Technique for Natural Products Research and Drug Discovery (8th December 2011) (ii) Hoong-Kun Fun (Valedictory Address) An effective researcher (10th December 2011) University of Mangalore,Mangalagangotri-574 199, Mangalore, Karnataka, India (8th to 10th December 2011
17.X-Ray Structure Determination Course conducted for Academic Staff and Students, Beijing Normal University, PR China (25th March to 27th April 2010)
18.X-ray Crystallography Workshop King Saud University College of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (23th to 27th February 2013)
19.International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry. Crystallising Ideas: The Role of Chemistry. Oral Presentations: (i)Temperature-Dependent Phase Transition Studies in Molecular Crystals: First Order Landau Phenomenological Theory Approach. Ching-Kheng Quah, Hoong-Kun Fun and Lye-Hock Ong (ii)Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of 4-Bromophenacyl Benzoates. Chandraju Sadolalu Chidan Kumar, Hoong-Kun Fun, Siddegowda Chandraju and Ching-Kheng Quah Venue: Hotel Sofitel Mauritius Impérial Resort & Spa, Mauritius Date: 27 June 2014
HKF 9 June 2015
Fields of Specialization
X-Ray Crystallography
Personal Details
Positions : Professor of King Saud University (30 August 2012)
: Emeritus Professor of Universiti Sains Malaysia (2012)
: Professor of Crystallography, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
: Fellow of Academy of Sciences Malaysia
: Honorary Professor, Anhui University, P.R. China.
: Advisory Professor, Nanjing University of Science and Technoloy, P. R. China.
: Honorary Professor, Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technology, P. R. China.
: Honorary Professor, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, P. R. China.
: Honorary Guest Professor, Guangxi Normal University, P. R. China.
: Honorary Research Advisor Crystal Material Research Unit (CMRU) Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand.
: Fellow of Malaysian Scientific Association
: Visiting Professor, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Address : School of Physics,Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, MALAYSIA. Telex : MA40254 Cable : UNISAINS E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Telephone (office) :(04) 6535115 ext:5115 (Lab) :(04) 6533652 ext:3652 Telefacsimile :(604) 6579150
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nationality : Malaysian
(1) Penang Free School, Penang, Malaysia.
(2) University of Malaya, Malaysia: B.Sc. (Hons., 1st Class) 1969
(3) Purdue University, U.S.A.: M.S. (1971); Ph.D. (1974)
Scholarships & Fellowships & Awards
(1) Penang Free School, Penang, Malaysia.
(2) University of Malaya, Malaysia: B.Sc. (Hons., 1st Class) 1969
(3) Purdue University, U.S.A.: M.S. (1971); Ph.D. (1974)
Scholarships & Fellowships & Awards
(1) Federation of Malaya Teaching Scholarship (1966 - 1969)
(2) Fulbright Scholarship (1969 - 1974)
(3) Universiti Sains Malaysia Academic Staff Training Scheme Fellowship (1970 - 1974)
(4) Purdue University Teaching Assistantship (1969 - 1971)
(5) Purdue University David Ross Research Fellowship (1971 - 1974)
(6) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship (October 1979 - June 1980)
(7) The Royal Society, London, Developing Country Fellowship (March 1987 - December 1987)
(8) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship (2 -16 September 1996).
(9) Grant fromThe Ministry of University Affairs, Thailand (August 15 - December 15, 1997).
(10) Honorary Professorship, Anhui University, P.R. China (Appointed on April 14, 1998)
(11) Advisory Professorship, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Appointed October 20, 1999)
(12) Honorary Professorship, Qingdao Insitute of Chemical Technology (Appointed April 27, 2000)
(13) Honorary Professorship, Qingdao University of Science and Technology. (Appointed 10 July 2003)
(14) Honorary Guest Professor, Guangxi Normal University, (Appointed 25 October 2003).
(15) XAPP-MNS 2008 Award.Best Malaysian X-Ray Researcher.Award presented during ICXRI 2008,4th Internation Conference On X-Rays and Related Techniques In Research and Industries 2008, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia (2nd-6th June 2008)
(16) Fellow of Academy of Science Malaysia (Elected on 25 April 2009)
(17) Honorary Research Advisor for Crystal Material Research Unit (CMRU), Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand (Appointed on 15th November 2010)
(18) Fellow of Malaysian Scientific Associtaion ( Elected on 16 November 2011)
(19) Recipient of Rotary Research Gold Medal Award 2012
(20) Honorary Emeritus Professor of Universiti Sains Malaysia (2012)
(21) Evaluator, The Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique 2012
(22) Awarded "Top Malaysia Research Scientist" status by Malaysian Academy of Sciences on December 17th, 2013.
(1) Demonstrator, Physics Department, University of Malaya, Malaysia (1968 - 1969).
(2) Tutor, Physics Department , University of Malaya , Malaysia (June 1969 - September 1969).
(3) Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, Purdue University, U.S.A. (1969 - 1971).
(4) David Ross Research Fellow, Department of Physics, Purdue University, U.S.A. (1971 - 1974).
(5) Lecturer, School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia (September 1974 - June 1988).
(6) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellow, Department of Applied Physics, Fukui University, Japan (October 1979 - June 1980).
(7) The Royal Society Research Fellow, Department of Physics, University College of Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom (March 1987 - December 1987).
(8) Associate Professor, School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia July 1988 - September 1997.
(9) Visiting Professor, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China (18 September 1992 - 14 September 1993).
(10) Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Thailand. (August 15 - December 15, 1997)
(11) Visiting Professor, Coordination Chemistry Institute and The State Key Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry, Nanjing University, Peoples' Republic of China. (December 15, 1997 - May 15, 1998).
(12) Professor of Crystallography, School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia (since October 1997).
(13) Honorary Professor, Anhui University, P. R. China, April 14, 1988 onwards.
(14) Advisory Professor, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, October 20, 1999 onwards.
(15) Honorary Professor, Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technology, April 27, 2000 onwards.
(16) Honorary Professor, Qingdao Universirty of Science and Technology, July 10, 2003 onwards.
(17) Honorary Guest Professor, Guangxi Normal University, 25 October 2003 onwards.
(18) Fellow of Academy of Sciences Malaysia 25 April 2009 onwards.
(19) Visiting Professor, Department of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, Course conducted: X-Ray Structure Determination (27th Mac -25th April 2010)
(20) Honorary Research Advisorfor Crystal Material Research Unit (CMRU), Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand, 15th November 2010 onwards.
(21) Fellow of Malaysian Scientific Association (Appointed 22nd November 2010)
(22) Honorary Emeritus Professor of Universiti Sains Malaysia (2012)
(23) Professor at King Saud University (30 Aug 2012)
Consultancy Work
(1) Testing and Performance Evaluation of "Pulzertronic Electronic Car Gadget" for Inventor-Engineer, Mr. Kam Ewe Kian & Co., Penang , Malaysia (1975).
(2) Noise Pollution Investigation at Palm Beach Hotel,Penang, Malaysia (1975 - 1976).
(3) Detection of Different Phases in Steel using X-Ray Techniques for Micro-Machining Sdn. Bhd., Penang, Malaysia (1985).
(4) X-ray Powder Diffraction Analysis on Purity of Magnesium Sulphate for Schott Glass (M) Sdn. Bhd., Penang (1988).
(5) X-ray Powder Diffraction Analysis on Purity of Tin-coated Leads to Integrated Circuits for Intel Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Penang (1990).
(6) X-ray Powder Diffraction Analysis on Cephalexin for UPHA Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (M) Sdn. Bhd., Kajang, Selangor (1990).
(7) X-ray Powder Diffraction Analysis on Sample E562 for Fatty Chemical (M) Sdn. Bhd., Penang (1991).
(8) Expert Witness for UPHA Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (M) Sdn. Bhd., Kajang Selangor, 1996.
(9) X-Ray Structure Determination Course conducted for Academic Staff and Students, Beijing Normal University, PR China (RMB 3,000 stipend was given and air tickets were paid by host, 25th March to 27th April 2010)
(10) Honorary Research Advisor for Crystal Material Research Unit (CMRU), Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand (15th November 2010 onwards).
Supervison of Research Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Researchers
Refer to "Supervision" section.
Research done at Universiti Sains Malaysia
Refer to "Research" section.
Research done at Other Institutions
Refer to "Research" section.
Prof. Fun has published over 2651 Science Citation Index (SCI) papers and is the top and most productive scientist in Malaysia (Period 1955-2002) as reported in "Science and Technology Knowledge Productivity in Malaysia, Bibliometric Study 2003?(ISSN1823-1012), a study commissioned by Malaysian Science and Technology Information Center (MASTIC), Ministry of Science , Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Malaysia. He is also the top and most productive scientist in OIC member states (Period 1995 -June 2005) as reported in "Status of Scientific Research in OIC Member States"published by COMSTECH Secretariat on November 2005. In the latest online publication by COMSTECH entitled "Leading Scientists and Engineers of OIC Member States", Prof. Fun is listed as the top and foremost Physicist of the OIC Member States.
Prof. Fun's current h-index is 43.
Prof. Fun's webpage at King Saud University is given below :-
URL: http://fac.ksu.edu.sa/hfunc
Details of Prof. Fun publications and citations can also be found at :-
URL: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-3561-2009
A sample of Prof. Fun's publications can be viewed at "Publications" section.
Prof. Fun can be contacted through email address :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
HKF 9 June 2015