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School of Physics - Universiti Sains Malaysia


Md. Roslan Hashim

Professor Dr. Md Roslan Hashim
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Ext: 3677/5201
Nano science and technology in semiconductors



II.     A.    Academic and Professional Qualifications









BSc. Hons (Physics)

MSc. (Research Mode)


Applied Physics





Univ. Of Southampton,





  1. B.Titles of postgraduate theses

Far Infrared Spectroscopy for Ge and AlxGa1-xAs

               (MSc Dissertation)


Low temperature Characterisation of Si Bipolar Junction Transistors and Si1-xGex Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

(PhD Dissertation)



Research Field

  1. Fabrication of nanostructured porous semiconductors using electrochemical process
  2. Study of quantum confinement effects in semiconductor nano islands for photonics and solar cell applications
  3. Fabrication of semiconductor nanostructures using electrodeposition techniques for electronics and photonics applications

Research Titles

  1. Fabrication of nanostructured porous Si, ZnO, GaN and GaAs using novel electrochemical process for photonics and solar cell applications
  2. Fabrication of ZnO nanoislands on Si substrate for photonics applications
  3. Study of quantum confinement effects in nano Ge islands grwon using conventional techniques for photonics and solar cell applications
  4. Study of Si/SiGe nanostructures grown using electrodeposition technique for electronics and photonics applications


i)    Ph.D

1. Naser Mahmoud Ahmed, Design and Experimental Studies of Multilayer Coating for Applications in Gallium Nitride Light Emitting Devices, 2006 (MS)

2. Nihad K Ali, Fabrication and Characterisation of Electrochemically Formed Nanocrystalline Porous Si and GaAs, 2008 (MS)

3. Mohd Hanapiah Mohd Yusoff, Simulation of Lightwave Propagation in Planar Photonic Waveguide, 2009 (CS)

4. Khalled Al-Heuseen, Synthesis of Gallium Nitride GaN Nanostructures by Electrochemical Techniques for Sensing Applications, 2011 (MS)

(ii) Post docs        Dr Kifah Qassim Saleh (2002-2004)

                            Dr.Nihad K Ali (2009)

                            Dr.Kamal Maher Suleiman (2009-2010)

(iii)    Master Degree (Research)

1. Ng Sha Shiong,  Kajian sambutan sinar inframerah jauh terkutub oleh GaN/GaAs,  2001 (MS, 2 supervisors)

2. Alhan Farhanah Abdul Rahim, Simulation and Fabrication of Si Bipolar Transistors and Designing of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors , 2003 (MS)

3. Nihad K Ali, Energy Bandgap and Refractive Indnces of SiGeC Thin Films and Their Role in SiGeC Waveguides, 2004 (CS)

4. Syarifah Norfaezah Sabki, Permodelan Resapan Tertambah Fana (TED) Boron yang Diimplan pada Lapisan Dalam Silikon, 2004 (MS)

5. Oh Sue Ann, A study on GaN films grown by PA-MOCVD with hydrogen Plasma, 2006 (MS)

6. Shu Heng Chuan, Design and Simulation of Si/SiGe Based Material for Single-Mode Waveguide Applications, 2006 (MS)

7. Lee Yan Cheung, Structural and Electrical Characterisation of Photodetectors Based on III-V Nitrides, 2006 (CS)

8. N. Norzaini Zainal,  Simulation and Design of Light Emitting Structures Based on III-V Nitrides, 2006 (CS)

9. Mohd Zaki Mohd Yusoff, Kajian Kesan Rawatan Suhu Kriogenik terhadap antaramuka Ni/Si dalam peranti Si MSM sebagai pengesan foto,

    2007 (MS)

10. Hadi Mahmodi, Simulation and Fabrication of Ge Islands on Si Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetectors, 2010, MS

11. Muhammad Firdaus Othman, Simulation and Performance of GaN-based Light Emitting Diodes with varied Geometry and Contacts Design

      2010, CS


1.    Alhan Farhanah Abdul Rahim, Growth and characterization of Si/SiGe nano layers by thermal evaporation and sputtering techniques for

      optoelectronic applications, PhD

2.    Mohammed Jassim Jawad Al-Janabi, Electro-deposition of Ge nanostructures for optoelectronic applications, PhD

3.    Mohd Muzafar Jumidali, Fabrication and Characterization of Ge Nanowires grown using thermal evaporator technique, PhD

4.    Kamaleldin Mohammad Abdella, Fabrication of GaN using conventional Methods, PhD

5.    Nima Naderi, Fabrication of SiC using conventional methods, PhD

6.    Tengku Sarah Tengku Amran,Fabrication and Characterization of GaAs using Conventional Method,  MSc

7.    Lim Shyue Piin, Modeling and Simulation of nanscale current transport thorugh Schottky contacts on wide bandgap semiconductors, MSc

8.     Wang Chunseng, Fabrication and Characterization of TiO2 nanostructures using electrochemical technique, PhD

9.     Hadi Mahmodi, Fabrication and Simulation of Ge/Silicon nanostructures roles in Avalanche Photodetector, PhD

10.    Nadim Khalid Hassan, Fabrication and Characterization of ZnO nanostructures using electrochemical deposition technique, PhD

11.    Nezar Gassem ElFadill  ElZiber Growth anf Characterization of Polycrystalline CdTe/CdS Thin Film Solar Cell, PhD


International Journals

1.    M Roslan, K Ibrahim, A K Wan Abdullah, Spektroskopi Inframerah Jauh Endapan Filem Nipis Ge di atas Wafer Si dan Hablur Tunggal Ge, Prosiding Seminar ke-8 Kumpulan Fizik Keadaan Pepejal, Institut Fizik Malaysia, p51-54 (1991).

2.    M Roslan, A K Wan Abdullah, “Penentuan mod fonon TO dan LO dari data pantulan inframerah jauh bagi system AlxGa1-xAs, Prosiding Seminar ke-8 Kumpulan Fizik Keadaan Pepejal, Institut Fizik Malaysia, (1992).pp77-78

3.    A.K. Wan Abdullah, M Roslan, W Kamil,’’High resolution far infrared Fourier Transform spectrometer using buffered ADC,’’ Proceedings of SPIE, 2104, p426-427 (1993).

4.    A.K.Wan Abdullah, S J Chua, M Roslan,’’Far infrared reflection spectroscopy of AlxGa1-xAs epilayer, Solid State Science and Technology, vol2(1), p136-142 (1994).

5.    M. Roslan, A.K.Wan Abdullah,’’Far infrared instrumentation and software development for reflection and transmission study of solids, Solid State Science and      Technology, vol2(1), p307- 314 (1994).
6.    P. Ashburn, A Nouilhat, M D R Hashim, G J Parker, M Mouis, D J Robbins,’’Temperature dependence of the current gain of Si1-xGex  heterojunction and Si homojunction bipolar transistors, Proc of European Solid State Device Research Conference, p477-480 Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland: Editors:  C.Hill and P Ashburn, ISBN 2-86332-157-9, Edition Fronteriers (1994).
7.    M D R Hashim, R F Lever, P Ashburn and G J Parker,’’Effect of transistor geometry on the electrical characteristics of Si1-xGex heterojunction bipolar transistors at low temperatures,‘’Journal de Physique IV, C3, p119 (1996).
8.    P. Ashburn, H Bousetta, M D R Hashim, A Chantre, M Mouis, G J Parker, G Vincent, ‘’Electrical determination of bandgap narrowing in bipolar transistors with epitaxial silicon, epitaxial SiGe and ion implanted base,’’ IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-43, p774-783 (1996).
9.    B Le Tron, M D R Hashim, P Ashburn, M Mouis, A Chantre, G Vincent,’’Determination of bandgap narrowing and parasitic energy barriers in SiGe HBTs integrated in a bipolar technology,’’IEEE Trans Electron Devices, ED-44, p715-722 (1997).
10.    M D R Hashim,’Low temperature characterization of SiGe heteojunction and Si homojunction bipolar transistors’, IEEE National Symposium on Microelectronics, p46-50 (1997)
11.    M D R Hashim, R F Lever, P Ashburn,’’Two dimensional modelling of transient enhanced boron out-diffusion from the base of a SiGe HBT due to an extrinsic base implant,’’ Proc. of Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Techn. Meeting, p96 (1997). Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA: IEEE Catalog no. 97CH36063, ISBN 0-7803-3196-9, IEEE Inc. (1997)
12.    M D R Hashim, R F Lever, P Ashburn,’’2 D Simulation of the effects of Transient Enhanced Boron Out-Diffusion from the base of a SiGe HBT Due to an Extrinsic Base Implant,’’ Solid State Electronics 43, p131-140 (1999)
13.    A F A Rahim, A I A Rahim, M R Hashim, S A M Saari, M R Ahmad, M Z A Wahab, W S W Adini, M I Syono, “Fabrication and Electrical Characterisation of Si Bipolar Transistors in a 0.5-m based BiCMOS Technology”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, p116-119, (2000). Guoman Resort, Port Dickson N.Sembilan, MALAYSIA: IEEE Catalog no. 00EX425, ISBN 0-7803-6430-9, IEEE Inc.(2000).
14.    Z Jamal, K Ibrahim, A Mahmood, C Abdul Hamid, N Abdul Hamid, A Abdul Aziz, Z Hassan, M R Hashim, “Study of the Growth Kinetics of Nickel Silicide Films”, Journal of Borneo Science 6-9 Nov, (2000).
15.    M Z Mat Jafri, K Abdullah and M R Hashim, Multispectrum Spectrometer for Water Quality Measurement, Proceedings of 2001 IEEE National Symposium on Microelectronics, p41-47 (2001).
16.    A F A Rahim, A I A Rahim and M R Hashim, “Development of Low Thermal Budget Polysilicon Emitters for Silicon Bipolar Junction Transistors Using 0.5mm Bipolar Technology”, Proceedings of 2001 IEEE National Symposium on Microelectronics, p143-147 (2001).
17.    M R Hashim, S Norfaezah Sabki, Azlan A Aziz and P Ashburn, “Effects of Ion Implantation Incorporotion In the Fabrication of SiGe Bipolar Transistor on Its Electrical Properties Using Bipolar Technology, Proceedings of 2001 IEEE National Symposium on Microelectronics, p322-326
18.    S. S. Ng, M. Roslan & D. R. Tilley. “Experimental and Theoretical Determination of Optical Properties of GaN/GaAs in far infrared region”, Journal of Physical Science, vol13, pp99-108 (2002).
19.    S S Ng, Z Hassan, M R Hashim, M E Kordesch, W Halverson and P C Colter, “Infrared Characterisation of GaN/Si Grown at Different Temperatures by MOCVD”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, p209-212, (2002). Penang,  MALAYSIA: IEEE Catalog no. 02EX604, ISBN 0-7803-7578-5, IEEE Inc.(2002).
20.    S. N Sabki, M R Hashim, A A Aziz and P Ashburn, “Modeling of TED of Boron in the Underlying Si layer due to Boron Implantation” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, p324-328, (2002). Penang,  MALAYSIA: IEEE Catalog no. 02EX604, ISBN 0-7803-7578-5, IEEE Inc.(2002).
21.    A Farhanah, M R Hashim and AI Abdul Rahim, A Study of non-linearity Effects of Collector and Base Currents in SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor, pp365-369 (2002), IEEE Catalog no. 02EX604, ISBN 0-7803-7578-5, IEEE Inc.(2002).
22.    M Roslan, N F I Muhammad, A Farhanah Abdul Rahim, A Ismat Abdul Rahim, Optimization of SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Utilizing BiCMOS Technology, Solid State Science and Technology, vol10(1&2), pp98-105 (2002).
23.    S. S. Ng, S A Oh, Z. Hassan, M. R. Hashim, and M. E. Kordesch. “Infrared Optical Properties of GaN on Sapphire Substrate, Jurnal Fizik Malaysia, vol25(3&4), pp55-58 (2004)
24.    M R Hashim, K Q Salih, D Bagnell and P Iamraksa, Modificayion of Optical Properties of Si1-xGex/p-Si(100) MQWs Grown by LPCVD for Photonic Applications, Electrochemical Society Proceedings, vol2004-07, p299-303 (2004), The Electrochemical Society Inc ISBN 1-56677-420-9.
25.    N Zainal, M R Hashim, H Abu Hassan and Z Hassan, Optimization of Optical and Electrical Behavior of Quantum Well GaN-based LED, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, p581-584 (2004) ISBN 5803-8659-0.
26.    S A Oh, MR Hashim et al, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, p252-256 (2004) ISBN 5803-8659-0.
27.    K Ibrahim, A Al-Jubouri, Y C Lee, Z Hassan, M R Hashim, Proc SPIE, vol 5353, pp151(2004)
28.    N K Ali, H A Hassan, M R Hashim, The Study of Energy Bandgap and Refractive Index of Si1-x-yGexCy Alloys, Solid State Science and Technology vol12(1), pp150-158, (2004).
29.     Nihad K Ali, H Abu Hassan, M R Hashim, Analysis of SiGeC Buried Waveguides as 1.3/1.55mm Wavelength Division Demultiplexer Based on Multimode Interference, Jurnal Fizik Malaysia vol25(1 &2) ,p1-4, (2004).
30.    M R Hashim, Kifah Q Salih, “Optical Properties of treated and untreated monocrystalline p-Si31.    M R Hashim, S A Oh, S S Ng, Z Hassan, K Ibrahim, M Barmawi, Sugianto, M Budiman and P Ariffin,”Optical properties of GaN on Si substrate Using Plama Assisted MOCVD Technique in the Infrared and Visible Regions, Material Science Forum, vol 480-481, pp519-524, (2005).
32.    S S Ng, Z Hassan, G L Chem, M R Hashim,  M E Kordesch, “Characteristics of GaN/Si heterojunction grown by MOCVD, Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Lett. vol12(1&2), (2005)
33.    Z Hassan, N Zainal, M R Hashim, H Abu Hassan,”Simulation of high performance quantum well GaN-based LED”, Proc. SPIE vol 5722, (2005), p540-549.
34.    S S Ng, Z Hassan, M R Hashim, M E Kordesch,”Crystallinity studies of GaN/Si films grown at different temperatures by infrared reflectance spectroscopy,” Mat. Chem. Phys., 91, p404-408 (2005).
35.    Y C Lee, Z Hassan, M J Abdullah, M R Hashim, K Ibrahim,”Dark current characteristics of thermally treated contacts on GaN-based ultraviolet photodetectors”, Microelectronic Eng. 81, p262-267 (2005).
36.    Z Hassan, S S Ng, G L Chew, F K Yam, M J Abdullah, M R Hashim, K Ibrahim, M E Kordesch, Growth and Properties of GaN/Si Heterojunction, Mat. Science Forum, vols 480-481, pp531-536 (2005).
37.    Mohd Hanapiah Mohd Yusoffa, Haslan Abu Hassanb and Md. Roslan Hashimb Modal analysis of optical rib waveguide, Jurnal Fizik Malaysia, vol26(2), p65-70 (2005)
38.    M R Hashim, Kifah Q Salih, Ge Thin Film Topographical Improvement Study for IR Applications, Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Lett. Vol12(1&2), pp260-263, (2005).
39.    N M Ahmed, M R Hashim and Z Hassan, Effects of Si, Al2O3 and SiC Substrates on the Characteristics of DBRS Structure for GaN Based Laser, Journal of Physical Science, vol 17(2), pp149-157, (2006)
40.    Kifah Q Salih and M R Hashim, Modeling and Simulation Study of Visible Emission Transmissivity of Silicon Related to Single and Multilayer Antireflection Coatings, Journal of Physical Science, vol.17(2), pp15-26, (2006).
41.    N K Ali, M D R Hashim, A Abdul Aziz,”Fabrication and Characterization of Uniform Quantum Size Porous Silicon,” Mat. Sci Forum, pp232-236, 2006.
42.    N M Ahmed, M R Hashim, Z Hassan,”Effects of layer thickness and incident angle variations on DBR Reflectivity, Mat. Sci Forum, pp29-32, 2006.
43.    N M Ahmed, M R Hashim, Z Hassan,”Design of DBR Mirrors for GaN vertical cavity surface emitting laser, Mat. Sci Forum, pp25-28, 2006,
44.    N Zainal, H Abu Hassan, Z Hassan, M R Hashim, “Optimization of InGaN Based Light Emitting Diodes”, Mat. Sci Forum, pp195-201, 2006,.
45.    N K Ali, M R Hashim, A Abdul Aziz, Study of Porous Silicon Fabricated by Pulsed Anodic Etching of n-Si(100 Proc. IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, ISBN:0-7803-9730-4, p680-684 (2006)
46.    M R Hashim and M Z M Yusoff, Modification and Modelinf of Ni/Si Interface for Photodetector Applications, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, ISBN:0-7803-9730-4 pp805-810 (2006)
47.    N.M. Ahmed, M. R. Hashim, Z. Hassan, Large enhancement of GaN-UV light emission using silver mirror resonator, Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics 3, pp. 2022-2025, 2006.
48.    N. Zainal, Z. Hassan, H. Abu Hassan, M. R. Hashim, Comparative study of single and multiple quantum wells In0.13Ga0.87N based LED by simulation method, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Comm. Vol. 1(8), pp404-407(2007).
49.    A Baharin, M R Hashim,  Study of Electrical Characteristics of Ge Islands MSM photodetector structure grown on Si substrate using conventional methods, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 22 (2007) 905-910
50.    N K Ali, M R Hashim, A Abdul Aziz,  I Hamammu,Method of controlling spontaneous emission from porous silicon, Solid State Electron, 52(2008), 249-254
51.    N K Ali, M R Hashim, A Abdul Aziz, Effects of Surface Passivation in Porous Silicon as H2 Gas Sensor, accepted for publication in Solid State Electronics. Vol52 (7) (2008)  1071-1074
52.    N Ali, M R Hashim, A Abdul Aziz, H Abu Hassan, Correlation of Raman and photoluminescence spectra of electrochemically prepared n-type porous GaAs, Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol23 (2008) 055016 (8pp)
53.    M F Othman, A Abdul Aziz, M R Hashim, The effects of Slanted Mesa Sidewall on P-N Juncton GaN-based LEDs, CP1017, Current Issues of Physics in Malaysia, eds. H B Senin, G Carini, J Abdullah and D A Bradley, AIP Conference Proceedings Subseries: Materials Physics and Applications (2008), p 89 -93
54.    Khalid M Omar, N K Ali, Z Hassan, M R Hashim and H Abu Hassan, CP1017, Current Issues of Physics in Malaysia, eds. H B Senin, G Carini, J Abdullah and D A Bradley, AIP Conference Proceedings Subseries: Materials Physics and Applications (2008), p 129-133
55.    N K Ali, M R Hashim, A Abdul Aziz, Synthesis of GaAs Oxides Grown During Electrochemical Formation of Porous GaAs in HF Based Solution, eds. H B Senin, G Carini, J Abdullah and D A Bradley, AIP Conference Proceedings Subseries: Materials Physics and Applications (2008), p94-98
56.    Khalid M Omar, N K Ali, Z Hassan, M R Hashim, H Abu Hassan, Spectroscopic investigation of porous silicon prepared by laser-induced etching, Jnl Opto and Adv Mat. Vol10(10), p 2653-2656 (2008)
57.    N K Ali, M R Hashim, A Abdul Aziz, Pulsed current electrochemical deposition of silicon for porous silicon capping: Method to improve hardness and stability of porous silicon, Electrochemical and Solid State Letters vol12(3) ppD11-D14 (2009).
58.    N K Ali, M R Hashim, A Abdul Aziz, H Abu Hassan, J Ismail, Formation of porous GaAs by pulsed current electrochemical anodization: SEM, XRD, Raman and PL studies, Electrochemical and Solid State Letters vol12(3) ppK9-K13 (2009).
59.    Yusoff, M.H.M., Hassan, H.A., Hashim, M.R., Abd-Rahman, M.K. Analysis of multiple reflections in hybrid photonic crystal multimode interference coupler, Optics Communications 282 (20), pp. 4063-4071 (2009)
60.    Yusoff, M.H.M., Hassan, H.A., Hashim, M.R., Abd-Rahman, M.K., Analysis of a Low Refractive Index Grating Waveguide Polarisation Splitter Based on Resonant Tunneling, ASM Sci. J., 2(2), 33-42 (2009)
61.    K Al-Heuseen, M R Hashim, N K Ali, Synthesis of hexagonal and cubic GaN thin film on Si (111) using a low cost electrochemical deposition technique, Material Letters 64(2010) 1604-1606.
62.    K.Alheuseen, M.R.Hashim and, N.K.Ali, Enhanced Optical Properties of Porous GaN by Using UV-Assisted Electrochemical Etching, Physica B, 405 (2010) 3176-3179
63.    Kamal Mahir Sulieman, M M Jumidali and M R Hashim, Self Catalyst Germanium Dioxide Comets-Like Nanowires by Thermal Evaporation, Journal of Applied Sciences 10(11): 1001-1005, (2010)
64.    A F Abd Rahim, M R Hashim and N K Ali, Study of Ge embedded inside porous silicon for potential MSM photodetector, Microelectronics International 27(3), pp154-158 (2010)
65.    N K Ali, M R Hashim, A A Aziz, H A Hassan, Highly Enhanced Green Photoluminescence of as-Anodized n-type Porous GaAs, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol.1217, pp. 348-352 (2010)
66.    H Mahmodi, M R Hashim, The Role of Ge wetting layer and Ge Islands in Si MSM Photodetector, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol.1250, pp.69-72 (2010)
67.    M J Jawad, M R Hashim, and N K Ali, Improvement of Al Metal Contact on Porous Silicon, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol.1250, pp.73-76 (2010)
68.    K  Al Heuseen, M R Hashim, and N K Ali, Themal Effects on Photoelectric Properties of Ni Contact to n-GaN and p-GaN, AIP Conf Proc. Vol.1250, pp.77-80 (2010)
69.    Kamal Mahir Sulieman, M M Jumidali, M R Hashim, Blue Emission Peak of GeO2 Particles Grown using Thermal Evaporation, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol.1250, pp.121-124 (2010)
70.    Mohd Hanapiah M Yusoff, M K Abd-Rahman, H Abu Hassan, M R Hashim, Multiple Slots Slanted Silica Waveguide Polarizor Rotator, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol.1250, pp141-144 (2010)
71.    M Z Mohd Yusoff, M R Hashim, Improving the dark current response of monocrystalline n-Si(100) Metal Semiconductor Metal (MSM) Photodetector by Chemical and Thermal Treatment, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol.1250, pp149-152 (2010)
72.    Mohamad, M., Mustafa, F., Hashim, A.M., Abd Rahman, S.F., Aziz, A.A., Hashim, M.R., Fabrication of Pt-circular schottky diode on undoped AlGaN/GaN HEMT Journal of Applied Sciences 10(19), pp 2338-2342 (2010)
73.    Abidin, M.S.Z.;   Sharifabad, M.E.;   Hashim, A.M.;   Rahman, S.F.A.;   Rahman, A.R.A.;   Qindeel, R.;   Omar, N.A.;   Aziz, A.A.;   Hashim, M.R.;   Mohamed, M.H.M.; Gateless-FET undoped AlGaN/GaN HEMT structure for liquid-phase sensor, IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, Proceedings, ICSE , art. no. 5549371, pp. 309-312 (2010)
74.    Mohamad, M., Mustafa, F., Abidin, M.S.Z., Rahman, S.F.A., Al-Obaidi, N.K.A., Hashim, A.M., Aziz, A.A., Hashim, M.R., The sensing performance of hydrogen gas sensor utilizing undoped-AlGaN/GaN HEMT, Journal of Applied Sciences 10 (16), pp. 1797-1801 (2010)
75.    N Naderi, M R Hashim, Synthesis of Cu nanowires with polycarbonate template, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol 1328 (2010), pp 205-207
76.    Nadim K Hassanm Kamal M Sulieman,  M R Hashim, ZnO thin film prepared by simple technique as UV photodetector, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol 1328 (2010), pp 217-219
77.    K Al-Heuseen and M R Hashim, X-Ray studies of GaN film grown on Si using electrochemical deposition techniques, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol 1328 (2010), pp 220-222
78.    Jumidali, M.M., Hashim, M.R., Sulieman, K.M.,Germanium catalyzed amorphous silicon dioxide nanowire synthesized via thermal evaporation method, 2010 International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology, ESciNano 2010 - Proceedings , art. no. 5700991
79.    Al-Heuseen, K., Hashim, M.R., Ali, N.K. , Electrical properties of electrolyte-GaN junction during photoelectrical etching processing, 2010 International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology, ESciNano 2010 - Proceedings , art. no. 5700967.
80.    Amran, T.S.T., Hashim, Md.R., Al-Obaidi, N.K.A., Silver nanoclusters formation by using thermal annealing on porous GaAs,  2010 International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology, ESciNano 2010 - Proceedings , art. no. 5701018.
81.    Rahim, A.F.A., Hashim, Md.R., Ali, N.K. , Thermally treated Ge crystallites embedded inside PS with Si capping layer for potential photonics application, 2010 International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology, ESciNano 2010 - Proceedings , art. no. 5701034.
82.    Mohd Hanapiah Mohd Yusoff; Haslan Abu Hassan,  Md. Roslan Hashim, Mohd Kamil Abd-Rahman Hybrid photonic crystal 1.31/1.55 um wavelength division multiplexer based on coupled line defect channels, Optics Communications (284(5),pp 1223-1227 (2011)
83.    A F Abd Rahim, M R Hasim, N K Ali, Characterization of Ge Nanostructures Embedded Inside Porous Silicon for Photonics Application, Sains Malaysiana 40(1), pp 5-8 (2011)
84.    M J Jawad, M R Hashim, N K Ali, Synthesis, Structural, and Optical Properties of Electrochemically Deposited GeO2 on Porous Silicon, Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, 14(2) D17-D19 (2011)
85.    Jumidali MM, Sulieman K M, Hashim MR, Structural, Optical and Electrical properties of ZnO/Zn2GeO4 porous like thin film and wires, Applied Surface Science, 257 (11), pp 4890-4895 (2011)
86.    Abd Rahim AF, Hashim MR, Ali NK, High sensitivity of palladium on porous silicon MSM photodetector,  Physica B: Condensed Matter, 406 (4), pp1034-1037, (2011)
87.    K. Al-Heuseen, M. R. Hashim, and N. K. Ali, Growth and Characterization of Tree-Like Crystalline Structures during Electrochemical Formation of Porous GaN, Journal of Electrochemical Society, 158 (5) D240-D243 (2011)
88.    K . Al-Heuseen, M R Hashim, One-Step Synthesis of GaN thin films on Si substrate by a convenient electrochemical techniques at low temperature for different durations, Journal of Crystal Growth, 324 (2011) 274-277
89.    M M Jumidali, M R Hashim and K M Sulieman, One-step growth of Ge doped ZnO tubes by thermal evaporation, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol 1328 (2011), pp 28-30
90.    N K Hassan, K M Sulieman, M R Hashim, ZnO thin film prepared by simple technique as UV-photodetector, AIP Proceedings, vol 1328, (2011), p217-219
91.    Naderi N, M R Hashim, Synthesis of Cu nanowires with polycarbonate substrate, AIP Proceedings, vol 1328, (2011), p205-207
92.    K Al-Heuseen, M R Hashim, X-ray studies of GaN film grown on Si using electrochemical deposition techniques  AIP Proceedings, vol 1328, (2011), 220-222
93.    K Al Heuseen, M R Hashim, Effect of different electrolytes on porous GaN using photo-electrochemical etching, Applied Surface Science, vol257(14), pp 6197-6201 (2011)
94.    M Z Mohd Yusoff, M R Hashim, The effect of cryogenic temperature treatment (77K) on silicon for photodetector applications, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol 13(10), pp1217-1220 (2011)
95.    K Al Heuseen, MR Hashim, Enhancing Responsivity of Porous GaN Metal–Semiconductor–Metal Ultraviolet Photodiodes by Using Photoelectrochemical Etching, Acta Physica Polonica A, vol 121 (2012), pp71-73
96.    A. F. Abd Rahim; M.R. Hashim, M. Rusop and M.M. Jumadali,Structural and Optical Characterizations of Ge Nanostructures Fabricated by RF Magnetron Sputtering and Rapid Thermal Processing, Acta Physica Polonica A, vol 121 (2012), pp16-19

Chapter In Research Book

1. N Abdul Hamid, Muhammad N F I, Z Hassan, Z Jamal, A Abdul Aziz, K Ibrahim, M R Hashim,”Scanning Electron Microscopy and XRD Study of Cobalt Silicide Films”, Bulletin of the Electron Microscopy Society of Malaysia, vol3(3), pp8-10 (2000)

2. M R Hashim, Si/SiGe Research for Electronic and Photonic Applications, Chapter 9: USM Research; from Materials to Applications, eds. M Shukri and Ratnalingam, Penerbit USM, pp10-35 (2006)

3. N M Ahmed, M R Hashim, Z Hassan, The Influence of Coated-Silver Nanoparticles on Luminescence in the GaN/Sapphire Film, Findings of The Young Researchers on Applied Science 2006, vol.1, Physics & Material Science, CAS2006, University Publication Centre (UPENA), UiTM 2006, pp159-161

4. N K Ali, M R Hashim, A Abdul Aziz, Highly Enhanced Photoluminescence of as-Anodized N-type Porous GaAs, International Conference on Advancement of Materials and Nanotechnology, Materials and Devices: Innovative Research into the 21st. Century, University Publication Centre (UPENA), UiTM 2007, pp58-59.

5. M F Othman, A Abdul Aziz, M R Hashim, 3-D Simulation on Cricular and Square Contact Geometry for High Performance on GaN-based LED, International Conference on Advancement of Materials and Nanotechnology, Materials and Devices: Innovative Research into the 21st. Century, University Publication Centre (UPENA), UiTM 2007, p175

6. N K Ali, Khalid M Omar, Z Hassan, M R Hashim, H Abu Hassan, N M Ahmed, Surface Morphology of Porous Si, Prepared by Laser-Induced Etching, International Conference on Advancement of Materials and Nanotechnology, Materials and Devices: Innovative Research into the 21st. Century, University Publication Centre (UPENA), UiTM 2007, pp189-190


1.    Z Jamal, K Ibrahim, A Mahmood, C Abdul Hamid, A Abdul Aziz, Z Hassan and M R Hashim, Prosiding Fizik 2000: Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 6-9 November 2000.

2.    S S Ng, Z Hassan, M R Hashim, M E Kordesch, Polarized Infrared Study of GaN Epilayer on Si Substrate, Prosiding Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2002(PERFIK 2002), 21-22 December 2002, Kuala Lumpur, pp224-226

3.    S. S. Ng, W. Zurinah, M. S. Samsudin, Z. Hassan, M. R. Hashim, Low-temperature infrared optical properties of gallium nitride epilayer on silicon substrate, “Proceedings of Advanced Technology Congress ATC 2003 (May 20 - 21, 2003) pp1-5

4.    H C Shu, M D R Hashim, 3dB Single-Mode Silicon-Germanium Optical Waveguide Coupler, Prosiding Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2003, 15-17 August 2003
5.    Modeling of TED due to Boron Implantation Affecting Boron Diffusion in the Underlying Layer Using Fully Coupled Model, ATC/2005, Conference on Advanced Material, Dec 2006, Putrajaya, Malaysia

6.    M Hanapiah M Yusoff, M K Abd Rahman, H Abu Hassan, M R Hashim, Hybrid 1-D and 2-D Array Photonic Band Gap 1x2 Power Splitter Based on Multimode Interference, Proceedings of Int. Conf and Workshp on Nanotechnology (ICWN2007), 12th-15th June2007, UKM Bangi

7.    M Hanapiah M Yusoff, M K Abd Rahman, H Abu Hassan, M R Hashim, Hybrid Photonic Crystals Wavelength Division Multiplexers Based On Coupled Line Defect Channels, Proceedings of Int. Conf and Workshp on Nanotechnology (ICWN2007), 12th-15th June2007, UKM Bangi

Conference Presentation

1.    Growth and Properties of GaN/Si Heterojunction, 1st International Meeting on Applied Physics, Badajoz, Spain 13th-18th Oct. 2003
2.    Optical properties of GaN on Si Substrate using Plasma Assisted MOCVD Technqiue in the Far Infrared Region, , 1st International Meeting on Applied Physics, Badajoz, Spain 13th-18th Oct. 2003
3.    “Optical Properties of treated and untreated monocrystalline p-Si4.    Dark Current Characteristics of thermally treated contacts on GaN-based ultraviolet photodetectors, Symposium on Nano and Giga Challenges in Microelectronics, Cracow, Poland, 13th  – 17th September 2004
5.    M R Hashim, Kifah Q Salih, D Bagnell and P Iamraksa, Modification of Optical Properties of Si1-xGex/p-Si(100) MQWs grown by LPCVD for Photonic Applications, Electrochemical Society Conference, Hawaii, 3rd-8th Oct. (2004)
6.    N M Ahmed, M R Hashim, Z Hassan, Effects of Layer Thickness and Incident Angle Variations on DBR Reflectivity, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, 3-8 July 2005, Singapore.
7.    M R Hashim N M Ahmed, Z Hassan, Resonant Cavity-Enhanced GaN-MSM Photodetector using Omni Directional Reflector, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, 3-8 July 2005, Singapore.
8.    N K Ali, M D R Hashim, A Abdul Aziz,”Fabrication and Characterization of Uniform Quantum Size Porous Silicon,” International Conference on Functional materials and Devices,  6th-8th June 2005, Kuala Lumpur
9.    N M Ahmed, M R Hashim, Z Hassan,”Design of DBR Mirrors for GaN vertical cavity surface emitting laser, International Conference on Functional materials and Devices,  6th-8th June 2005,, Kuala Lumpur.
10.    N M Ahmed, M R Hashim, Z Hassan,”Effects of Layer Thickness and Incident Angle Variations on DBR Reflectivity, International Conference on Functional materials and Devices,  6th-8th June 2005,, Kuala Lumpur.
11.    M.F. Othman, A. Abdul Aziz, and M.R. Hashim, “3-D simulation on Circular and Square Contact Geometry for High Performance on GaN-based LED”, International Conference on Advancement of Materials and Nanotechnology, 29th May - 1st June 2007 The City Bayview Hotel, Langkawi Island, Malaysia.
12.    N. K. Ali, M. R. Hashim and A. Abdul Aziz, “Highly Enhanced Photoluminescence of as-Anodized N-type Porous GaAs”, International Conference on Advancement of Materials and Nanotechnology, 29th May - 1st June 2007 The City Bayview Hotel, Langkawi Island, Malaysia.
13.    N. K. Ali, Khalid M Omar, Z Hassan, M. R. Hashim , H Abu Hassan, N M Ahmed, Surface Morphology of Porous Si, Prepared by Laser-Induced Etching, International Conference on Advancement of Materials and Nanotechnology, 29th May - 1st June 2007 The City Bayview Hotel, Langkawi Island, Malaysia.
14.    H Mahmodi, M R Hashim, 2D Simulation of Quantum Confinement Effects in the Ge Nanoislands MSM Photodetector, 1st International Conference from nanoparticles & nanomaterials to Nanodevices & Nanosystems, Halkidiki, Greece June 16-18 2008.
15.    H Mahmodi, M R Hashim, The role of Ge wetting layer and Ge Islands in Si MSM photodetector,  Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2009, 7th-9th Dec 2009, Avillion Legacy Hotel, Melaka.
16.    M J Jawad, M R Hashim, N K Ali, Improvement of Ni/Al Metal Contact on Porous Silicon, Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2009, 7th-9th Dec 2009, Avillion Legacy Hotel, Melaka
17.    K Al-Heuseen, M R Hashim, N K Ali, Thermal Effects on Photoelectric Properties of Ni Contact on n-GaN and p-GaN, Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2009, 7th-9th Dec 2009, Avillion Legacy Hotel, Melaka.
18.    A F Abd Rahim, M R Hashim, N K Ali, Characterization of Ge Nanocrystal Embedded Inside Porous Silicon for Photonics Application, Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2009, 7th-9th Dec 2009, Avillion Legacy Hotel, Melaka
19.    Kamal Mahir Sulieman, M R Hashim, Mohd Muzafa Jumidali, Blue Emission Peak of GeO2 particles grown using thermal evaporator, Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2009, 7th-9th Dec 2009, Avillion Legacy Hotel, Melaka
20.    M H M Yusoff, M K Abd Rahman, H Abu Hassan, M R Hashim, Multiple Slots Slanted Silica Wavegide Polarization Rotator, Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2009, 7th-9th Dec 2009, Avillion Legacy Hotel, Melaka
21.    Improving the Dark Current Response of Monocrystalline n-Si Metal-Semiconductor-Metal (MSM) Pohotdetector with an Additional Chemical and Temperature Treatment, Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2009, 7th-9th Dec 2009, Avillion Legacy Hotel, Melaka
22.    S A Rosli, A A Aziz, M R Hashim, Comparison of ICP-RIE Chemistries for Dry Etching of GaN, Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2009, 7th-9th Dec 2009, Avillion Legacy Hotel, Melaka
23.    M Z M Yusoff, M R Hashim, The Effect of Cryogenic Temperature Treatment (77K) on Si for Photodetector Application, Persidangan Fizik Kebangsaan 2009, 7th-9th Dec 2009, Avillion Legacy Hotel, Melaka
24.    N Naderi, M R Hashim, Synthesis of Cu Nanowires with Polycarbonate Template, National Conference on Physics, 2010, 27th – 30th Oct 2010, Swiss Garden Golf Resort, Perak Malaysia
25.    Nadim Khalid Hassan, Kamal Mahir Sulieman, M R Hashim, ZnO Thin Film Prepared by a Simple Technique as UV Photodetector, , National Conference on Physics, 2010, 27th – 30th Oct 2010, Swiss Garden Golf Resort, Perak Malaysia
26.    K Al Heuseen, M R Hashim, X-Ray studies of GaN film grown on Si using electrochemical Techniques, , National Conference on Physics, 2010, 27th – 30th Oct 2010, Swiss Garden Golf Resort, Perak Malaysia
27.    Lim Shyue Piin, M R Hashim, Role of a-Si in Enhancing the current gain of Si-based MSM photodector using conventional method,International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology, 1-3Dec, 2010, KLCC, Malaysia
28.    M Muzafa Jumidali, M R Hashim, Kamal Mahir Sulieman, Germanium Catalyzed Amorphous Silicon Dioxide Nanowire Synthesized via thermal Evaporation Method, International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology, 1-3Dec, 2010, KLCC, Malaysia
29.    M Jawad, M R Hashim, N K Ali, Hydrogen Sensor Based on Schottky Barriers of Pd/GeO2 using a low cost Electrochemically Deposited Thin GeO2 Film, International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology, 1-3Dec, 2010, KLCC, Malaysia
30.    T Sarah T Imran, M R Hashim, Silver Nanoclusters formation by using thermal annealing on porous GaAs, International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology, 1-3Dec, 2010, KLCC, Malaysia
31.    A Farhana A R, M R Hashim, Thermally treated Ge crystallites embedded inside PS with capping layer for potential photonics application, International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology, 1-3Dec, 2010, KLCC, Malaysia

Publications Related to Teaching

1. M R Hashim, 2007, Rekabentuk dan Realisasi Spektrometer Jelmaan Fourier Inframerah Jauh, Penerbit USM, 188pages

Teaching Modules

1.    Kamarulazizi Ibrahim, Md Roslan Hashim, ZulAzhar Zahid Jamal, 1998/1999 Semiconductor Fabrication Processes, High Technology Education Programme, 162 pages, Publisher PPSFizik, USM.
i.    Oxidation Process
ii.    Impurity Introduction and Distribution

2.    Md Roslan Hashim, ZulAzhar Zahid Jamal, Mat Johar Abdullah, Kamarulazizi Ibrahim, 1998, Lithography, High Technology Education Program, Publisher PPSFizik, USM, 100 pages
i.    Surface Preparation and Coating
ii.     Softbake
iii.    Postbake and Additive Processes

3.    Kamarulazizi Ibrahim, Omer El Farouk, Md Roslan Hashim, Zul Azhar Zahid Jamal, Haslan Abu Hassan, Mohd Zaid Abdullah, Mohd Zubir Mat Jafri, 1998 Failure Analysis, High Technology Education Programme, Publisher PPSFizik, USM. 100pages
i.    Failure Analysis Techniques
ii.    Failure Mechanisms

4.    Kamarulazizi Ibrahim, Fauziah Sulaiman, Md Roslan Hashim, Mohd Jamil Kassim 1999, Tropical College on Cleanroom Technology, 117pages, Publisher PPSFizik, USM.
i.    Safety in the Cleanroom

5.    Mat Johar Abdullah, Kamarulazizi Ibrahim, Md Roslan Hashim, 2000, Semiconductor Devices and Its Electrical Characterization, High Technology Education Programme, Publisher PPSFizik, USM, 100 pages
i.    Working Principles, I-V Characteristics and Performance, Parameters of Bipolar Transistors
ii.     High Frequency Behavior, Heterojunction Concept and Applications of Bipolar Transistors in Digital ICs

6.    Md Roslan Hashim, 2002, Optical Components, College on Photonics and Optical Communications, Publisher PPSFizik, USM, 60 pages

7.    Md Roslan Hashim, Supercharged Si for High Speed Application, 2003, Publisher PPSFizik, USM, 52 pages

8.    Md Roslan Hashim, Azlan Abdul Aziz, 2007, Semiconductor Devices for Photonic Applications, High Technology Education Programme, Publisher PPSFizik, USM, 70 pages

Community Services


1. Programme Chairperson Applied Physics, School of Physics, August 2001 – Dec 2002

2. Programme Chairperson

Applied Physics, School of Physics, 1st. Jan 2002 – Oct 2002 (Sabbatical leave)

3. Programme Chairperson

Applied Physics, School of Physics, 1st. Jan 2005 – Dec 2007

4. Programme Chairperson

Applied Physics, School of Physics, 26th. March 2007 – 25th. Mac 2009

5. Program Manager for School of Physics Activities under University-Industry Relation, 2004-2006

6. Programme Chairperson

Engineering Physics, School of Physics, 26th. March 2009 – 31st  Dec 2009

7. Committee Member of Project Management and Equipment Coordinator for RMK9 under Islamic Development Bank

8. Committee Member of Equipment Specification Evaluator, for RMK9 under Islamic Development Bank

9. AJK Perolehan Kecil Universiti, 1st Jan 2009-31st December 2010

10. Chairperson of MSc viva

1. Guan Hui Siang, PP Sains Kajihayat, 22 Disember 2011

2. Nurul Aili Zakaria, PP Saind Kajihayat, 29 September 2011

3. Fazlina Mustafa, PP Dadah dan Ubat-Ubatan, 4 Julai 2011

11. Chairperson of PhD viva

1. Siamak Bagheri, PP Sains Kajihayat, 2 Disember 2011

University Committee

Please list  membership, committee and duration/year.

Candidate must be appointed as a member not by virtue of position.  Each appointment will be awarded 1 - 2 marks.

1.  Committe Member of Library1999- 2001

2. Working Committe for Course Development for Off-shore Program SILTERRA (Engineering Physics, 2007)

3. Ahli Pakar Gantian Jawatankuasa Perolehan Kecil April 2006- Mac 2008

4. C

ommittee Member Kedai Mahasiswa, USM Co-Operative Ltd., Dec 2006- Oct 2009

1. Board of Directors, USM Co-Operative Ltd, Oct 2007 – Oct 2009

2. Board of Directors, USM Co-Operative Ltd, Oct 2009 – Oct 2011

3. Chairman of Board of MSc Examiners (Applied Entomology) Candidate Mohd Rizuan Zainal Abidin, 30th April 2009, IPS, USM

4. Coordinator for Profesional Development: Research Methodology Workshop, IPS, USM 2009

5. Committee Member of Pre-Cluster Islamic Development Management 2009-2010

6. Chairman of Board of MSc Examiners (Biotechnology) Candidate Syazni Zainul Kamal, 1st December 2009, IPS, USM

7. Chairman of Board of MSc Examiners (Chemistry) Candidate Ch’ng Cynn Dee, 3rd September 2009, IPS, USM

8. Chairman of Board of MSc Examiners (Chemistry) Tham Weng Thim, 31st March 2009, IPS, USM

9. Dean’s Representative in Board of MSc Examiners, Suraya Ahmad Kamil (Physics), 5th May 2009, IPS USM

10. Facilitator for Manuscript Writing Workshop 2009, 11-12 December 2009, Golden Sands Resort, Batu Ferringhi, Penang

11. Committee Member of Tender Evalution of USM-Islamic Development Banks 2010

12. Committee Member  Engineering and Technology, Deputy Vice Canselor of Research and Innovation’s Office, USM

School Committee

Please list  membership, committee and duration/year.

Candidate must be appointed as a member not by virtue of position.  Each appointment will be awarded 1 mark. 


Research and PostgraduaStructure, 8 years


EXCO and Integrity of Management and Administration, 8 years


Student and Academic Staff, 4 years


Mentor/Advosiry in Teaching and Learning, 8 years

5. Istilah Committee Member 2000, 2001

6. Information Technology 2000, 2001

7. MSc Course  Structure (Course Work) 2001/2002

University Representative (Sports and Non-Academic Activities)

Each activity will be awarded 1 mark.  Please list activities, venue and dates.

1. Training of Trainers for PIMPIN Porgram, 3rd -5th July, 2009, Kem Intan Suraya, Sungai Siput Perak

2. Facilitator for PIMPIN Program, 17th -19th July 2009, Kem D’Puncak Bris, Sik Kedah

3.Facilitator for PIMPIN Program, 31st -2nd August 2009, Kem D’Puncak Bris, Sik Kedah


Each activity will be awarded 2 marks. 


Talk for Motivation of Faith

, Persatuan Kebajikan Islam (PERKIS), Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri, Caw. B. Mertajam, Penang, 6th. May 2005.


Main Talk on Tsunami Development

, Biro Agama Continental Sime Tyre (M) Sdn. Bhd, Mergong, Alor Setar Kedah, 20/7/05.


Qiamullail Talk: "Update on Recent Development in Palestine

" Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad, Pejabat Wilayah Koridor Utara, di Sekolah Tahfiz Al-Islah, Tasek Glugor, P Pinang, 28/7/07

District / Village / Institution

Each activity will be awarded 1 mark (Example:PIBG,JKKK,RELA)

1. Chairman, Charity, Sport and Recreation Club, School of Physics (KESUREF), USM, 2000/2001

2. Chairman of Surau Al-Muttaqin, Bandar Putra Bertam, Kepala Batas, Penang 2007

3. Chairman of Parent Teacher Association, Sek Tahfiz Al-Islah Tok Bedu, Tasek Gelugor Penang 2007

4. Tsunami Talk: Suffering, Relieve and Lessons, Udaland North Sdn. Bhd, Bertam Kepala Batas, 24/2/05.

5. Khutbah USM (Friday Sermon), 27th July 2007

6. Night Prayer for Palestine’s Victory, Masjid Sungai Nibong 12nd. August 2006

7. Ramadhan LectureRamadhan 1427H (2006), Islamic Centre, Masid Al-Malik Khalid, USM

8. Chairman of Surau Al-Muttaqin, Bandar Putra Bertam, Kepala Batas, Penang 2009

9. Talk on Palestin Issues, Masjid Pajak Song, Kepala Batas, 31 Desember 2008

10. Talk on Palestin, di Masjid Pongsu Seribu, K.Batas, 3 Jan 2009

11. Penerangan Palestin di Surau Lebuh Nipah, Bukit Jambul, Ppinang, 4 Jan 2009

12. Talk on Palestin di Masjid Bertam, K Batas, PP, 8 Jan 2009

13. Friday Sermon, Masjid Bertam, K Batas, PP, 9 Jan 2009

14. Talk on Palestine in Maktab Rendah Sains Mara, K Batas, PP, 12 Jan 2009 (3pm)

15. Talk on Palestin, Surau Taman Teluk Air Tawar Indah, Butterworth, 12 Jan 2009

16. Talk on Palestine, College of Matriculation, Penang, 14th Jan 2009

17. Invited Speaker in Conjunction with Humanitarian Aids to Palestinian, Industrial Training Institute, Jalan Pokok Jenerih, Kepala Batas 13200 Penang, 15th Jan 2009

18. Penal member, Undergraduate Dicussion on Palestinians Issue, DK A, 15 Jan 2009

19. Friday Surmon, Masjid Titi Teras, Balik Pulau, PP, 16Jan2009

20. Talk on Palestin,

Surau Bukit Kecil, Tmn Baru, Sbrg Jaya PP, 16 Jan 2009

21. Talk on Palestine, Masjid Guar Perahu, Penanti, Bukit Mertajam, PP, 16Jan 2009

22. Talk on Palestine, Masjid Daerah Barat Daya, Balik Pulau, P Pinang, 17Jan 2009

23. Talk on Palestin di Surau Al-Falah, Bertam Permai, K Batas, PP, 18Jan2009

24. Talk on

Palestine, Maktab Rendah Sains Mara, Transkerian, Nibong Tebal, P Pinang 19Jan2009

25. Talk on Palestin, Sek Men Teknik, Nibong Tebal, PP, 19Jan 2009

26. Talk on Palestin,

Sek Men Sri Muda, Penaga, PP 20 Jan 2009

27. Talk on Palestin, Surau Taman Keladi Tengah, K Batas PP 20 Jan 2009

28. Talk on Palestine,

Surau Seri Delima, Bayan Lepas, PP, 21Jan 2009

29. Talk on Palestine, PENANG PORT, Padang Kota, PP, 22Jan2009

30. Talk on Palestine, Tuanku Bainum Teachers College, Bukit Mertajam, Penang, 22 Jan 2009

31. Talk on Palestin, Masjid Pasir Pekan, Kota Bahru Kelantan 25 Jan2009

32. Talk on Palestine,

Masjid Bachok, Kelantan, 26Jan 2009

33. Talk on Palestin, Sek Men Guar Perahu, BM, PP 29 Jan2009

34. Talk on Palestine, S

urau Taman Cempaka, BM, PP 29 Jan 2009

35. Talk on Palestin, Surau Andalusia, Bandar Laguna Merbok, SP Kedah 30Jan2009

36. Program Director, Himpunan Ummah Selamatkan Gazza (HIMMAH), Dewan Millenium, K Batas PP, 1 Feb 2009, RM30,000 money collected for people in Gazza.

37. Talk on Palestin di Surau Rahmaniah, Lahar Yooi, PP, 4th February 2009

38. Forum Member, We and Palestine, organized by PMIUSM, 5Feb 2009

39. Talk on Palestin, Japan-Malaysia Technical Institute, Taman Perindustrian Bukit Minyak, SPU, Penang, 6th Feb 2009 (3pm)

40. Talk on Palestine, Sek Men Islah Sungai Petani, 6th Feb 2009 (9pm)

41. Invited Speaker on Palestinian Issues, by Raudhatul Jannah di University Kuala Lumpur, Kulim 7th Feb 2009

42. Talk on Palestinian Issue, Masjid Pondok Upeh, Balik Pulau, PP, 7th Feb 2009

43. Motivation Talk, Lessons from Palestinians Tragedy, Sek Men Bakti, Tasek Glugor , Penang, 14th Feb 2009

44. Friday Sermon, USM Mosque, 6th Feb 2009

45. Talk on Palestin,

Masjid Kg Banggol, P Sena, K Batas, 7Feb 2009

46. Motivational Talk, Lessons from Palestinians Tragedy, Sek Men Teknik, S Perai, 8th  March 2009

47. Talk on Palestin, PENANG PORT Transit, Butterworth, 12 Feb 2009

48. Friday Sermon, USM Mosque 18th December 2009

49. Invited Speaker, Majlis Berbuka Puasa Persatuan Sains Fizik, Dewan Utama Pelajar A&B, USM, 25th August 2009

50. Invited Speaker. University Islamic Festival 2010, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Penang, 27th Sept 2010

51. Invited Speaker, Voluntary and Humanitarian Works, Islamic Centre, USM Engineering Campus, Nibong Tebal, Penang 1st May 2010

52. Invited Speaker by Smart Community and State Assemblyman Hon Datuk Arif Shah Hj Omar Shah, 7th August 2010, Seberang Jaya, Penang

53. Invited Speaker, Quran and Science, Quranic Seminar, Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah, Kulim High Tech Park, 20th June 2010

54. Friday Sermon, USM Mosque 15th Oct 2010

55. Panel Koordinator Pengajian, Sempena Bengkel Kesedaran Pendidikan, MRSM Balik Pulau, 29 Oktober 2011

56. Penyampai Ceramah, Program Malam Aspirasi Palestin, Persatuan Mahasiswa Kejuruteraan Elektrik, UiTM PPinang, Permatang Pauh, 24 Mac 2011

57. Menyampaikan Kuliah Zuhur Sempena Bulan Ramadhan 1432H di Masjid Al-Malik Khalid USM, 4 Ogos 2011

58. Khutbah Jumaat Surau Al-Muttaqin pada 4 Mac 2011, 1 April 2011, 3 Jun 2011, 22 Julai 2011, 5 Ogos 2011, 9 September, 7 Oktober 2011, 4 November 2011, 9 Disember 2011 (monthly)

59. Khutbah Jumaat di Masjid Sungai Nibong, Timur Laut P Pinang, 15 April 2011

60. Khutbah Jumaat di Masjid Batu Uban, Timur Laut P Pinang, 20 Mei 2011

61. Khutbah Jumaat di Masjid USM, PPinang, 1 Julai 2011, 16 Disember 2011

62. Khutbah Jumaat di Masjid Bumbung Lima, Kedah, 12 Ogos 2011

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