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School of Physics - Universiti Sains Malaysia


Lim Hwee San

Associate Professor Dr. Lim Hwee San (林维山副教授)
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Ext : 3663
Geophysics, Remote Sensing, Digital Image Processing


I, Lim Hwee San, have been a lecturer in Unversiti Sains Malaysia (USM) after obtaining a PhD degree from USM in 2006. I obtained my B.Sc. from USM in Geophysics in 2001. After receiving my B.Sc. (Hons), I continued my M.Sc. and PhD under the supervisions of Prof. Dr. Mohd. Zubir Mat Jafri and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khiruddin Abdullah. Finally, I obtained my M.Sc. degree and PhD degree from USM in environmental remote sensing in 2003 and 2006 respectively. My research interests lie generally in the field of optical remote sensing - both passive and active - and digital image processing, particularly as it applies to spectral image data. In both cases, the primary applications are water quality monitoring, air quality monitoring, land cover/change detection, land surface properties and digital images classification. I am also interested in modeling of the optical properties of atmospheric aerosols. My current effort focus on the applications of ground based LIDAR and satellite based LIDAR (e.g., CALIPSO, AIRS) data for air pollution and green house effects study. 

Contact Address: School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia Tel: 6(04)6533663 /5125


Year Institutions Attended Degree Level Major/Minor
2001 Universiti Sains malaysia (USM) Bachelor Degree Geophysics/Mathematics
2003 Universiti Sains malaysia (USM) Master Degree Physics
2006 Universiti Sains malaysia (USM) PhD Physics



Environmental Pollution Mapping using Remote Sensing Technique Over Penang , USM (INSENTIF) , RM5,000.00, 8/6/2007-7/6/2008


Environmental Mapping Using Digital Camera Imagery Taken From Autopilot Aircraft , KEMENTERIAN SAINS, TEKNOLOGI DAN INOVASI , RM184,540.00, 1/9/2007-28/2/2010


Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Studies for Air Quality Retrieval from Remote Sensing Data , USM JANGKA PENDEK , RM30,540.00, 15/12/2007-14/12/2009


Simulation and Modeling Of The Atmospheric Radiative Transfer of Aerosols in Penang , KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI , RM133,500.00, 1/11/2008-31/10/2011


Relationship Between Heavy Rain, Flash Floods & Central Pressure In Malaysia, Southeast Asia During Tropical Cyclones , USM (RU) , RM248,180.52, 1/4/2010-31/3/2013


Observations and Monitoring of the Changes and Distribution of Mangroves by Using Remotely Sensed Data Over Penang , USM (JANGKA PENDEK) , RM40,000.00, 15/12/2011-14/12/2013


Environmental Effects And Its Influence of Increased Green House Gasses In Peninsular Malaysia , KEMENTERIAN SAINS, TEKNOLOGI DAN INOVASI MALAYSIA , RM238,604.00, 1/11/2012-31/10/2014


Investigation Of The Impacts Of Summertime Monsoon Circulation To The Aerosols Transportation And Distribution In Southeast Asia Which Can Lead To Global Climate Change , USM (RU) , RM134,000.00, 15/12/2012-14/12/2015


Investigation Of Aerosol Characteristics And Distribution In Malaysia By Using Aeronet And Lidar Data , KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI , RM129,000.00, 1/12/2013-30/11/2015


The use of ALOS data in studying environmental changes in Malaysia,Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA),0, 1/7/2007 - 31/3/2011


Satellite Based Monitoring of the Changes and distribution of Mangroves using Oceansat-2 data in Malaysia,Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO),0, 1/10/2008 - 1/10/2010


Environmental Changes Studies using THEOS data in Penang Island, Malaysia,Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA),0, 1/8/2009 - 31/8/2011


Development of A New Algorithm For Land Use And Greenhouse Gases Concentration In Peninsular Malaysia,COMSTECH -TWAS,34000, 1/8/2011 - 28/2/2013


Environmental effects and its influence of increased green house gasses inPeninsular Malaysia,KEMENTERIAN SAINS, TEKNOLOGI DAN INOVASI,238604, 1/11/2012 - 31/3/2016


Comparative Performance Of ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 Polarization Bands And Its Combination With ALOS AVNIR-2 Data For Land Cover Classification,Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA),0, 30/11/2012 - 22/1/2015


Regression analysis in modeling of carbon dioxide and factors affecting its value in Peninsular Malaysia,Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA),0, 24/6/2013 - 22/1/2016



Graduate Teaching


 Undergraduate Teaching





WONG CHOW JENG,PhD, Developing Digital Camera Image Processing Techniques To Determine Aerosol Concentration,


FAEZ MOHAMAD HASSAN,PhD, Land Use And Land Cover Mapping Using Digital Camera Images Captured by Cropcam UAV, 2013


JASIM MOHAMMED RAJAB HUSSAIN,PhD, Air Surface Temperature Correlation with Greenhouse Gases Using AIRS Data Over Peninsular Malaysia, 2011


AZRUL NIZAM BIN ALIAS,PhD, New Aerosol Identification Method Using Spaceborne Lidar, 2011


NADZRI BIN OTHMAN,Master(Research), Development of Multispectral Algorithm and Remote Sensing Technique for Air Quality Measurements Over Makkah, Mina and Arafah, 2011


TAN KOK CHOOI,Master(Research), Remote Sensing Assessment of Land Cover/Land Use Changes and its Relationship on Land Surface Temperature in Penang Island, 2010


MOHD RIFHAN BIN MUSTAPHA @ ROSLI,Master(Research), A Methodology To Improve Land Cover Map Accuracy Using Alos Data, 2013


MUHAMMAD SYUKRI SURBAKTI,PhD, Design And Development Of Geometry Normalized Electromagnetic System (GNES), 2013


ASHKAN MOHAJERIN,Master(Research), Integration of Remote Sensing and Magnetic Methods for Geological Mapping of Central Zagros Area, 2012


MASLINA BINTI MOHD NATAR,Master(Research), Estimation of Evapotranspiration Based on Local Meteorological Data, for Penang Island, 2012


TOGI TAMPUBOLON,PhD, The use of airborne remote sensing data in studying environmental changes in Medan.


JOANNA TAN CHOAY EE,Master(Research), Digital Elevation Model Using Alos-Prism Stereo Pairs Over Penang, 2013


TAN FUYI,Master(Research), The Effects of Orography on Wind, Cloud, and Rainfall Patterns During Typhoon Ketsana (2009), 2012


SAUMI SYAHREZA,PhD, Ocean Color Remote Sensing of Case-2 Water Using Neural Network.


NG YEW LIANG,Master(Research), Performance Assessment of the Commercial Digital Cameras by Using Spectral Imaging.


BEH BOON CHUN,PhD, To detect, assess and monitor the changes in the mangrove ecosystem by using remote sensing over Penang Island.


SAHABEH SAFARPOUR NIKOU LANGEROODI,PhD, Statistical Assesment of Terra MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth (Co51) Over Coastal Regions.


AHMED ASAL KZAR,PhD, The development of multispectral algorithms for identification of water pollution contents by using multi-spectral digital camera images captured from low altitude light aircraft.


TAN KOK CHOOI,PhD, Regression Analysis of Column Ozone and Atmospheric Variables In Peninsular Malaysia From Sciamachy Data.


SITI HARWANI BT MD YUSOFF,PhD, 3D FDTD modeling of the effects of electromagnetic phenomena in the ionosphere and Earth#&39s magnetic field over the Sumatera-Malaysia region.


FAIROOZ BINTI JOHAN,PhD, Gelombang Evanescent dalam fiber optic.


MOGAJI KEHINDE ANTHONY,PhD, Development Of Decision Support Systems (DSS) Models And Their Applications In Groundwater Resources Exploration And Management.


TAN FUYI,PhD, Investigation Of The Impacts Of Summertime Monsoon Circulation To The Aerosols Transportation And Distribution In Southeast Asia.


SIM CHONG KEAT,PhD, The development of an algorithm and a model through image processing and remote sensing techniques for assessing environmental impacts of routine carbon footprint in Peninsular Malaysia.


HEE WAN SHEN,Master(Research), Application of Lidar Technology for Measurement of Emission and Dispersion from urban/industries areas.


MUHAMMAD ISA,PhD, Development Of A New Technique To Determine Potential Geothermal Area Over Jabol, Aceh-Indonesia.


KHOR WEI YING,PhD, Atmospheric Profiling in Penang, Malaysia using Lidar System.

Coursework Mode & Mixed Mode


Lim Chiang Yow, Project(Coursework Mode) , Development of A Sensitive Suspended Sediment Sensor, 2007


Chew Kah Meng, Project(Coursework Mode) , Determination of Color Output Printing using Multispectral Laser, 2009


Fathinul Najib Ahmad sa'ad, Project(Coursework Mode) , Detection of Color Object From Digital Image Using Spectral Information, 2009


Robabeh Asadpour, Master(Dissertation - Mixed Mode) , Water Quality Study Using Remote Sensing Technique, 2011


Maryamalsadat Moussavial Ashloo, Master(Dissertation - Mixed Mode) , TSS Mapping Using Remote Sensing Technique in Coastal Waters of Langkawi Island, 2012


Anis Fatehah Binti Zulkifli, Master(Dissertation - Mixed Mode) , The Appplication of LIDAR to Study The Cloud Height and Backscattering Distribution Pattern in Penang, 2012


Abdul Rahman Bin Rodzi, Master(Dissertation - Mixed Mode) , Lidar Observations Of Lower Atmoshperic Aerosol During Daytime Over Usm Campus, Penang, 2014


Lim Haow Sen, Master(Dissertation - Course Work) , Study Of Tropospheric Aerosol Distribution In Penang Island, Malaysia Using A Ground-Based Backscatter Lidar System, 2014


Abdul Rahman Bin Rodzi, Master(Dissertation - Mixed Mode) , Aerosol Study by LIDAR Over Penang, 2014


Selected Publications Only

Citation Indexed Journal



Kok Chooi Tan, Hwee San Lim and Mohd. Zubir Mat Jafri, Analysis of Total Ozone Column in Peninsular Malaysia Retrieved From Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY), Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2014, 5, , 10


Kok Chooi Tan, Hwee San Lim and Mohd. Zubir Mat Jafri, Multiple Regression Analysis in Modeling of Columnar Ozone in Peninsular Malaysia, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, , , 0


K. A. Mogaji, H. S. Lim and K. Abdullah, Modeling of groundwater recharge using a multiple linear regression (MLR) recharge model developed from geophysical parameters-a case of groundwater resources management, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, , , 0


A. N. Alias, M. Z. MatJafri, H. S. Lim, N. M. Saleh, S. H. Chumiran and A. Mohamad, Inferring Angstrom Exponent and Aerosol Optical Depth from AERONET, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2014, 7, 3, 10


K. A. Mogaji, H. S. Lim and K. Abdullah, Regional prediction of groundwater potential mapping in a multifaceted geology terrain using GIS-based Dempster - Shafer model, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2014, , , 26



H. S. Lim, M. Z. MatJafri and K. Abdullah, Land Use/Cover Classification over Small Areas Using Conventional Digital Camcorder Imagery Based on Frequency-based Contextual and Neural Network Classification Techniques, Advanced Materials Research - Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 650, , 6


H. S. Lim, M. Z. MatJafri, K. Abdullah and R. Asadpour, A Two Bands Algorithm For Total Suspended Solid Concentration Mapping Using THEOS Data, Journal of Coastal Research, 2013, 29, 3, 7


Jasim M. Rajab, M.Z. MatJafri and H. S. Lim, Combining Multiple Regression and Principal Component Analysis for Accurate Predictions for Column Ozone in Peninsular Malaysia, Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 71, , 11


M. Moussavi Alashloo, Hwee-San Lim, Robabeh Asadpour & Sahabeh Safarpour, Total Suspended Sediments Mapping By Using ALOS Imagery over the Coastal Waters of Langkawi Island, Malaysia, The Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2013, 41, 3, 11


K. A. Mogaji, H. S. Lim and K. Abdullah, Regional Modeling of Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Resources Sustainability in Peninsular Malaysia, Modern Applied Science, 2013, 7, 4, 41


Jasim M. Rajab, M.Z. MatJafri and H. S. Lim, Air Surface Temperature Correlation With Greenhouse Gases Using AIRS Data Over Peninsular Malaysia, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2013, , , 19


Togi Tampubolon, Khiruddin Abdullah and Lim Hwee San, Comparison Of Pixel And Object Based Approaches Using Landsat Data For Land Use And Land Cover Classification In Coastal Zone Of Medan, Sumatera, International Journal of Tomography and Simulation, 2013, , , 0


Jasim M. Rajab, H. S. Lim and M. Z. MatJafri, Monthly distribution of diurnal total column Ozone based on the 2011 Satellite data in Peninsular Malaysia, The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, 2013, 16, , 7


K. A. Mogaji, H. S. Lim and K. Abdullah, Modelling Groundwater Vulnerability Prediction Using Geographic Information System (GIS)-Based Ordered Weighted Average (OWA) Method and DRASTIC Model Theory Hybrid Approach, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2013, , , 0


Kok Chooi Tan, Hwee San Lim and Mohd. Zubir Mat Jafri, Investigation on the Interannual Variability of Carbon Dioxide Column-averaged Mole Fractions in Peninsular Malaysia: 2003-2009, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2013, 53, 1/2, 17



Jasim M. Rajab, M. Z. MatJafri, H. S. Lim and K. Abdullah, Regression Analysis in Modelling of Air Surface Temperature And Factors Affecting Its Value in Peninsular Malaysia, Optical Engineering, 2012, 51, 10, 14


Robabeh Asadpour, Lim Hwee San, Maryamosadat Moussavi Alashloo and Seyed Yasser, A Statistical Model for Mapping Spatial Distribution of Total Suspended Solid from THEOS Satellite Imagery Over Penang Island, Malaysia, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 2012, 8, 1, 6


H. S. Lim, M. Z. MatJafri and K. Abdullah and Sultan AlSultan, Application of a Simple Mono Window Land Surface Temperature Algorithm from Landsat TM over AL Qassim, Saudi Arabia, Sains Malaysiana, 2012, 41, 7, 6


F. Tan, H. S. Lim and K. Abdullah, The Effects of Orography in Indochina on Wind, Cloud, and Rainfall Patterns during Typhoon Ketsana (2009), Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 2012, 48, 3, 20


K. C. Tan, H. S. Lim, M. Z. MatJafri and K. Abdullah, A comparison of radiometric correction techniques when evaluating the relationship between LST and NDVI in Landsat Imagery, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2012, 184, 6, 17


Jasim M. Rajab, M. Z. MatJafri and H. S. Lim, Methane interannual distribution over Peninsular Malaysia from (AIRS) data: 2003-2009, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2012, 12, 6, 8


Tan Fuyi, Lim Hwee San and Khiruddin Abdullah, Relationship between orography and the wind-cloud systems of tropical cyclones, Optical Engineering, 2012, 51, 10, 14


B. C. Beh, M. Z. MatJafri and H. S. Lim, Temporal Change Monitoring of Mangrove Distribution in Penang Island from 2002-2010 by Remote Sensing Approach, Journal of Applied Sciences, 2012, 12, 19, 8



Lim Hwee San, Mohd Zubir Mat Jafri, Khiruddin Abdullah and Sami Gumaan Daraigan, A Sensitive Suspended Sediment Sensor for the Detection of TSS, Optica Applicata, 2011, 41, 3, 8


M. R. Mustapha, H. S. Lim, M. Z. MatJafri and S. Syahreza, Comparison of Frequency-based Contextual and Maximum Likelihood Methods for Land Cover Classification in Arid Environment, Journal of Applied Sciences, 2011, 11, 17, 8


M. Isa, M. Z. Mat Jafri and H. S. Lim, Estimation of 2D Temperature Distribution With Finite Difference Techniques in Geothermal Area, Aceh Indonesia, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (Applied Physics), 2011, 5, 12, 8


Faez M. Hassan, H. S. Lim and M. Z. MatJafri, Land Cover Mapping Using Airborne Mosaic Images Over Penang Island, Malaysia, Pertanika Journal of Science & technology, 2011, 19, S, 8


C. E. Joanna Tan, M. Z Mat Jafri, H. S. Lim and K. Abdullah, Digital Elevation Models (Dems) Generation From Stereo Images, Pertanika Journal of Science & technology, 2011, 19, S, 6


C. K. Sim, K. Abdullah, M. Z. MatJafri and H. S. Lim, Land Cover Mapping using ALOS PALSAR Data over Penang Island, Malaysia, Pertanika Journal of Science & technology, 2011, 19, S, 6


Jasim M. Rajab., M. Z. MatJafri, H. S. Lim and K. Abdullah, Monthly Distribution Map of Carbon Monoxide (CO) from AIRS over Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak during 2003, Pertanika Journal of Science & technology, 2011, 19, S, 8


N. H. Hisamuddin Shah, H. S. Lim and M. Z. Mat Jafri, Surface UV Irradiance Obtained by Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Over Peninsular Malaysia, Pertanika Journal of Science & technology, 2011, 19, S, 5



H. S. Lim, M. Z. Mat Jafri, K. Abdullah and M. N. Abu Bakar, Water quality mapping using digital camera images, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010, 31, 19, 21


K. C. Tan, H. S. Lim, M. Z. MatJafri and K. Abdullah, Land Surface Temperature Retrieval By Using ATCOR3_T and NDVI Methods in Penang Island, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2010, 7, 5, 7


H. S. Lim, K. C. Tan, H. T. Teh, C. K. Sim, M. Z. MatJafri, K. Abdullah and M. N. Mohd Nawawi, A New 3.2 Meter Spatial Resolution Land Cover/ Use Map Over USM Campus, Penang Malaysia, World Applied Sciences Journal, 2010, 9, 7, 8


H. S. Lim, M. Z. MatJafri and K. Abdullah, Aerosol Optical Thickness and PM10 Mapping over Penang by using Handheld Spectroradiometer, Journal of Applied Sciences, 2010, 10, 22, 6


M. R. Mustapha, H. S. Lim and M. Z. Mat Jafri, Comparison of Neural Network and Maximum Likelihood Approaches in Image Classifcation, Journal of Applied Sciences, 2010, 10, 22, 8


Nadzri Othman, Mohd Zubir Mat Jafri, Lim Hwee San and Khiruddin Abdullah, Satellite Retrieval of Aerosol Optical thickness over Arid Region: Case study over Makkah, Mina and Arafah, Saudi Arabia, Journal of Applied Sciences, 2010, 10, 23, 11


Nadzri Othman, Mohd Zubir Mat Jafri and Lim Hwee San, Estimating particulate matter concentration over arid region using satellite remote sensing : A case study in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, Modern Applied Science, 2010, 4, 11, 12



K. C. Tan, H. S. Lim, M. Z. MatJafri and K. Abdullah, Landsat data to evaluate urban expansion and determine land use/land cover changes in Penang Island, Malaysia, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2009, 60, 7, 13


H. S. Lim, M. Z. MatJafri and K. Abdullah, High Spatial Resolution Land Cover Mapping using Remotely Sensed Image, Modern Applied Science, 2009, 3, 5, 10


A. N. Alias, M. Z. MatJafri, H. S. Lim and N. Mohd. Saleh, Two-dimensional Simulation of Aerosol−Cloud Profile, Modern Applied Science, 2009, 3, 10, 10


J. M. Rajab, M. Z. MatJafri, H. S. Lim and K. Abdullah, Satellite Mapping of CO2 emission from forest fires in Indonesia using AIRS measurements, Modern Applied Science, 2009, 3, 10, 8


H. S. Lim, M. Z. MatJafri, K. Abdullah and N. Mohd. Saleh, Optimal estimation of surface reflectance from Landsat TM visible and mid infrared data over Penang Island, World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology, 2009, 50, Special Journal Issues, 3

Full list of publications can be requested from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lim Hwee San through email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






Scholarship of Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme (Pasca) for Masters of Science at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme (Pasca) for Masters of Science, , , Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment of Malaysia (MOSTE), 2001, National


Award of National Science Fellowship (NSF), 1/2003, for Doctor of Philosophy at Universiti Sains Malaysia, National Science Fellowship (NSF), , , Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia (MOSTI), 2003, National


Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung 2003, Environmental Predator, , , , 2004, University


Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung 2004, Multispectral Water Quality Sensor, , , , 2005, University


Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung 2004, Real–Time Air Pollution Measurement System, , , , 2005, University


Special Award of Best Invention of World Intellectual Property Organisation Award (WIPO), Intelligent Air Pollution Measurements System, , , Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur, 2006, National


Special Award of Best Invention of Kandiah & Associate Award (KASS), Intelligent Air Pollution Measurements System, , , Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur, 2006, National


Anugerah Hadiah Sanjungan 2006, Intelligent Air Pollution Measurements System, , , , 2007, University


Anugerah Hadiah Sanjungan 2007, Multispectral Cell Freshness Detection System, , , USM, 2008, University


Anugerah Hadiah Sanjungan 2007, FireBuster – A Novel Automatic Fire Detection System, , , , 2008, University


Anugerah Hadiah Sanjungan 2007, AirWarn: Intelligent Air Pollution Measurements System, , , , 2008, University


Prize for Excellence in Teaching 2009 (Hadiah Pendidik Sanjungan 2009), Excellence in Teaching - Pure Science, , , USM, 2009, University


Anugerah Hadiah Sanjungan 2009, ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY (Environmental Earth Sciences)-research publication, , , , 2010, University


Anugerah Hadiah Sanjungan 2010, International Journal of Remote Sensing-research publication, , , , 2011, University


Award of Hadiah Penerbitan ANGKASA 2010 – First Prize, Hadiah Penerbitan ANGKASA Catgory II: Professional papers on space applications, , , National Space Agency (ANGKASA), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, 2011, National


Anugerah Hadiah Sanjungan 2011, ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT-research publication, , , USM, 2012, University


Hadiah Penerbitan ANGKASA 2011 – First Prize, Hadiah Penerbitan ANGKASA Catgory II: Professional papers on space applications, , , National Space Agency (ANGKASA), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, 2012, National

Awards for Innovation


Environmental Predator, Malaysian Invention and Design Society ( MINDS), International Invention Innovation Industrial Design & Technology Exhibition 2003 (ITEX03), 2003, National


Real–Time Environmental Sensing, MOSTE, Expo Science, Technology & Innovation 2003 (EXPO S&T 2003, MOSTE), 2003, National


Water Quality Monitoring System, Institute of Graduate Studies, USM, Research Project Exh;bition, 2003, University


Multispectral Water Quality Sensor, MOSTI, Expo Science, Technology & Innovation 2004 (EXPO S&T 2004, MOSTI),, 2004, National


Real–Time Air Pollution Measurement System, MOSTI, Expo Science, Technology & Innovation 2004 (EXPO S&T 2004, MOSTI), 2004, National


Air Quality Sensing System, INSTITUTE OF GRADUATE STUDIES, USM, Graduate Project Exposition, 2004, University


AirWarn: Intelligent Air Pollution Measurements System, Malaysian Invention and Design Society ( MINDS), International Invention Innovation Industrial Design & Technology Exhibition 2006 (ITEX06), 2006, National


Multispectral Cell Freshness Detection System, MALAYSIAN ASSOCIATION OF RESEARCH SCIENTIST, Invention & Innovation Competition 2007, Malaysia Technology Expo 2007 (MTE 2007), 2007, National


FireBuster – A Novel Automatic Fire Detection System, MINISTER oF HIGHER EDUCATION MALAYSIA, International Exposition of Research and Inventions of Institutions of Higher Learning 2007 (PECIPTA 07), 2007, National


AirWarn: Intelligent Air Pollution Measurements System, The Belgian Chamber of Innovation, Pameran Eureka 2007, 56 th World Exhibition Of Innovation, Research & New Technologies Brussels, 2007, International


New Aerosol Identification Algorithm for Spaceborne Lidar Measurement, UiTM, Innovation Platform 2013, 2013, National

Invited Speaker

1. Satellite - Introduction, Program Seronok Sains, Islamic Society USM Activities, USM, Penang, Malaysia, 2006, University
2. Introduction of Remote Sensing, Sembang-sembang Sains – PetroSains, Petronas Smart Learning Activities, Penang, Malaysia, 2006, State
3. Prospektif Kerjaya Graduan Pengajian Sains Fizik, Projek Pemantapan Perancangan Akademik-Kerjaya, Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang, Penang, Malaysia, 2007, State
4. Satellite - Earth Observing System, Sembang-sembang Sains – PetroSains, Petronas Smart Learning Activities, 2007, State
5. Score A In Physics, Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permai Indah, Penang, Malaysia, Academic Improvement Program, 2007, State
6. Camera Astrophotography, Astrophotography Telescope Workshop, Jabatan Mufti Negeri Pulau Pinang, Penang, Malaysia, 2007, State
7. Monitoring Turbidity in Prai River Estuary using Digital Camera imagery, The International Conference on IT to Celebrate S. Charmonman’s 72nd Birthday, Srisakdi Charmonman IT Center Assumption University, Suvarnabhumi Campus Bangkok Metro, Thailand, 2009, International
8. Research using Spectroradiometer, Kursus Pengoperasian Instrumentasi Spektroradiometer (RSS-1024) dan Penyelidikan Asas Fizik Atmosfera (Fasa Pertama), Agensi Angkasa Negara (ANGKASA), 2009, National
9. Remote and Optical Sensing Research at USM, Malaysia, Dongsha Experiment and 7SEAS (Seven South East Asian Studies) workshops and Technical training, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, 2010, International
10. Land Use Land Cover Classification over Peninsular Malaysia using Oceansat-2 Imagery, Oceansat-2 International AO Science Meet, Space Application Centre, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Ahmedabad, India., 2011, International


Consultancy With Monetary Reward

1. Principal Trainer for Short Course on Research using Spectroradiometer, Agensi Angkasa Negara (ANGKASA), RM40,000.00, Dr. Lim Hwee San, 10/8/2009- 21/8/2009
2. Researches of laws of distribution of atmospheric hotbed gases under territory of Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Kazakhstan, RM820.00, Lim Hwee San, 4/10/2011- 11/10/2011
3. Development of remote sensing methods of geological research, forecasting and prospecting of ore deposits in Kazakhstan, Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Kazakhstan, RM820.00, Lim Hwee San, 4/10/2011- 11/10/2011
4. Trainer for International Post Graduate Course on Current Research in Physics (for Students from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, RM9,000.00, Professor Mohamad Suhaimi Jaafar, 1/2/2013- 10/2/2013
5. Trainer for International Post Graduate Course on Current Research in Physics (for Students from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, RM21,000.00, Professor Mohamad Suhaimi Jaafar, 19/8/2013- 30/8/2013
6. Reviewer of High Impact Research Proposal, Development of Ultra-Short Pulse Laser Thulium Fiber Lasers For Nonlinear Application by Prof. Dr. Sulaiman Wadi Harun, Universiti Malaya(UM), Malaysia., Universiti Malaya(UM), Malaysia., RM100.00, Lim Hwee San, 29/5/2013- 6/6/2013
7. Trainer for International Post Graduate Course on Current Research in Physics (for Students from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, RM36,000.00, Professor Mohamad Suhaimi Jaafar, 6/1/2014- 17/1/2014

Consultation Without Monetary Rewards

1. Air Quality at Makkah, Riyadh,AlQassim and Gulf Areas before and during Hajj Season(January and February 2007), National Conference for Environment, Protection and Pollution, January - February 2007, Al-Qassim University., RM0.00, Dr. Lim Hwee San, 15/1/2007- 28/2/2007
2. A Collaboration Project on Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, NM LABORATORY Sdn Bhd, Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang., RM0.00, Toh Min Onn, 8/12/2009- 10/12/2009
3. A Collaboration Project on Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, NM LABORATORY Sdn Bhd, Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang., RM0.00, Toh Min Onn, 18/4/2011- 19/4/2011
4. A Collaboration Project on Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, NM LABORATORY Sdn Bhd, Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang., RM0.00, Toh Min Onn, 20/10/2011- 21/10/2011
5. A Collaboration Project on Ambient Air Quality Monitoring., NM LABORATORY Sdn Bhd, Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang., RM0.00, Toh Min Onn, 29/7/2013- 31/7/2013


Internal Examiner

1. Studies on Flux Variations of Water Samples Using Helium-Neon Laser., Siti Hajar Mohmad Salleh, USM, 31/12/2007- 31/12/2007
2. Plastic Optical Fiber Sensor., Siti Fatimah Saipuddin, USM, 31/12/2008- 31/12/2008
3. Analysis of Gafchromic® EBT Film by Using PCI Geomatica Software, Teo Yuan Xin, USM, 31/12/2008- 31/12/2008
4. Analysis of Gafchromic® EBT Film by Using Image J Software., Silinthra Ehwal, USM, 31/12/2008- 31/12/2008
5. Determination of Leaves Freshness Using Light Transmittance and Reflectance Techniques, Amalina Hilmi, USM, 31/12/2008- 31/12/2008
6. Light Absorption and Transmission Technique for Determination of Vegetables Freshness, A'bir Wardati Abd Latif, USM, 31/12/2008- 31/12/2008
7. Development of Image Processing Technique for Sea Surface Temperature Monitoring at South China Sea, Ng Hou Guan, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 28/8/2009- 16/2/2010
8. Characterization of Blood Samples Using Ultrasound, Mashael Saud Alharbi, USM, 31/12/2009- 31/12/2009
9. Development of Liver Phantom for Ultrasonography Imaging, Nur Asyikin Binti Ahmad Nazri, USM, 31/12/2009- 31/12/2009
10. Study on the morphology of oil palm fruit and fat contents using MRI, Nur Farhayu Binti Omar, USM, 31/12/2009- 31/12/2009
11. The Characteristic Response of in vivo Diode Using 6 MV Photon Beam, Yap Lai Mun, USM, 31/12/2009- 31/12/2009
12. Characterization of the Response of Diode Detector Used for in vivo Dosimetry, Fum Kok Sheong, USM, 31/12/2009- 31/12/2009
13. An Innovative Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferemetry (ESPI) Experimental Setup, Sharaf Ahmad, USM, 31/12/2009- 31/12/2009
14. Development of Hopfield Neural Network for Multiresolution Image Recognition, Kussay Nugamesh Mutter, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 17/6/2010- 6/8/2010
15. An Experiment Setup for Interference Pattern Observation from Material Surface, Tan Suo Ching, USM, 31/12/2010- 31/12/2010
16. Plastic Fiber Optical Sensor for Liquid Level Detection, Siti Hajar Binti Khalid, USM, 31/12/2010- 31/12/2010
17. Study of Loss Due to Fiber Connections and Fusion Splicing Via OTDR, Azliana Binti Ramli, USM, 31/12/2010- 31/12/2010
18. WDM Communication and Systems, Mohd Raziz Bin Ilias, USM, 31/12/2010- 31/12/2010
19. Development of Multispectral Algorithms for Detecting the Freshness of Plant Cell, Faisal Abdullah, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 7/9/2010- 18/3/2011
20. Development of A Light Emitting Diode Test and Measurement Techniques, Lee Yee Kah, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), 6/4/2011- 12/4/2011
21. Texture Analysis and land Cover Classification using AIRSAR Images, Syaza Putri Binti Abdul Rahman Putra, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2/5/2011- 15/6/2011
22. Physical Oceanography of the Southwestem Coastal Waters of the Caspian Sea, Siamak Jamshidi, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 26/4/2011- 26/6/2011
23. Study of The Fiber Optic Sugar and Salt Concentration Sensor, Ommi Kalsom Mardziah Yahaya, USM, 14/6/2011- 17/6/2011
24. Study of Intrinsic Distributed Fiber Optic Salt and Sugar Concentration Sensor, Siti Aminah Sulaiman, USM, 14/6/2011- 17/6/2011
25. Development of Migratory Birds Monitoring System Using Optical and Image Processing Techniques, Poon Wai Kit, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 22/8/2011- 24/5/2012
26. Variations of Seawater Properties of the Southwestern Coastal Waters of the Caspian Sea. (Re-submission), Siamak Jamshidi, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 8/8/2011- 5/12/2011
27. Development of Optical Sensors for Evaluation of Vegetables Freshness. (Re-submission), Mr. Faisal Abdullah, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 23/4/2012- 30/6/2012
28. Aerosol properties using LIDAR techniques, Nurfarhanan Abd Aziz, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), 15/8/2012- 15/8/2012
29. LIDAR techniques for Cloud distance measurement, Nawwar Nazihah Rosdi, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), 15/8/2012- 15/8/2012
30. Atmospheric correction of remotely sensed data for environmental applications, Sani Kaita Mohammed, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), 1/7/2011- 30/8/2011
31. Homogeneous core model versus detailed simulation model using Monte Carlo simulation., Arif Hafizi Ramli, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), 9/7/2012- 9/7/2012
32. Characterization of Mesozoic black shales outcrops from Malaysia, Muhyidin Mohamed Hassan, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), 20/3/2013- 31/7/2013
33. Study on Efficency of Pulse Nd:Yag Laser in Paint Removal and Its Health Implications, Mr. Mohammad Khairul Azhar Bin Abdul Razab, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 12/3/2014- 12/5/2014
34. The Application of VIS-NIR and The Development of RGB Spectroscopy Systerms for Quantitative Analysis on Intrinsic Qualities of Sala Mango, Miss. Ommi Kalsom Mardziah Binti Yahaya, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 24/6/2014- 24/6/2014
35. Fabricated and Controlling Micron/Nano Core Fiber Optics By Chemical Etching Method and Its Application As Evanescent Held Sensor, Mr. Radhi Muhssin Chyad, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 17/7/2014- 17/7/2014

External Examiner

1. Identification of Hydrothermal Alteration Zones for Porphyry Copper Exploration Uing ASTER, ALI and Hyperion Imagery, Mr. Amin Beiranvand Pour, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 19/1/2012- 26/4/2012
2. Spatial Variabiliti of Infiltration in Tropical Watershed using Remote Sensing Technique and Infiltration Model, Miss. Nor Liyana Binti Mohammad Khan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 4/11/2012- 6/2/2013
3. Development of Local Atmospheric Model for Estimating Solar Irradiance in Peninsular Malaysia, Mr. Yeap Eng Choon, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 7/1/2014- 7/1/2014


Professional Membership

  1. Physics Sciences Society – School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 1998 – 2001, Member.
  2. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), June/2005 – June/2007. Member.
  3. The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), USA, Member, June/2007- June/2014.
  4. Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) - (Persatuan Pencinta Alam malaysia), 2009 – Present, Member.
  5. International Society for Potogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Intercommission Working Group of ISPRS - ISPRS Commission I - Image Data Acquisition - Sensors and Platforms & ISPRS Commission V - Close Range Sensing - Analysis and Applications (2008 – 2012), Working Group 1/V - UVS for Mapping and Monitoring Applications, 2009 – 2012, Active Member.
  6. International Society for Potogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Commission VI - Education and Communications (2008 - 2012), Working Group VI/5 - Promotion of the Profession to Young People, 2009 – 2012, Passive Member.
  7. International Society for Potogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Commission VIII, Remote Sensing Applications and Policies (2008 - 2012), Working Group VIII/1 - Disaster Management, 2009 – 2012, Passive Member.
  8. International Society for Potogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Commission VIII - Remote Sensing Applications and Policies (2008 - 2012), Working Group VIII/6 - Agriculture, Ecosystems and Bio-diversity, 2009 – 2012, Passive Member.
  9. International Society for Potogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Commission VII - Thematic Processing, Modeling and Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data (2008 - 2012), Working Group VII/2 SAR Interferometry, 2009 – 2012, Active Member.
  10. Institution of Geospatial and Remote Sensing Malaysia (IGRSM), Members , 2011 - , National
  11. The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), USA, Senior Members, 2014 - , International


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