Nama: Prof. Madya Dr. Nurhayati Abdullah |
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- research 1
Research Grant
Research Grant (as Principal Investigator)
1. Water Washing Pre-Treatment on Empty Fruit Bunches Oil Palm Wastes, USM JANGKA PENDEK, RM0.00, 1/8/2007-31/1/2010
2. Fast Pyrolysis Of Oil Palm Wastes For Production Of Bio-Fuel, USM (RU) RM249,500.00, 15/4/2010-14/10/2014
3. A Study of Ash Content on Water Washing Pre-Treatment of Whole Empty Fruit BuncheUSM (JANGKA PENDEK), RM38,000.00, 15/11/2010-14/11/2013
4. Optimizing Pyrolytic Product of Banana Stem Via Fast Process, USM (JANGKA PENDEK), RM37,801.00, 1/4/2013-31/12/2015
5. Characteristics Of Rhizophora spp Particle Board Humanoid Phantom Produced Renewable Resins Of Pyrolysis Process, USM (RU), RM100,000.00, 31/12/2014-31/12/2016.
6. Optimizing pyrolytic product of banana stem via fast proses,USM,40000,
Research Grant (as Co-Researcher)
1. Simulation Network Of Thermal And Photoelectric Energy Studies., RM7, RM160,000.00, Fauziah Binti Sulaima , 16/1/1996-31/12/1999
2. Carbonization of sawdust briquettes, J/PENDEK, RM0.00, Lim Koon Ong - 15/11/2001-31/12/2004
3. Variable Solar Drying for Biomass Wastes, USM JANGKA PENDEK, RM0.00, Fauziah Binti Sulaiman, 1/8/2007-31/1/2010
4. Slow Pyrolysis of Treated and Untreated Empty Fruit Bunches, USM (JANGKA PENDEK), RM39,950.00, Fauziah Binti Sulaiman , 15/11/2010-14/11/2013
5. Physical Characteristic of Biochar from Slow Pyrolysis of Empty Fruit Bunches, USM (JANGKA PENDEK), RM39,854.00, Adilah Binti Shariff , 15/8/2011-14/2/2014
6. Characteristics of Biochar from Corn Studs via Slow Pyrolysis, USM(JANGKA PENDEK), RM40,000.00, Adilah Binti Shariff , 15/3/2014-15/3/2017
7. Characteristics of Biochar from Coconut Palm Wastes by Slow Pyrolysis KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI, RM135,200.00, Adilah Binti Shariff - 1/7/2014-30/6/2017
8. The Characteristics Of Biochar And Bio-Oil Mixture Produced From Pyrolytic Product Of Oil Palm Wastes For Coal Replacement Application, USM (RU),RM180,200.00, Fauziah Binti Sulaiman , 31/12/2014-31/12/2017
- research 2
Graduate Teaching
(Course Title),(Semester),(Year),(Number of Lecturers),(Number of Students)
Undergraduate Teaching
(Course Title),(Semester),(Year),(Number of Lecturers),(Number of Students)
- Keelektrikan, Kemagnetan dan Elektronik Asas, 1, 1992, 1, 50
- Fizik Matrikulasi, 2, 1992, 1, 250
- Amali Fizik 1, 2, 1992, 1, 70
- Keelektrikan, Kemagnetan dan Elektronik Asas, 1, 1993, 1, 70
- Fizik Matrikulasi, 2, 1993, 1, 250
- Amali Fizik 1, 2, 1993, 1, 80
- Keelektrikan, Kemagnetan dan Elektronik Asas, 1, 1994, 1, 80
- Optik dan Fizik Moden, 2, 1994, 1, 80
- Amali Fizik 1, 2, 1994, 1, 80
- Physics 1 - Mechanics, 1, 1994, 1, 15
- Keelektrikan, Kemagnetan dan Elektronik Asas, 1, 1995, 1, 80
- Optik dan Fizik Moden, 2, 1995, 1, 80
- Amali Fizik 1, 2, 1995, 1, 80
- Physics 1 - Mechanics, 1, 1995, 1, 15
- Elektronik Analog, 1, 1996, 1, 80
- Amali Fizik 2, 2, 1996, 1, 80
- Physics 1 - Mechanics, 1, 1996, 1, 15
- Elektronik Analog, 1, 1997, 1, 80
- Optik dan Fizik Moden, 2, 1997, 1, 80
- Optik dan Fizik Moden, Semester Kursus Semasa Cuti Panjang., 3, 1997, 1, 25
- Amali Fizik 2, 2, 1997, 1, 80
- Physics 1 - Mechanics, 1, 1997, 1, 15
- Elektronik Analog, 1, 1998, 1, 80
- Optik dan Fizik Moden, 2, 1998, 1, 80
- Optik dan Fizik Moden, Semester Kursus Semasa Cuti Panjang., 3, 1998, 1, 35
- Amali Fizik 2, 2, 1998, 1, 80
- Physics 1 - Mechanics, 1, 1998, 1, 15
- Elektronik Analog, 1, 1999, 1, 80
- Keelektrikan, Kemagnetan dan Elektronik Asas., 1, 1999, 1, 80
- Optik dan Fizik Moden, 2, 1999, 1, 80
- Amali Fizik 1, 2, 1999, 1, 80
- Optik dan Fizik Moden, Semester Kursus Semasa Cuti Panjang., 3, 1999, 1, 30
- Keelektrikan dan Kemagnetan Asas, 1, 2000, 1, 80
- Optik dan Fizik Moden, 2, 2000, 1, 1
- Amali Fizik 3, 2, 2000, 1, 80
- Optik dan Fizik Moden, Semester Kursus Semasa Cuti Panjang., 3, 2000, 1, 30
- Physics 1 - Mechanics, 1, 2000, 1, 15
- Keelektrikan dan Kemagnetan Asas, 1, 2001, 1, 80
- Optik dan Fizik Moden, 2, 2001, 1, 80
- Amali Fizik 3, 2, 2001, 1, 80
- Optik dan Fizik Moden, Semester Kursus Semasa Cuti Panjang., 3, 2001, 1, 20
- Physics 1 - Mechanics, 1, 2001, 1, 15
- Physics 1 - Mechanic, 2, 2005, 2, 60
- Energy Study, 2, 2005, 1, 50
- Physics Laboratory 2, 2, 2005, 1, 150
- Physics 2 -Electric and Magnetism., 1, 2006, 2, 250
- Physics Laboratory 1, 1, 2006, 1, 150
- Energy Study, 2, 2006, 1, 30
- Physics Laboratory 2, 2, 2006, 1, 150
- Electric and Magnetism, 1, 2007, 2, 240
- Physics Laboratory 1, 1, 2007, 1, 100
- Energy Study, 2, 2007, 1, 20
- Physics Laboratory 2, 2, 2007, 1, 100
- Energy Study, 2, 2008, 1, 30
- Physics Laboratory 2, 2, 2008, 1, 100
- Physics 2 - Electric and Magnetism, 1, 2008, 2, 200
- Energy Study, 2, 2009, 1, 10
- Physics Laboratory 1, 1, 2008, 0, 100
- Energy and Environment, 2, 2009, 1, 18
- Energy and Environment, 2, 2010, 2, 30
- Physics 1 - Mechanics, 2, 2010, 2, 79
- Physics 1 - Mechanics, 1, 2009, 1, 80
- Physics 2 - Electricity and Magnetism, 1, 2010, 2, 127
- Physics 1 - Mechanics, Semester Kursus Semasa Cuti Panjang., 3, 2010, 1, 4
- Physics Laboratory 1, 1, 2009, 1, 100
- Physics Laboratory 1, 1, 2010, 1, 100
- Physics Laboratory 2, 2, 2010, 1, 100
- ELectricity and Magnetism, 1, 2011, 2, 150
- Physics Laboratory 1, 1, 2011, 1, 150
- Energy Studies, 2, 2012, 1, 30
- Physics Laboratory 1, 1, 2012, 1, 150
- Mechanics, 1, 2012, 2, 200
78. Physics Laboratory 2, 2, 2012, 1, 150
Graduate Supervision
(Student Name),(Category),(Thesis Title),(Year Graduated)
- IBRAHIM ABDULLAHI INUWA,Master(Research), Biochar Production from Pyrolytic Product of Palm Kernel Shell for Coal Replacement Application,
- AMINU ALIYU SAFANA,PhD, Bioenergy production using microbial fuel cell technology (MFCT).,
- UMAR SADIK,PhD, Optimization of Parabolic Concentrating solar thermal power system using Nano technology.,
- ZALILA BINTI ALIASAK,PhD, Fast Pyrolysis Of Palm Waste For Bio-Oil Production,
- ZALILA BINTI ALIASAK,Master(Research), Drying of Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) Using a Solar Drying System of Double-Pass Solar Collector with Porous Media, 2011
- NURIDAYANTI BINTI CHE KHALIB,Master(Research), Water Washing Pretreatment on Empty Fruit Bunches of Oil Palm Waste, 2012
- AIZUDDIN BIN ABDUL RAHMAN,PhD, Study of Densified Solid Fuel Derived from the Pyrolytic Yields of Oil Palm Wastes, 2012
- NURHIDAYAH BINTI MOHAMED NOOR,Master(Research), Characterization Of Biochar Derived From Tapioca Wastes , 2014
- NUR SYAIRAH BINTI MOHAMAD AZIZ,Master(Research), Biochar From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches And Oil Palm Shells Via Slow Pyrolysis, 2014
- NUR SYAIRAH BINTI MOHAMAD AZIZ,PhD, Characteristics of Biochar Produced from Slow Pyrolysis of Coconut Wastes, 2014
- NAJA NADIERA BINTI OMAR,PhD, Fabrication and Characterization of Rhizophora Particleboard Blended with bio-oil-based phenol formaldehyde (PF)Resin as a potential application in Mammographic , 2014
Undergraduate Supervision
(Student Name),(Year Graduated),(Thesis/Project Title)
- Sabrina Reduan and Rozaimie Mohammad, 1999, Kekonduksian Terma dan Kekerasan Bagi Batu-bata Berbagai Komposisi
- Sujari, 1999, Pengukuran Suhu dan Kekonduksiaan Terma bagi Bata yang diperbuat daripada Tanah
- Low Bee Peng and Chuah Lee Siang, 2000, CAI Project - Keabadian Tenaga
- Tey Lay Hong and Joseph Lim Sue Feng, 2000, CAI Project - Kerja dan Tenaga
- Tan Hooi Sie and Yong Swee Joo, 2001, CAI Project - Daya Graviti
- Hamizan Mahayuddin and Md. Rizal Said, 2001, CAI Project - Daya Geseran
- Teh Poh Ean and Khor Chun Keat, 2001, CAI Project - Pengenalan Kepada Elektronik Asas
- Wan Izzatull Azma Wan Zainuddin and Norhidayah Idris, 2005, Projek eksperiment - Asas Pinggir Penyerapan Semikonduktor Sebatian Filem Nipis V2O3-B2O3
- Jasniza Jamal and Noraini Ahmad, 2005, Projek CAI - Arus Ulang Alik
- Chan Phaik Ying and Wong Ai Chin, 2005, Projek CAI - Tork dalam Medan Magnet
- Mahfuzah Mahyuddin and Norsyafinaliza Md. Shafie, 2005, Projek CAI - Kesan Hall
- Quah Ging Teck and Tiu Kok Mei, 2005, Projek eksperimen - Asas Pinggir Penyerapan Semikonduktor Filem Nipis V2O5-B2O3
- Nabilah Hanafi and Ahmad Jazdi, 2006, CAI Project - Pengenalan kepada Tenaga DiPerbaharui
- Khairul Azwan Madzlan and Mahathir Mohamad, 2006, CAI Project - Introduction to Pyrolysis
- Rujita Abd Samad and Syamsiah Hussin, 2006, CAI Project - Momentum Linear dan Perlanggaran
- Azham Aziz and Nor Hafiz Muhd. Saaudi, 2006, CAI Project - Hukum Newton
- Irene Ng Yie Chin and Tan Leong Wooi, 2007, CAI Project - Faradayâ s Law
- Oh Keong Kooi and Lo Ming Jun, 2007, CAI Project - Biomass
- Maisarah Zakaria and Sarahanim Saharum, 2007, CAI Project - Vector
- Teoh Pei Sei and Chan Kam Yen, 2008, CAI Project - Electricity generation
- Lau Lui Pei and Wong Hua Jing, 2008, CAI Project - Fermentation.
- Nazihah Omar and Hafizah Mokhtar, 2010, CAI - Momentum and Impulse
- Syuhada Idris and Soenarno @ Mohd. Alam Shaari, 2010, CAI - Solar Water Heating
- Fatin Amira Mat Khirul Anuar, 2012, Production of biochar by using chicken bones to reduce the acidity of water
- Nur Liyana Saidi, 2012, Production of biochar by using chicken bones to reduce the acidity of water
- Nurzehan Amzan, 2012, Production of biochar of corn cob by slow pyrolysis
- Nor Diyana Abd Rahman, 2012, Production of biochar of corn cob by slow pyrolysis
- Madelleine Ong Siang Ting, 2012, Application of biochar in metal extraction
- Mah Chai Fong, 2012, Application of biochar in metal extraction
Research Publication
(Author),(Year),(Title),(Publisher),(Name Of Proceeding),(Venue),(Number Of Pages)
1. Nurhayati Abdullah dan Muhamad Mat Salleh, 1987, Permukaan memilih nikel hitam di atas substrat aluminium, , Seminar Fizik Keadaan Pepejal IV, Pulau Pinang, 0
2. Nurhayati Abdullah dan M. Jamel Basha Adlan, 1989, Tenaga Pengaktifan Kaca Semikonduktor NiO-B2O3, , Prosiding of Solid State Physics Seminar VI, Universiti Malaya, 165-171
(Author),(Title of Article),(Name of Journal),(Year),(Volume),(Edition),(Number Of Pages)
1. Lau Eng Hong, Foo Kok Keong, Nurhayati Abdullah and Hanafi Atan., The Leaner Control in Multimedia Learning Courseware and The Motivations of learners with Different Cognitive Style, British Journal of Educational Technology, 2010, , , 0
2. F Sulaiman, N Abdullah, Optimum conditions for maximising pyrolysis liquids of oil palm empty fruit bunches, ENERGY, 2011, 36, , 2352-2359
3. Sulaiman, F, Abdullah, N, Gerhauser, H and Shariff, A, An Outlook of Malaysian Energy, Oil Palm Industry and Its Utilization of Wastes as Useful Resources, Biomass and Bioenergy, 2011, 35, 3775- 3786
4. Fauziah Sulaiman, Nurhayati Abdullah, Zalila Aliasak, Solar Drying Syatem for Drying Empty Fruit Bunches, Journal of Physical Science, 2012, , , 0
5. Nurhayati Abdullah & Fauziah Sulaiman, The Properties of the Washed Empty Fruit Bunches of Oil Palm, Journal of Physical Science, 2012, , , 0
6. Fauziah Sulaiman & Nurhayati Abdullah, Pyrolytic Product of Washed and Unwashed Oil Palm Wastes by Slow Thermal Conversion Process, Advances in Chemical Science (ACS), 2012, , , 0
7. Nurhayati Abdullah & Fauziah Sulaiman, A Comparison Study on Oven and Solar Dried Empty Fruit Bunches, Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 2012, , , 0
8. Nurhayati Abdullah and Fauziah Sulaiman, The Properties of the Washed Empty Fruit Bunches of Oil Palm, Journal of Physical Science, 2013, 24(2), , 117â 137
9. Fauziah Sulaiman, Nurhayati Abdullah and Zalila Aliasak, Solar Drying System for Drying Empty Fruit Bunches, Journal of Physical Science, 2013, 24(1), , 75â 93
10. Fauziah Sulaiman and Nurhayati Abdullah, Pyrolytic Product of Washed and Unwashed Oil Palm Wastes, Journal of Physical Science, 2014, 25(2), , 73-84
11. Adilah Shariff, Nur Syairah Mohamad Aziz and Nurhayati Abdullah, Slow Pyrolysis of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches for Biochar Production and Characterisation, Journal of Physical Science, 2014, 25(2), , 97-112
12. Nurhayati Abdullah, Fauziah Sulaiman, Muhamad Azman Miskam and Rahmad Mohd Taib, Characterisation of Banana (Musa spp.) Pseudo-Stem and Fruit-Bunch-Stem as a Potential Renewable Energy Resource, International Journal of Biological , Veterinary, Agricultural and Food Engineering, 2014, 8(8), , 712-716
Chapter In Research Book
(Author),(Title of Article),(Name of Book),(Publisher),(Year),(Number Of Pages)
1. Nurhayati Abdullah, Energy and Environment: Renewable Energy Sources, Types of Renewable Energy, Biomass, Hydro. , Energy and Environment, Cetree, 2008, 0
2. Nurhayati Abdullah and Fauziah Sulaiman, The Oil Palm Wastes in Malaysia, Biomass Now - Sustainable Growth and Use, InTech, 2013, 0
Refereed Proceeding
(Author),(Year),(Title),(Publisher),(Name Of Proceeding),(Venue),(Number Of Pages)
1. Fauziah Sulaiman, Nurhayati Abdullah and Zalila Aliasak, 2009, Effects of Heat Losses on the Efficiency of a Double-pass Solar Drying System, , Proc. of Joint Conference of the Second Int. Conference & Workshops on Basic & Applied Sciences & the Regional Annual Fundamental Science Seminar 2009, , 0
2. Nur Syairah Mohamad Aziz, Adilah Sharif and Nurhayati Abdullah, 2012, Impact of ash content on production yield and characteristic of biochar prepared via slow pyrolysis., , 3rd International Conference on Environment research and Technology (ICERT 2012)., Park Royal Hotel, Penang, 6
3. Nurhidayah Mohd Noor, Adilah Sharif and Nurhayati Abdullah, 2012, The influence of temperature and heating rate on biochar production via slow pyrolysis of tapioca wastes., , 3rd International Conference on Environment Research and Technology (ICERT 2012)., Park Royal Hotel, Penang, 5
4. Adilah Shariff, Nur Syairah Mohamad Aziz, Nurhayati Abdullah, 2012, Influence of Residence Time on the Yield and Characteristics of Biochar from Slow Pyrolysis of Empty Fruit Bunches, , SUSTAINABLE FUTURE ENERGY 2012 and 10th SEE FORUM Innovations for Sustainable and Secure Energy, Brunei Darussalam, 0
5. Adilah Shariff, Nurhidayah Mohamed Noor and Nurhayati Abdullah, 2012, Impact of Heating Rate on Biochar Production via Slow Pyrolysis of Tapioca Stem, , SUSTAINABLE FUTURE ENERGY 2012 and 10th SEE FORUM Innovations for Sustainable and Secure Energy, Brunei Darussalam, 0
Journal Proceeding
1. Zalila Aliasak, Fauziah Sulaiman and Nurhayati Abdullah, Temperature Variation of A Double-pass Solar Drying System with Porous Media, , 2010
2. Fauziah Sulaiman, Nurhayati Abdullah and Zalila Aliasak, Drying of empty fruit bunches using a solar drying system, , 2011
3. Nurhayati Abdullah, Fauziah Sulaiman and Zalila Aliasak, Thermochemical Characterization Analysis of Washed and Unwashed Empty Fruit Bunches, , 2011
4. Fauziah Sulaiman, Nurhayati Abdullah and Aizuddin Abdul Rahman, Properties of Washed and Unwashed Oil Palm Wastes, , 2011
5. Fauziah Sulaiman, Nurhayati Abdullah, Balbir Singh Mahinder Singh, A Simulated Design and Analysis of a Solar Thermal Parabolic Trough Concentrator, , 2012
6. Nurhidayah Mohamed Noor, Adilah Shariff and Nurhayati Abdullah, Slow Pyrolysis of Cassava Wastes for Biochar Production and Characterization, , 2012
7. Nurhayati Abdullah, Fauziah Sulaiman, and Zalila Aliasak, A case study of pyrolysis of oil palm wastes in Malaysia, AIP Publishing, 2013
8. Nurhayati Abdullah, Fauziah Sulaiman, and Zalila Aliasak, An experimental investigation on feeding of oil palm shell (OPS) and oil palm fronds (OPF), AIP Publishing, 2013
9. Nurhayati Abdullah, Fauziah Sulaiman, and Rahmad Mohd Taib, Characterization of banana (Musa spp.) plantation wastes as a potential renewable energy source, AIP Publishing, 2013
10. Nurhayati Abdullah, Fauziah Sulaiman, and Rahmad Mohd Taib, Feeding of banana (Musa spp.) plantation wastes for fast pyrolysis process, AIP Publishing, 2013
11. Fauziah Sulaiman, Nurhayati Abdullah, and Aizuddin Abdul Rahman, Bio-char from treated and untreated oil palm fronds, AIP Publishing, 2013
Publication Related to Teaching
Teaching Modules
(Authors),(Year),(Title),(Publisher),(Number Of Pages)
1. Nurhayati Abdullah, 1996, Teaching module of "DTM234/2 - Keelektrikan, Kemagnetan dan Elektronik Asas", , 0
Other Publication
CAI/Multimedia Material
(Authors),(Year),(Title),(Publisher),(Number Of Pages)
1. Nurhayati Abdullah, Abdullah Chik, Junaidah Osman, Abd. Ghani and Haslan Abu Hassan, 1994, Hukum Newton (Newton Law). , School of Physics, USM, 0
2. Nurhayati Abdullah, Abdullah Chik, Fauziah Sulaiman, Ben Merican, Ibrahim Mustafa, Low Ah Chuan dan Abd.Ghani Sidik, 1996, Gerakan Harmonik Mudah (Simple Harmonic Motion)., School of Physics, USM, 0
3. Nurhayati Abdullah dan Adilah Sharif, 2001, Pengenalan Kepada Biojisim (Introduction to Biomass). , School of Physics, USM, 0
Research Book
(Authors),(Year),(Title),(Publisher),(Number Of Pages)
1. Nurhayati Abdullah, 2009, Processing Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches: Fast Pyrolysis Technology and Water Washing Pre-treatment, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co., 172
Original Writing
(Authors),(Year),(Title),(Publisher),(Number Of Pages)
1. Nurhayati Abdullah and Fauziah Sulaiman, 2012, Oil Palm Wastes As Potential Biomass Fuel of the Future In Malaysia: An outlook of Malaysian energy, oil palm industry and its utilization of wastes as useful resources., Lambert Academic Publishing, 95
2. Nurhayati Abdullah and Fauziah Sulaiman, 2012, Chapter title: The Oil Palm Wastes In Malaysia. Book tilte: Biomass, In Tech publisher - accepted, 0
- Permukaan Memilih Nikel Hitam Di atas Substrat Aluminium, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 23/3/1987- 25/3/1987, National
- Pengaktifan Kaca Semikonduktor NiO-B2O3, Universiti Malaya, 14/8/1989- 16/8/1989, National
- Sifat elektrik dan optik bagi semikonduktor NiO-B2O3, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 5/6/1991- 5/6/1991, University
- An Assessment of Pyrolysis For Processing Empty Fruit Bunches, Aston University, United Kingdom., 17/6/2005- 17/6/2005, University
- Fast Pyrolysis of Empty Fruit Bunches for Fuel Application, Kampus Kejuruteraan USM, 13/10/2005- 13/10/2005, University
- Water washing pre-treatment on empty fruit bunches oil palm wastes., Universiti Teknologi Petronas, 25/3/2009- 26/3/2009, National
- The Design and Construction of a variable Double-pass Solar Drying System., Universiti Teknologi Petronas, 25/3/2009- 26/3/2009, National
- Characteristics of Oven and Solar Dried Empty Fruit Bunches of washed and unwashed Samples, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzogovina, 28/5/2012- 30/5/2012, International
- Slow Pyrolysis of Washed and Unwashed Oil Palm Wastes., Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzogovina, 28/5/2012- 30/5/2012, International
- Characterization of banana (Musa spp.) wastes as a potential renewable energy resource, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, 19/11/2012- 21/11/2012, National
- Feeding of Banana (Musa spp.) Wastes for Fast Pyrolysis Process, Bukit Tinggi< Pahang, 19/11/2012- 21/11/2012, National
- A Case Study of Pyrolysis of Oil Palm Wastes in Malaysia, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, 19/11/2012- 21/11/2012, National
- An Experimental Investigation on Feeding of Oil Palm Shell (OPS) and Oil Palm Fronds (OPF), Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, 19/11/2012- 21/11/2012, National
- Effect of Washing Pre-treatment on Whole Empty Fruit Bunches, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, 19/11/2012- 21/11/2012, National
- Bio-Char from Treated and Untreated Oil Palm Fronds , Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, 19/11/2012- 21/11/2012, National
- Research University Grant Report on "Fast Pyrolysis of Oil Palm Wastes for Production of Bio-Fuel", USM, 19/6/2012- 19/6/2012, University
- The Influence of Temperature on Pyrolysis Products Distribution of Empty Fruit Bunches, Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort, Putrajaya, 24/11/2014- 25/11/2014, International
- Pyrolysis Liquid of Oil Palm Fronds, Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Kuala Lumpur, 18/11/2014- 19/11/2014, National
- Fast Pyrolysis of Oil Palm Shell, Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Kuala Lumpur, 18/11/2014- 19/11/2014, National
- The Physical, Chemical and Combustion Characteristics of EFB Fuel Briquettes, ), Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Kuala Lumpur, 18/11/2014- 19/11/2014, National
(Name of Award),(Product),(Organiser),(Event),(Venue),(Date),(Level)
- ASHES Fellowship Universiti Sains Malaysia, April 2002 - October 2005, ASHES Fellowship Universiti Sains Malaysia, , , , 2002, University
Member of a Panel Discussion / Forum
- Editor for Annual Report of School of Physics 2007, , 2007, -, , University
Academic Awards
(Name of Award),(Awarding Institution),(Year),(Level)
- Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2010, University
- Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2010, University
- Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung (for 2 articles published in the international journal)., Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2011, University
- Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung - Recognition, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2012, University
Reviewing Articles in Academic Journals / Assessor of Working Papers / Reviewing Books
(Title of Journal),(Name of Journal),(Editor),(Year)
- Study on the use of MgAl hydrotalcites as solid heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production (Ms.no.:EGY-D-11-00544), Energy, Elsevier, 2011
- Production of Bio-oil via Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Residues from Cassava Plantations in a Fluidised-Bed Reactor with a Hot Vapour Filtration Unit (Ms. no. JAAP-D-11-00304R1), Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Elsevier, 2012
- Fast pyrolysis of coffee grounds: charateristics of product yields and biocrude oil quality (Ms. no. EGY-D-12-00209), Energy, Elsevier, 2012
- Fast pyrolysis of coffee grounds: charateristics of product yields and biocrude oil quality(Ms. no. EGY-D-12-00209R1), Energy, Elsevier, 2012
- Production of fuel oil from a fraction of waste high impact polystyrene (HIPS) and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) via fast pyrolysis in a fluidized bed reactor (EGY-D-12-02074), Energy, Science Elsevier, 2012
- Influence of sewage sludge treatment on pyrolysis and combustion of dry sludge (EGY-D-12-02083), Energy, Science Elsevier, 2012
Member in Professional / Academic Associations
- Institut Fizik Malaysia, Members, 2014, National
Internal Examiner
- Slow pyrolysis of oil palm wastes, Koh Kwan Hooi, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
Consultancy With Monetary Reward (University / School / Personal)
(Title Of Project),(Sponsor),(Value),(Main Researchers),(Duration)
- Examiner for answer script of Matriculation Program Examination Ministry of Education Malaysia (Kertas Jawapan Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia), Ministry of Education Malaysia, RM1,000.00, , 19/11/1999- 24/11/1999
- Matriculation Certificate Examination, Ministry of Education Malaysia: Selection of Examination Question (Penggubal Kertas Soalan), Ministry of Education Malaysia, RM1,000.00, , 21/12/1999- 24/12/1999
- Examiner for answer script of Matriculation Program Examination Ministry of Education Malaysia (Kertas Jawapan Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia), Ministry of Education Malaysia, RM1,000.00, , 22/5/2000- 26/5/2000
- Examiner for answer script of Matriculation Program Examination Ministry of Education Malaysia (Kertas Jawapan Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia), Ministry of Education Malaysia, RM1,000.00, , 21/7/2000- 26/7/2000
- Examiner for answer script of Matriculation Program Examination Ministry of Education Malaysia (Kertas Jawapan Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia), Ministry of Education Malaysia, RM1,000.00, , 22/9/2000- 28/9/2000
- Examiner foranswer script of Matriculation Program Examination Ministry of Education Malaysia (Kertas Jawapan Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia), Ministry of Education Malaysia, RM1,000.00, , 9/12/2000- 15/12/2000
- Examiner for answer script of Matriculation Program Examination Ministry of Education Malaysia (Kertas Jawapan Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia), Ministry of Education Malaysia, RM1,000.00, , 13/2/2001- 18/2/2001
- Examiner for answer script of Matriculation Program Examination Ministry of Education Malaysia (Kertas Jawapan Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia), Ministry of Education Malaysia, RM1,000.00, , 1/8/2001- 7/8/2001
- Examiner for answer script of Matriculation Program Examination Ministry of Education Malaysia (Kertas Jawapan Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia), Ministry of Education Malaysia, RM1,000.00, , 26/11/2001- 1/12/2001
- Matriculation Certificate Examination Ministry of Education Malaysia: Vetting Group (Peperiksaan Sijil Matrikulasi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia: Perlantikan Ketua Penaksir/Penaksir), Ministry of Education Malaysia, RM1,000.00, , 21/1/2002- 23/1/2002
- Judge panel for "Pertandingan Tunas Saintis Maktab Rendah Sains Mara" National Level XVIII, Mara Junior Science College, RM300.00, , 6/10/2009- 6/10/2009
- Examiner for "Kertas Jawapan Peperiksaan Semester Program matrikulasi (PSPM) Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia". Pelantikan Pemeriksa Skrip jawapan Fizik, Semester II, Sesi 2011/12., Ministry of Malaysia Education, RM624.00, , 30/4/2012- 5/5/2012
- Prepare the exam questions of physics subject for semester 1- SF016 for â Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi" (PSPM) â ., Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, RM500.00, , 25/6/2012- 25/8/2012
- Prepare the exam questions of physics subject for semester 3- DF035 for â Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi" (PSPM) â ., Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, RM500.00, , 1/8/2012- 31/10/2012
Consultation Without Monetary Rewards (with appointment letter / consultation report)
(Title Of Project),(Sponsor),(Value),(Main Researchers),(Duration)
- Providing science fact to RTM Pulau Pinang that was broadcasted twice a day in year 1999., , RM0.00, , 8/4/1999- 18/6/1999
- Fund Raiser of CETREE by DANCED/DANIDA, DANCED/DANIDA, RM0.00, , 2/10/2000- 1/4/2002
- Advisor for Program Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM) for Mara Junior Science College, Merbok, Kedah. 2009., Mara Junior Science College, RM0.00, , 16/2/2009- 1/6/2009
- Taklimat Penyediaan Penilai Buku Teks KBSM Kegunaan Mulai Tahun 2013: Zon Utara bagi matapelajaran Sains Tambahan., Ministry of Malaysia Education, RM0.00, , 14/2/2012- 16/2/2012
- Committee,Pertandingan & Pameran Sains dan Teknologi Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah Pulau Pinang,16/7/1996- 20/7/1996, National
- Committe member,Physics Family Day,7/9/1997- 7/9/1997, National
- Provider,Provide science fact to RTM Pulau Pinang,1/7/1999- 1/9/1999, National
- Committee,Bimbingan Pengajaran Tenaga Di Perbaharui Dan Kecekapan Tenaga Dalam untuk Sekolah Menengah Rintis,23/7/2001- 26/7/2001, National
- Panel hakim pertandingan peringkat kebangsaan,Pertandingan Tunas Saintis Maktab Rendah Sains Mara Peringkat Kebangasaan kali ke-XVIII,6/10/2009- 6/10/2009, National
- Penasihat projek,Kajian mini tesis dalam Program Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM) Maktab Rendah Sains Mara Merbok,16/2/2009- 1/6/2009, National
- University CommitteeUniversity Committee,Malaysian Solar Summit,10/10/1995- 10/10/1995, National
- University CommitteeUniversity Committee,Working committee of Malay Language Policy (Pelaksanaan Dasar Bahasa Malaysia) since 2006,2006, National
- University CommitteeUniversity Committee,Curriculum for Pra Universiti Program, USM-MARA Matriculation,2011, National
- Programme ChairpersonProgramme Chairperson,Pure Physics Programme Chairman,1/1/2013- 31/12/2015, National
- School CommitteeSchool Committee,Board committee for School of Physics since 2002,2002, National
- CommitteeCommittee,Assistant to Secretary,26/11/1994- 28/11/1994, National
- CommitteeCommittee,Annual Conference XII Solid State Science and Technology,3/11/1995- 4/11/1995, National
- CommitteeCommittee,Asia and Pacific Solar Summit, Malaysia,15/1/1996- 19/1/1996, National
- CommitteeCommittee,Science and Technology Awareness,27/8/1996- 28/8/1996, National
- CommitteeCommittee,KESUREF dinner,2/10/1998- 2/10/1998, National
- CommitteeCommittee,Project Member of Centre of Education and Training in Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (CETREE),2/10/2000- 1/4/2002, National
- CommitteeCommittee,Mentor committee for School of Physics since 2002,2002, National
- CommitteeCommittee,Committee of Energy Study Group for School of Physics since 2002,2002, National
- CommitteeCommittee,Public Lecture of Public Lecture in conjuction with Newly Appointed Professor.,11/2/2009- 11/2/2009, National
- University Representative (Sports and Non-Academic Activities)University Representative (Sports and Non-Academic Activities),Woman association USM since 1992,1992, National
- University Representative (Sports and Non-Academic Activities)University Representative (Sports and Non-Academic Activities), ,1992, National
- University Representative (Sports and Non-Academic Activities)University Representative (Sports and Non-Academic Activities), ,1992, National