Dr. Yam Fong Kwong |
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Solid State Physics Nanaosemiconductors |
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Research Grant
Research Grant (as Principal Investigator)
- The generation and characterization of porous GaN, USM (INSENTIF), RM5,000.00, 12/12/2007-11/12/2008
- The Fabrication and Investigation of Hydrogen Sensitive GaN Device, USM JANGKA PENDEK, RM30,671.00, 15/8/2008-14/8/2010
- III-Nitride Based Nanostructured Materials Grown By Novel Technique, USM (RU), RM267,950.00, 1/4/2010-30/6/2013
- The Fabrication and Investigation of TiO2 Nanotubes with Embedded Metallic Nanoparticles, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI, RM65,600.00, 1/5/2010-30/4/2012
- Study of Porous Anodic Alumina for Synthesis of Ordered Nano-Structures, USM (JANGKA PENDEK), RM30,500.00, 1/4/2013-31/3/2016
- Exploration of Titania Nanostructures for Fabrication of High Performance Dye-sensitized Solar Cell, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI, RM180,000.00, 1/6/2013-30/11/2016
- High Cycling Performance Lithium Ion Battery Using Titanium-Based Nanomaterials., USM (RU), RM100,000.00, 1/3/2017-29/2/2020
Research Grant (as Co-Researcher)
- Laser Inducing Etching [LIE] Technique Used for Synthesis of Porous GaN, USM JANGKA PENDEK, RM0.00, Khalid Mutashar Omar , 1/6/2006-31/5/2008
- lll-Nitrides (GaN-Based) Quantum Dots for Optoelectronics Application, USM JANGKA PENDEK, RM0.00, Zainuriah Binti Hassan , 15/6/2007-14/6/2009
- Nano Optoelectronics, USM (RU), RM873,600.00, Kamarulazizi Bin Ibrahim , 10/10/2007-9/6/2011
- Growth and Characterization of InxGa1-x N Nanostructures, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI, RM92,000.00, Zainuriah Binti Hassan , 15/10/2007-15/10/2009
- The Fabrication And Investigation Of Diamond/zinc Oxide Heterojunction, USM (RU), RM145,152.84, Saw Kim Guan , 28/5/2008-27/5/2011
- Wide Band Gap Gan-Based Semiconductors For Gas Sensing, USM (RU), RM244,990.00, Zainuriah Binti Hassan , 1/8/2010-31/10/2012
- The Fabrication of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures on Boron-Doped Diamond Heterojunction for Ultraviolet Energy Detection, USM (JANGKA PENDEK), RM36,904.00, Saw Kim Guan , 1/12/2011-31/5/2014
- Fabrication And Characterization Of Nanostructured Compound Semiconductors For Application As Gas Sensors, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI, RM92,000.00, Zainuriah Binti Hassan , 1/8/2012-31/7/2014
- Development Of AlxGa1-xN/GaN Strained-Layer Superlattice Stack Structure for High Energy-Efficient & Cost -Effective InGaN Based LEDs, APEX, RM229,600.00, Norzaini Zainal , 1/11/2012-30/6/2015
- Study Of Cubic GaN On Porous GaAs Substrate For High Efficient Energy Devices, USM (RU), RM178,800.00, Norzaini Zainal , 15/12/2012-14/12/2015
- Fabrication And Characterization Of GaN-Based Heterostructures For Energy Efficient LED-Based Solid State Lighting, USM (RU), RM189,500.00, Zainuriah Binti Hassan , 15/12/2012-14/12/2015
- Fundamental Analysis Of Semiconductor-Metal Transition In Indium-Doped Zinc Oxide Carrier Concentration And Current-Voltage Measurements., KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI, RM120,000.00, Saw Kim Guan , 1/5/2013-31/10/2016
- A Strategy for the Production of Thermochromic Energy Saving Materials for use in Roofing and other Applications, CYGNET WORKS, INC. AMERIKA SYARIKAT, RM67,377.16, Zainuriah Binti Hassan , 1/11/2013-29/2/2016
- Study Of Structural And Optical Properties Of Nanostructured Wide Band Gap Ternary Alloy Semiconductors, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI, RM137,000.00, Zainuriah Binti Hassan , 1/12/2013-30/11/2015
- Preparation and Characterization of Nanostructured Porous Ternary and Quaterbary III-nitrides Alloys, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI, RM200,000.00, Zainuriah Binti Hassan , 1/1/2014-31/12/2016
- Thin Film Deposition of AIPO-5 Colloidal Nanocrystals Prepared from Microwave Radiation for Chemical Sorption and Sensing Applications, NIPPON SHEET GLASS FOUNDATION, RM16,495.00, Ng Eng Poh , 1/4/2014-31/12/2015
- Investigation of InN-based semiconductors prepared using sol-gel spin coating method, KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI, RM67,200.00, Ng Sha Shiong , 1/12/2014-28/2/2017
- Low-Cost Sol-Gel Spin Coating Growth of GaN-Based Semiconductors for Optoelectronic Applications, KEMENTERIAN SAINS, TEKNOLOGI DAN INOVASI, RM350,530.00, Ng Sha Shiong , 1/5/2015-31/10/2017
- Investigation of Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of MoS2 Thin Films Grown by a Novel Solution Process., KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI, RM154,954.00, Haslan Bin Abu Hassan , 1/8/2016-31/7/2018
Graduate Teaching
(Course Title),(Semester),(Year),(Number of Lecturers),(Number of Students)
- ZCC 592/4 Experimental and Measurement Techniques, 2, 2012, 0, 0
- ZCC591/4 Experimental and measurement techniques, 1, 2012, 0, 0
Undergraduate Teaching
(Course Title),(Semester),(Year),(Number of Lecturers),(Number of Students)
- Experimental and Measurement Techniques, 2, 2011, 10, 8
- Amali 200, 2, 2012, 0, 0
- Amali 200, 1, 2012, 0, 0
- ZCT293/2 Physics Practical III, 2, 2013, 12, 0
- ZCT 293/2 Physics Practical III, 1, 2013, 0, 0
Graduate Supervision
(Student Name),(Category),(Thesis Title),(Year Graduated)
- SALEH HASSON ABUD AL-AMERY,PhD, Porous Inx Ga 1-x N For Sensing And Solar Cell Applications, 2014
- QAHTAN NOFAN ABDULLAH,PhD, Growth And Characterization Of Ga2O3 And GaN Nanostructures For Hydrogen Sensing Application, 2015
- HIND I ABDULGAFOUR,PhD, Synthesis And Characterization Of Nanostructured Zinc Oxide (ZnO) For Sensor Applications, 2013
- GHASEM ALAHYARIZADEH,PhD, Simulation and Optimization of Structural Parameters of Deep Violet InGaN Double Quantum Well Lasers, 2013
- AINORKHILAH BINTI MAHMOOD,PhD, Porous lll-Nitrides for Sensor Applications, 2013
- ROSFARIZA BINTI RADZALI,PhD, Fabrication and Characterization of Porous III-Nitrides Alloys for Application in Gas Sensing Devices, 2013
- LOW LI LI,Master(Research), Fabrication of Gallium Nitride Nanowires Via Chemical Vapour Deposition, 2012
- TAN CHEE KIAT,PhD, Growth of graphene for device applications, 2012
- TNEH SAU SIONG,PhD, ZnO Growth Mechanism And Heterosructures On GaN And Diamond, 2016
- CHIN CHE WOEI,PhD, RF-MBE Grown III-nitrides Heterostructures for Hydrogen Gas Sensing Applications, 2016
- CHIN CHE WOEI,Master(Research), Study of III-Nitrides Heterostructures Grown by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy (PAMBE), 2009
- NORNANI BINTI MD AZNAN,Master(Research), Effect of Indium Doping on Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Zinc Oxide Thin Films, 2016
- CHEAH CHUN YEE,Master(Research), A Study on Process-Generated Crystal Defects and Corresponding Leakage Current of P-N Junctions in Bipolar Transistors, 2010
- CHAI YINGQI,PhD, Growth and Characterization of Low Dimensional Tungsten Oxide by Chemical Methods for Device Applications, 2010
- BEH KHI POAY,PhD, Fabrication and Investigation of GaN Nanostructures and Their Applications in Ammonia Gas Sensing, 2015
- TEO SILK GUAN,Master(Research), Schottky Contacts Based on Gallium Nitride for Hydrogen Gas Sensing Application, 2013
- LEE ZHI YIN,PhD, Spin coating growth and characterizations of indium nitride (InN) thin films, 2013
- FONG CHEE YONG,PhD, Growth And Characterizations Of Spin Coated Gallium Nitride Thin Films On Silicon Substrates, 2016
- TAN LAY KIM,PhD, Fabrication And Characterizations Of GaN-Based Low Dimensional Structures, 2016
- NG SIOW WOON,Master(Research), Fabrication And Characterization Of Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes With Embedded Zinc Oxide And Silver Particles, 2013
- NG SIOW WOON,PhD, Synthesis, characterization and applications of metal oxide nanomaterials., 2013
- CHEAH SOOK FONG,Master(Research), Morphological And Optical Properties Of Porous Gallium Nitride (GaN) Fabricated By Photoelectrochemical Process, 2015
- CHIN ING KHANG,Master(Research), Study On The Morpholoical And Optical Properties Of Porous Anodic Alumina, 2016
- CHEONG YUIT LING,PhD, The Study of Morphological Characteristics of TiO2 Nanostructures for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Application, 2016
- NG YU ZHANG,Master(Research), , 2016
- MAH CHAI FONG,Master(Research), Synthesis of characterization of zinc oxide (ZnO) Nanostructures Via Chemical Route., 2016
- SITI AISYAH BINTI OSMAN,Master(Research), Study Of Indium Nitride Thin Films Grown On Kapton Polyimide Flexible Substrate Through Reactive Sputtering Technique, 2016
- LEE HUI SAN,Master(Research), Microwave assisted growth of doped indium nitride thin films, 2016
- JOSHUA JOHN SAMUEL,Master(Research), , 2016
- FARIS HIDAYAT BIN AHMAD SUHAIMI,Master(Research), Growth and characterisation of graphene using low cost methods, 2016
- Oh May Ling, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), The fabrication and characterization of hydrogen sensitive device based on porous Gallium Nitride, 2008
- Teoh Chun Hoe, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), The Synthesis and investigation of porous anodic alumina, 2010
- Ooi Kee Hui, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), The effects of phosphorous concentration on the physical properties of ZnO thin film, 2010
- Nuraini Bt Abdullah, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), Indium oxide materials grown by CVD,
- Tam Chee Wah, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), The study of structural characteristics of tungsten oxide synthesized by electrochemical process,
- Ooi Yee Wei, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), Structural Investigation of Porous TiO2 Prepared by Electrochemical Process in Acidic Electrolyte,
- Chew Tat Weng, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), Study of the growth of ZnO nanostructures using water bath method, 2013
- Noorfatin Bt Nordin, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), The investigation of Titanium Dioxide for dye-sensitized solar cells application, 2015
- Ha Farm Yien, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), Synthesis and Characterization of WO3 by Sol-gel method, 2015
- Fatahiya Binti Karim, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), The Investigation of Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes for Hydrogen Gas Sensor Application, 2016
- Siti Nurfarhana Binti Sohimee, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes for Ultraviolet Light sensing, 2016
- Nik Nur Aimi Syahirah Binti Nik Adnan, Master(Dissertation - Course Work), The Effect of Annealing Temperature on Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes-based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, 2016
- Nurelinda Binti Ramli, Master(Dissertation - Mixed Mode), Investigation of The Electrical Properties of Metal Oxides Under Different Radiation Intensities, 2016
- Dr Beh Khi Poay, Post Doctoral, Growth and Characterization of Graphene Films for the Fabrication of High Performance Electro-Optical Communication Applications,
Undergraduate Supervision
(Student Name),(Year Graduated),(Thesis/Project Title)
- Chai Yingqi & Lau Wing Seong, 2008, Growth and characterization of Zinc Oxide on Silicon substrate
- Kong Zheng Hui, 2008, The study of I-V characteristics of various metal contacts on n-type GaN
- Ng Ban Loong & Chok Chuen Leang, 2010, Study of self-organized Titania nanotube arrays generated by fluoride-based electrolyte
- Zuhairi Kassim, 2010, The effect of thermal treatments on the structural and optical quality of Zinc Oxide grown on sapphire substrate
- Tan Thien Soon and Teh Khai Loon, 2011, Study of the characteristics of WOx nanostructures generated by electro-chemical process
- Eza Nuraiena bt Sota & Nurul Fukaihah bt Che Mustapha, 2011, Growth and investigation of TiO2 nanostructures by anodization method
- Chin Ing Khang, 2012, Investigation of structural and optical properties of TiO2 nanostructures generated by electrochemical process
- Cheong Yuit Ling, 2012, Investigation of structural and optical properties of TiO2 nanostructures generated by electrochemical process
- Syakirah Bt Shahrudin, 2012, Fabrication of GaN nanowires by CVD with different NH3 gas flow rates
- Siti Noor Shuhada Bt Ahmad Bistamam, 2012, Fabrication of GaN nanowires by CVD with different NH3 gas flow rates
- Lim Wei Qiang, 2013, Investigation of structural and optical characteristics of ZnO nanostructures synthesized via chemical route
- Nornatasya Amira Binti Ahmad Saufi, 2013, Investigation of structural and optical characteristics of ZnO nanostructures synthesized via chemical route
- Nur Balqis Batrisyia Binti Abdullah, 2013, Preparation and characterization of porous anodic alimnina
- Nadhirah Hani Bt Ahmad Bahauddin, 2014, Preparation of Titanium Dioxide Nanostructure for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC)
- Noorfatin Bt Nordin, 2014, Preparation of Titanium Dioxide Nanostructure for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC)
- Nor Amira Bt Rosli, 2014, Investigation of Structural Characteristics of ZnO Synthesized by Electrochemical Deposition Method
- NorhidayuBt Hamsaini, 2014, Investigation of Structural Characteristics of ZnO Synthesized by Electrochemical Deposition Method
- Muhammad Hafizul Hakim Bin Zailand, 2015, Growth of Gallium Nitride One Dimensional Structure
- Nurul Hidayah Binti Rased, 2015, Growth of Gallium Nitride One Dimensional Structure
- Nurul Hamizah Binti Suhaimi, 2015, Synthesis of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Based on Titanium Dioxide
- Ainin Sofia Binti Mohd Najmi, 2015, Synthesis of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Based on Titanium Dioxide
- Nazaroni Nadia Binti Yusri, 2016, Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured ZnO By Chemical Bath Deposition
- Lee Yuin Kei, 2016, Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured ZnO Using Chemical Bath Method
- Wan Amirul Asyraf Bin Yusuf, 2016, Titania Nanoscaled Materials for Dye-sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) Application
- Muhammad Muhaimin Bin Mohd Muslim, 2016, Titania Nanoscaled Materials for Dye-sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) Application
Professional Service
(Category),(Description),(Place/Location), (Frequency),(Year)
- Supervision (per student) - Houseman, Internship - two students: Chin Ing Khang and Cheong Yuit Ling, Cawangan N.O.R lab. Bilik 335, , 2011
Research Publication
(Author),(Year),(Title),(Publisher),(Name Of Proceeding),(Venue),(Number Of Pages)
- F.K. Yam, Z. Hassan, Z. Jamal et. al., 2002, A comparative study of the characteristics of GaN films grown by MOCVD, , 2002 IEEE Interntional Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, , 4
- F.K. Yam, P.A. Teoh, Z. Hassan, 2004, High temperature structural and electrical behavior of metal contacts on n-type GaN, , Procedding of 6th International COnfernce on ELectronic Materials and Packaging, , 0
- S. Othman, F.K. Yam, Z. Hassan, 2004, Electrical properties of Ti/Ag contacts on n-type Al0.1Ga0.9N film grown on sapphire, , IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronic Proceedings, , 5
- C.W. Lim, C.K. Tan, A. Abdul Aziz, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, 2004, Multi layer metallization scheme (Ni/Pd/Ag) ohmic contact on p-type GaN, , IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronic Proceedings, , 5
- C.W. Lim, C.K. Tan, A.A. Aziz, F.K. Yam et.al., 2005, Multi layer metallization scheme (Ni/Pd/Ag) ohmic contact on p-type GaN, , 2004 IEEE Interntional Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, , 5
- S. Othman, F.K. Yam, Z. Hassan et. al., 2005, Electrical properties of Ti/Ag contacts to n-type Al0.10Ga 0.90N film grown on sapphire, , 2004 IEEE Interntional Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, , 5
- Z. Hassan, Y.C. Lee, F.K. Yam et. al., 2005, Thermal stability of Ni/Ag contacts on p-type GaN, , 5th International Symposium on Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes, , 5
- L.S. Chuah, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam et. al., 2006, Nanoporous InN films synthesized using photoelectrochemical (PEC) wet etching, , 2006 IEEE Interntional Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, , 4
- S.S. Ng, F.K. Yam, Z. Hassan, 2006, The energy band gap of AlxGa1-xN thin films as a function of Al-mole fraction, , 2006 IEEE Interntional Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, , 5
- F.K. Yam, YP. Alib, Z. Hassan et. al., 2006, The study of Pt/porous GaN schottky contact for hydrogen sensing, , 2006 IEEE Interntional Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, , 4
- K.G.Saw,G.L.Tan,Z.Hassan,F.K.Yam,S.S.Ng, 2010, Thermal Degradation of Single Crystal Zinc Oxide and the Growth of Nanostructures, , Progress of Physics in Malaysia-PERFIK 2009, Proceedings AIP, , 4
- N. Teeba, S. Shanmugan, D. Mutharasu, Yam Fong Kwong and Kamarulazizi Ibrahim, 2010, Morphological Studies on Ag Doped CdTe Thin Films Prepared By Stacked Elemental Layer (SEL) Method, , Progress of Physics Research in Malaysia-PERFIK 2009,Proceeding AIP, , 4
- Ainorkhilah Mahmood, Zainuriah Hassan, Yam Fong Kwong, Siti Khadijah Mohd Bakhori and Chuah Lee Siang, 2011, Effect of Porosity on the Characteristics of GaN Grown on Sapphire, , Enabling Science and Nano Technology, American Institute Physics (AIP) Conf. Proc., , 3
- H.I. Abdulgafour, Z. Hassan, F. K. Yam, M. J. Jawad, 2011, Growth of ZnO Nanowires Without Catalyst on Porous Silicon, , Enabling Science and Nano Technology, American Institute Physics (AIP) Conf. Proc., , 3
- K. G. Saw, N. M. Aznan, F. K. Yam, S. S. Ng, and S. Y. Pung, 2016, Insights on semiconductor-metal transition in indium-doped zinc oxide from x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and x-ray diffraction , , AIP Conference Proceedings 1733, 020033 (2016), , 5
Citation Indexed Journal
(Author),(Title of Article),(Name of Journal),(Year),(Volume),(Edition),(Number Of Pages)
- Z. Hassan, Y.C. Lee, F.K. Yam, M.J. Abdullah, K. Ibrahim, M.E. Kordesch, Microcrystalline GaN film grown on Si(1 0 0) and its application to MSM photodiode, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2004, 84, , 6
- Y.C. Lee, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, M.J. Abdullah, K. Ibrahim, M. Barmawi, Sugianto, M. Budiman, P. Arifin, A comparative study of the electrical characteristics of metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodiodes based on GaN grown on silicon, Applied Surface Science, 2005, 249, , 6
- Z. Hassan, Y.C. Lee, F.K. Yam, K. Ibrahim, M.E. Kordesch, W. Halverson, P.C. Colter, Characteristics of low-temperature-grown GaN films on Si(111), Solid State Communications, 2005, 133, , 5
- K.A. Abdullah, M.J. Abdullah, F.K. Yam, Z. Hassan, Electrical characteristics of GaN-based metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structures, Microelectronic Engineering, 2005, 81, , 5
- F.K. Yam, Z. Hassan, C.K. Tan, C.W. Lim, A. Abdul Aziz, Low applied bias for p-GaN electroluminescent devices, Microelectronic Engineering, 2005, 81, , 5
- F.K. Yam, Z. Hassan, Innovative advances in LED technology, Microelectronics Journal 36, 2005, 36, , 9
- Y. Liu, M. Z. Kauser, P. P. Ruden, Z. Hassan, Y. C. Lee, S. S. Ng, and F. K. Yam, Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the barrier height of Ni Schottky contacts on n-AlGaN, Applied Physics Letters, 2006, 88, , 3
- C.K. Tan, A. Abdul Aziz, F.K. Yam, Schottky barrier properties of various metal (Zr, Ti, Cr, Pt) contact on p-GaN revealed from IâVâT measurement, Applied Surface Science, 2006, 252, , 6
- F.K. Yam, Z. Hassan, S.S. Ng, Porous GaN prepared by UV assisted electrochemical etching, Thin Solid Films, 2007, 515, , 6
- F. K. Yam, Z. Hassan, L.S. Chuah, Y.P. Ali, Investigation of structural and optical properties of nanoporous GaN film, Applied Surface Science, 2007, 253, , 6
- F. K. Yam, Z. Hassan, Schottky diode based on porous GaN for hydrogen gas sensing application, Applied Surface Science, 2007, 253, , 4
- F. K. Yam, Z. Hassan, A.Y. Hudeish, The study of Pt Schottky contact on porous GaN for hydrogen sensing, Thin Solid Films, 2007, 515, , 5
- F. K. Yam, Z. Hassan, Investigation of the effects of porous layer on the electrical properties of Pt/n-GaN Schottky contacts, Physica B, 2008, 403, , 5
- F. K. YAM, Z. HASSAN, The investigation of dark current reduction in MSM photodetector based on porous GaN, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2008, 10, , 4
- K. G. Saw, Y. T. Lim, G. L. Tan, Z. Hassan, K. Ibrahim, F. K. Yam and S. S. Ng, Effect of zinc on the growth mechanism of zinc oxide nanostructures in the nitrogen environment, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS, 2008, 41, , 8
- L. S. CHUAH, Z. HASSAN, H. ABU HASSAN, F. K. YAM, C. W. CHIN, N. M. AHMEDa, Growth of III-nitrides on Si(111) BY RF-MBE and its application to MSM photodiodes, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2008, 10, , 4
- F. K. Yam and Z. Hassan, InGaN: An overview of the growth kinetics, physical properties and emission mechanisms, Superlattices and Microstructures (An Review article), 2008, 43, , 23
- L.S. Chuah, Z. Hassan, H. Abu Hassan, F.K. Yam, Barrier height enhanced GaN schottky diodes using a thin AlN surface layer, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2008, 22, , 7
- C.W. Chin, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, Highly Mg-doped GaN thin film grown by RF plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 2008, 2, , 4
- F.K. Yam, Z. Hassan, The investigation of dark current reduction in MSM photodetector based on porous GaN, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2008, 10, , 4
- C.W. Chin, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, RF-MBE growth of GaN on sapphire for gas sensing application, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 2008, 17, , 4
- F. K. Yam, Z. Hassan, Structural and optical characteristics of porous GaN generated by electroless chemical etching, Materials Letters, 2009, 63, , 4
- L.S. Chuah, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam et. al., Structural and optical features of porous silicon prepared by electrochemical anodic etching, Surface review letters, 2009, 16, , 5
- K.P. Beh, F.K. Yam, C.W. Chin, S.S. Tneh, Z. Hassan, The growth of IIIâV nitrides heterostructure on Si substrate by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 506, , 4
- H.I. Abdulgafour, Z.Hassan, N.H.Al-Hardan, F.K.Yam, Growth of high-quality ZnO nanowires without acatalyst, Physica B, 2010, 405, , 3
- N.N. Jandow, F.K. Yam, S.M. Thahab, H. Abu Hassan, K. Ibrahim, Characteristics of ZnO MSM UV photodetector with Ni contact electrodes on poly propylene carbonate (PPC) plastic substrate, Current Applied Physics, 2010, 10, , 4
- N.N. Jandow, F.K. Yam, S.M. Thahab, K. Ibrahim, H. Abu Hassan, The characteristics of ZnO deposited on PPC plastic substrate, Materials Letters, 2010, 64, , 3
- S.S. Tneh, Z.Hassan, K.G.Saw, F.K. Yam, H.Abu Hassan, The structural and optical characterizations of ZnO synthesized using the ââbottom-upââgrowthmethod, Physica B, 2010, 405, , 4
- H.I. Abdulgafour, Z.Hassan, N.Al-Hardan, F.K. Yam, Growth of zinc oxide nanoflowers by thermal evaporation method, Physica B, 2010, 405, , 3
- K.G. Saw, S.S. Tneh, F.K. Yam, S.S. Ng, Z. Hassan, Ultra violet photoresponse properties of zinc oxide on type IIb diamond heterojunction, Physica B, 2010, 405, , 5
- C. L. CHOK, B. L NG, F. K. YAM, The effects of fluoride-based electrolyte concentrations on the morphology of self-organized titania nanotubes, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS â RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, 2010, 4, , 3
- N. N. JANDOW, K. IBRAHIM, F. K. YAM, H. ABU HASSAN, S. M. THAHAB, OSAMA.S. HAMAD, The study of ZnO MSM UV photodetector with Pd contact electrodes on (PPC) plastic, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS â RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, 2010, 4, , 5
- A. Mahmood, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, et. al., Characteristics of undoped porous GaN prepared by UV assisted electrochemical etching, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-rapid Communications, 2010, 4, , 5
- S.S. Tneh, Z. Hassan, K.G. Saw, F.K. Yam et. al., Investigation of non-annealed Al ohmic contacts on undoped ZnO synthesized using the "bottom-up" growth method, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, 2010, 4, , 3
- S.S. Tneh, Z. Hassan, K.G. Saw, F.K. Yam et. al., The morphological, electrical and vibrational characteristics of zinc to zinc suboxide, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, 2010, 4, , 4
- S. S. TNEH, Z. HASSAN, K. G. SAW, F. K. YAM, H. ABU HASSAN, The electrical and vibrational characteristics of ZnO synthesized using the âbottom-upâ growth method , Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, 2010, 4, , 4
- L. S. Chuah, Z. Hassan, S. S. Tneh, K. G. Saw, S. S. Ng, F. K. Yam and F. Azhari, The Effects of Thermal Treatments on Microstructure Phosphorus-Doped ZnO Layers Grown by Thermal Evaporation, Composite Interface, 2010, 17, , 10
- K.P. Beh, F.K. Yam, S.S. Tneh, Z. Hassan, Fabrication of titanium dioxide nanofibers via anodic oxidation, Applied Surface Science, 2011, 257, , 3
- H.I. Abdulgafour, F.K.Yam,Z.Hassan,K.AL-Heuseen,M.J.Jawad, ZnO nanocoral reef grown on porous silicon substrates without catalyst, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509, , 4
- S.W.NG, F.K.YAM, K.P.BEH, S.S.TNEH, Z.HASSAN , The effect of growth parameters and mechanism of titania nanotubes prepared by anodic process , Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, 2011, 5, , 5
- S. W. NG, F. K. YAM, L. L. LOW, K. P. BEH, M. F. MUSTAPHA, E. N. SOTA, S. S. TNEH, Z. HASSAN, Self-assembled ZnO nanostripes prepared by acidified ethanolic anodization, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS â RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, 2011, 5, , 3
- L. S. Chuah, Z. Hassan, C.W. Chin, M. Hussein Mourad, F. K. Yam and S. S. Ng, Strong Room Temperature 505 nm Emission from Hexagonal Crack Free InGaN Thin Film on Si(111) Grown by MBE, Composite Interface, 2011, 18, , 11
- L.L. Low, F.K. Yam, K.P. Beh, Z. Hassan , The influence of Ga source and substrate position on the growth of low dimensional GaN wires by chemical vapour deposition, Applied Surface Science, 2011, , , 4
- C.W. Chin, F.K. Yam, K.P. Beh, Z. Hassan, M.A. Ahmad, Y. Yusof, S.K. Mohd Bakhori , The growth of heavily Mg-doped GaN thin film on Si substrate by molecular beam epitaxy, Thin Solid Films, 2011, , , 5
- F.K. Yam, K.P. Beh, S.W. Ng, Z. Hassan , The effects of morphological changes on the vibrational properties of self-organized TiO2 nanotubes, Thin Solid Films, 2011, , , 0
- L.L. Low, F.K. Yam, K.P. Beh, Z. Hassan, The influence of growth temperatures on the characteristics of GaN nanowires, Applied Surface Science, 2011, , , 0
- H.I. Abdulgafour, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, K. AL-Heuseen, Y. Yusof, Enhancing Photoresponse time of low cost Pd/ZnO nanorods prepared by thermal evaporation techniques for UV detection, Applied Surface Science, 2011, , , 0
- N. N. Jandow ⢠H. Abu Hassan ⢠F. K. Yam ⢠K. Ibrahim, Comparative study of the properties of ZnO thin films deposited on poly propylene carbonate (PPC) and glass substrates, Journal of Materials Science, 2012, 47, , 5
- N.H. Al-Hardan, M.J. Abdullah, N.M. Ahmed, F.K. Yam, A. Abdul Aziz, UV photodetector behavior of 2D ZnO plates prepared by electrochemical deposition, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2012, 51, , 7
- I.M. Low, F.K. Yam, W.K. Pang, In-Situ Diffraction Studies on the crystallization and crystal growth in Anodized TiO2 Nanofibres, Materials Letters, 2012, , , 3
- H. I. Abdulgafour, Z. Hassan, N. M. Ahmed, and F. K. Yam, Comparative study of ultraviolet detectors based on ZnO nanostructures grown on different substrates, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 112, , 9
- Saleh H. Abud1, Z. Hassan, F. K. Yam, Enhancement of Structural and Optical Properties of Porous In0.27Ga0.73N Thin Film Synthesized Using Electrochemical Etching Technique, International Journal of Electrochemical Science , 2012, 7, , 9
- S. W. Ng, F. K. Yam and Z. Hassan, Electrochemical Impregnation of Silver Nanostructures in Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2012, 159, , 5
- K. P. BEH, F. K. YAM, L. L. LOW, S. S. TNEH, S. W. NG, L. K. TAN, Y. Q. CHAI, Z. HASSAN, Growth and investigations of GaN-Ga2O3 nano-composites, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS â RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, 2012, 6, , 4
- Q.N. Abdullah, F.K. Yam, Z. Hassan, M. Bououdina, Growth and conversion of β-Ga2O3 nanobelts into GaN nanowires via catalyst-free chemical vapor deposition technique, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2013, 54, , 10
- S. F. Cheah, S. C. Lee, S. S. Ng, F. K. Yam, H. Abu Hassan, and Z. Hassan, Surface phonon polariton characteristic of honeycomb nanoporous GaN thin films, Applied Physics Letters, 2013, , , 5
- Q.N. Abdullah, F.K. Yam, J.J. Hassan, C.W. Chin, Z. Hassan, M. Bououdina, High performance room temperature GaN-nanowires hydrogen gas sensor fabricated by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38, , 17
- Khi Poay Beh, Fong Kwong Yam, Lay Kim Tan, Siow Woon Ng, Che Woei Chin, and Zainuriah Hassan, Photoelectrochemical Fabrication of Porous GaN and Their Applications in Ultraviolet and Ammonia Sensing, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 52, , 6
- Ainorkhilah Mahmooda, Naser Mahmoud Ahmed, Yam Fong Kwong, Chuah Lee Siang, Mohd BukhariMd Yunus and Zainuriah Hassan, Applications of the image processing method on the structure measurements in porous GaN, Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, 2013, , , 9
- L.K. Tan, F.K. Yam, K.P. Beh, Z. Hassan, Study of growth mechanism of self-catalytic branched GaN nanowires, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2013, 58, , 6
- Saleh H. Abud, Asmiet Ramiy, A.S. Hussein, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, A comparative study of the structural and electrical properties of n-type InGaN epilayer grown by MBE and commercially, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2013, 60, , 7
- Y.L. Cheong, F.K. Yam, I.K. Chin, Z. Hassan, X-ray analysis of nanoporous TiO2 synthesized by electrochemical anodization, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2013, 64, , 7
- R. Radzali, N.Zainal, F.K.Yam, Z.Hassan, Nanoporous InGaN of high In composition prepared by KOH electrochemical etching, MaterialsScienceinSemiconductorProcessing, 2013, 16, , 7
- Gh. Alahyarizadeh, Z. Hassan, and F. K. Yam, Improvement of the performance characteristics of deep violet InGaN multiquantum- well laser diodes using step-graded electron blocking layers and a delta barrier, Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 113, , 8
- L.K. Tan, F.K. Yam, L.L. Low, K.P. Beh, Z. Hassan, The influence of growth temperatures on the characteristics of GaN nanowires: The Raman study, Physica B, 2013, 434, , 5
- C.Y.Fong, S.S.Ng, F.K.Yam, H.AbuHassan, Z.Hassan, Synthesis of wurtzite GaN thin film via spin coating method, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2013, 17, , 4
- C. Y. Fong, S. S. Ng, F. K. Yam, H. Abu Hassan, Z. Hassan, Synthesis of two-dimensional gallium nitride via spin coating method: influences of nitridation temperatures, JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013, , , 7
- Saleh H.Abud, Z.Hassan, F.K.Yam, Structural properties of porous In0.08Ga0.92N synthesized using photoelectrochemical etching, Materials Letters, 2013, 107, , 3
- C.W. Chin, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, M.A. Ahmad, Growth of self-assembled InGaN quantum dots on Si (111) at reduced temperature by molecular beam epitaxy, Thin Solid Films, 2013, 544, , 4
- H.I. Abdulgafour, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, C.W. Chin, Sensing devices based on ZnO hexagonal tube-like nanostructures grown on p-GaN heterojunction by wet thermal evaporation, Thin Solid Films, 2013, 540, , 9
- K.P. Beh, F.K. Yam, L.L. Low, Z. Hassan, One-step growth of curled GaN nanowires using chemical vapor deposition method, Vacuum, 2013, 95, , 6
- Y. Chai, C. W. Tam, K. P. Beh, F. K. Yam, Z. Hassan, Porous WO3 formed by anodization in oxalic acid, Journal of Porous Materials, 2013, , , 6
- Q.N. Abdullah, F.K.Yam, N.K.Hassan, M.A.Qeed, K.Al-Heuseen, M.Bououdina,Z. Hassan, One-dimensional GaN nanostructures prepared via chemical vapor deposition: Substrate induced size and dimensionality, Ceramics International, 2014, , , 7
- Kim Guan Saw, Sau Siong Tneh, Gaik Leng Tan, Fong Kwong Yam, Sha Shiong Ng, Zainuriah Hassan, Ohmic-Rectifying Conversion of Ni Contacts on ZnO and the Possible Determination of ZnO Thin Film Surface Polarity, PLOS One, 2014, 9, , 7
- Saleh H. Abud, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, A.J. Ghazai, Comparison of the structural and optical properties of porous In0.08Ga0.92N thin films synthesized by electrochemical etching, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2014, 212, , 7
- Saleh H. Abud, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, C.W. Chin, Characteristics of MSM photodetector fabricated on porous In0.08Ga0.92N, Measurement, 2014, 50, , 3
- Saleh H. Abud,, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, Fabrication and characterization of metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector based on porous InGaN, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2014, 144, , 6
- Asmiet Ramizy, Saleh H. Abud, A.S. Husseinc, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, C.W. Chin, Novel InGaN mesoporous grown by PA-MBE, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2014, , , 4
- Kim Guan Saw, Sau Siong Tneh, Fong Kwong Yam, Sha Shiong Ng, Zainuriah Hassan, Determination of Acceptor Concentration, Depletion Width, Donor Level Movement and Sensitivity Factor of ZnO on Diamond Heterojunction under UV Illumination, PLOS One, 2014, 9, , 6
- Y. Chai, I. K. Chin, F. K. Yam, and Z. Hassan, Formation of Tungsten Oxide Nanostructures Prepared in Hydrochloric Acid, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2014, , , 5
- Q.N. Abdullah F.K. Yam Z. Hassan M. Bououdina, Hydrogen Gas Sensing Performance of GaN Nanowires-Based Sensor at Low Operating Temperature, Sensors and Actuators B, 2014, , , 0
- I. K. Chin, F. K. Yam, Y. Chai and Z. Hassan, Comparative study of porous anodic alumina: effects of aluminium deposition methods, Materials Science and Technology, 2014, , , 6
- Y.L. Cheong, F.K. Yam, Y.W. Ooi, Z. Hassan, Room-temperature synthesis of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide via electrochemical anodization, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2014, 26, , 7
- R. Radzali, Z. Hassan, N. Zainal, F.K. Yam, Nanoporous InGaN prepared by KOH electrochemical etching with different light sources, Microelectronic Engineering, 2014, 126, , 6
- S.W. NG, F.K. YAM, K.P. BEH & Z. HASSAN, Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes in Chloride Based Electrolyte: An Alternative to Fluoride Based Electrolyte, Sains Malaysiana, 2014, 43, , 5
- R. Radzali, Z. Hassan, N. Zainal, F.K. Yam, Structural and optical characteristics of porous InAlGaN prepared by photoelectrochemical etching, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, , , 7
- Gh. Alahyarizadeh, Z. Hassan, S.M. Thahab, F.K. Yam, Improvement of performance characteristics of deep violet InGaNDQW lasers using a strip DQW active region, Optik, 2014, , , 5
- S.F.Cheah, S.C.Lee, S.S.Ng, F.K.Yam, H.Abu Hassan, Z.Hassan, Luminescence evolution of porous GaN thin films prepared via UV-assisted electrochemical etching, Journal ofLuminescence, 2014, 159, , 9
- QN Abdullah, FK Yam, Z Hassan, M Bououdina, Pt-decorated GaN nanowires with significant improvement in H2 gas-sensing performance at room temperature, Journal of colloid and interface science, 2015, 460, , 11
- LK Tan, FK Yam, Z Hassan, Growth behaviors of platinum-assisted GaN nanostructures in vaporâliquidâsolid mechanism, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2015, 39, , 6
- WF Lim, HJ Quah, Z Hassan, R Radzali, N Zainal, FK Yam, Alteration of structural and optical properties in quaternary Al 0.1 In 0.1 Ga 0.8 N films using ultraviolet assisted photo-electrochemical etching route , Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 649, , 11
- IK Chin, FK Yam, Y Chai, Z Hassan, Quantitative analysis of morphological and photoluminescence properties of porous anodic alumina formed in sulfuric acid , Journal of Porous Materials 22 (5), 1375-1382, 2015, 22, , 8
- CY Fong, SS Ng, FK Yam, HA Hassan, Z Hassan, Growth of GaN on sputtered GaN buffer layer via low cost and simplified solâgel spin coating method , Vacuum, 2015, 119, , 4
- Y Chai, CW Tam, KP Beh, FK Yam, Z Hassan, Effects of thermal treatment on the anodic growth of tungsten oxide films , Thin Solid Films, 2015, 588, , 5
- R Radzali, Z Hassan, N Zainal, FK Yam, Preparation of porous InAlGaN/Si (111) by photoelectrochemical etching for high performance hydrogen gas sensors at room temperature , Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 213, , 9
- IK Chin, FK Yam, Y Chai, Z Hassan, Comparative study of porous anodic alumina: effects of aluminium deposition methods , Materials Science and Technology 31 (6), 709-714, 2015, 31, , 6
- SF Cheah, SC Lee, SS Ng, FK Yam, HA Hassan, Z Hassan, Luminescence evolution of porous GaN thin films prepared via UV-assisted electrochemical etching , Journal of Luminescence, 2015, 159, , 9
- CY Fong, SS Ng, FK Yam, HA Hassan, Z Hassan, An investigation of solâgel spin coating growth of wurtzite GaN thin film on 6HâSiC substrate , Journal of Crystal Growth, 2015, 413, , 4
- R Radzali, Z Hassan, N Zainal, FK Yam, Structural and optical characteristics of porous InAlGaN prepared by photoelectrochemical etching , Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 622, , 7
- A Ramizy, SH Abud, AS Hussein, Z Hassan, FK Yam, CW Chin, Novel InGaN mesoporous grown by PA-MBE , Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2015, 29, , 4
- YL Cheong, FK Yam, SW Ng, Z Hassan, SS Ng, IM Low, Fabrication of titanium dioxide nanotubes in fluoride-free electrolyte via rapid breakdown anodization , Journal of Porous Materials, 2015, , , 8
- CY Fong, SS Ng, FK Yam, HA Hassan, Z Hassan, Effects of Nitridation Temperature on Characteristics of Gallium Nitride Thin Films Prepared Via Two-Step Method , Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2015, 28, , 5
- HJ Quah, WF Lim, Z Hassan, FK Yam, N Zainal, Structural and Optical Investigation of Porous Quaternary Al 0.10 In 0.10 Ga 0.80 N Films Produced via Ultraviolet-assisted Photo-Electrochemical Etching in Acidic Solutions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, , , 0
- KG Saw, NM Aznan, FK Yam, SS Ng, SY Pung, New Insights on the Burstein-Moss Shift and Band Gap Narrowing in Indium-Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films, PloS one, 2015, , , 0
- HJ Quah, WF Lim, Z Hassan, R Radzali, N Zainal, FK Yam, Effects of ultraviolet-assisted electrochemical etching current densities on structural and optical characteristics of porous quaternary AlInGaN alloys, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2015, , , 0
- CF Mah, KP Beh, FK Yam, Z Hassan, Rapid Formation and Evolution of Anodized-Zn Nanostructures in NaHCO3 Solution, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2016, 10, , 8
- Q.N. Abdullah, F.K. Yam, K.H. Mohmood, Z.Hassan, M.A. Qaeed, M. Bououdina, M.A. Almessiere, A.L. Alotiaibi, S.A. Abdulateef, Free growth of one-dimensional β-Ga 2 O 3 nanostructures including nanowires, nanobelts and nanosheets using a thermal evaporation method, Ceramics International, 2016, 42, , 7
- Y.L. Cheong, K.P. Beh, F.K. Yam, Z. Hassan, Performance evaluation of titanium dioxide based dye-sensitized solar cells under the influence of anodization steps, nanotube length and ionic liquid-free redox electrolyte solvents, Superlattices and Microstructures 94, 74-84, 2016, 94, , 11
- Hock Jin Quah, Naser Mahmoud Ahmed, Norzaini Zainal,Fong Kwong Yam, Zainuriah Hassan, Way Foong Lim, Room temperature hydrogen gas sensing characteristics of porous quaternary AlInGaN film prepared via UV-assisted photo-electrochemical etching, Superlattices and Microstructures 95, 65-70, 2016, 95, , 0
- S.W. Ng, F.K. Yam, K.P. Beh, S.S. Tneh, Z. Hassan, Improved conductivity of indium-tin-oxide film through the introduction of intermediate layer, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2016, 97, , 10
- Way Foong Lim, Hock Jin Quah, Zainuriah Hassan, Rosfariza Radzali, Norzaini Zainal, and Fong Kwong Yam, Porous Quaternary Al0.1In0.1Ga0.8N Film Formation via Photoelectrochemical Etching in HF:C2H5OH Electrolyte, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 2016, 99, 7, 7
- HJ Quah, WF Lim, Z Hassan, FK Yam, N Zainal, Structural and Optical Investigation of Porous Quaternary Al 0.10 In 0.10 Ga 0.80 N Films Produced via Ultraviolet-assisted Photo-Electrochemical Etching in Acidic Solutions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, , , 12
- Zhi Yin Lee, Sha Shiong Ng, Fong Kwong Yam, Growth mechanism of indium nitride via solâgel spin coating method and nitridation process, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2017, 310, , 5
- Zi-Neng Ng, Kah-Yoong Chan, Yew-Keong Sin, Fong-Kwong Yam and Dietmar Knipp., Sol-Gel Derived Al-Ga Co-Doped ZnO Thin Films Embedded with Microrods , JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2017, , , 6
- Hock Jin Quah, Zainuriah Hassan, Fong Kwong Yam, Naser Mahmoud Ahmed, Mohammad Amran Mohd Salleh, Khamirul Amin Matori, Way Foong Lim, Effects of ammonia-ambient annealing on physical and electrical characteristics of rare earth CeO2 as passivation film on silicon, Journal Alloys and Compounds, 2017, , , 12
Non-Citation Indexed Journal
(Author),(Title of Article),(Name of Journal),(Year),(Volume),(Edition),(Number Of Pages)
- Z. Hassan, Y.C. Lee, F.K. Ya, Z.J. Yap, N. Zainal, H. Abu Hassan, K. Ibrahim, Thermal stability of Ni/Ag contacts on p-type GaN, Physica Solidi C, 2004, 1, , 5
- Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, Z.J. Yap et. al., Characteristics of Ni-based bi-layer contacts on GaN, Cross-disciplinary applied research in materials science and technology, 2005, 480, , 6
- Z. Hassan, S.S. Ng, G.L. Chew, F.K. Yam et. al., Growth and properties of GaN/Si heterojunction, Cross-disciplinary applied research in materials science and technology, 2005, 480, , 6
- Z. Hassan, Y.C. Lee, S.S. Ng, F.K. Yam et. al., AlGaN metal-semniconductor-metal structure for pressure sensing applications, Physica Status Solidi C - Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 2006, 3, , 4
- C.K. Tan, A.A. Aziz, F.K. Yam et.al., Effect of thermal treatment for Pd and PdSi schottky contacts on p-GaN, Materials Science Forum, 2006, 517, , 5
- C.K. Tan, A.A. Aziz, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam et. al., Electrical characteristics and thermal stability of Ti contact to p-GaN, Physica Status Solidi C - Current Topics in Solid State Physics, 2006, 3, , 5
- F.K. Yam, Z. Hassan, K. Ibrahim et. al., Epitaxial GaN film grown at low temperature by hydrogen-plasma assisted MOCVD, Materials Science Forum, 2006, 517, , 4
- S. Othman, F.K. Yam, H. Abu Hassan et. al., Investigation on Ag/Ti ohmic contacts to Si-doped n-type Al0.27Ga0.73N and the effect if post annealing treatments, Materials Science Forum, 2006, 517, , 6
- C.K. Tan, A.A. Aziz, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam et. al., Pinning fermi level of p-GaN due to three different (Zr, Ti and Cr) metal contact, Materials Science Forum, 2006, 517, , 5
- F.K. Yam, Z. Hassan, H. Abu Hassan et. al., Structural and optical analysis of GaN films grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapour deposition, Materials Science Forum, 2006, 517, , 4
- C.K. Tan, A.A. Aziz, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam et. al., The study of thermal treatment on electrical properties at Cr/p-GaN, Materials Science Forum, 2006, 517, , 4
- C.W. Chin, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam et. al., Structural, optical and electrical properties of n-type GaN on Si (111) grown by RF-plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy, Current Issues of Physics in Malaysia, 2008, 1017, , 5
- K.G. Saw, G.L. Tan, Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam et.al., Thermal degradation of single crystal zinc oxide and the growth of nanostructures, Progress of Physics Research in Malaysia, Perfik 2009, 2009, 1250, , 4
- Ainorkhilah Mahmood, Zainuriah Hassan, Naser Mahmoud Ahmed, Fong Kwong Yam, Lee Siang Chuah, Marina Mokhtar, Mohd Noor, Nurul Huda, Siti Azlina Rosli, Structural and Optical Studies of Undoped Porous GaN Prepared by Pt-Assisted Electroless Etching, Materials Science Forum, 2016, 846, , 8
(Author),(Title of Article),(Name of Journal),(Year),(Volume),(Edition),(Number Of Pages)
- Z. Hassan, F.K. Yam, Y.C. Lee et. al., Effects of post annealing treatments on the characteristics of ohmic contacts on n-type AlGaN, Light-emmiting diodes : research, manufacturing, and applications IX, 2005, 5739, , 8
Chapter In Research Book
(Author),(Title of Article),(Name of Book),(Publisher),(Year),(Number Of Pages)
- Fong Kwong Yam, Li Li Low, Sue Ann Oh & Zainuriah Hassan, GaN: An overview of structural defects , Optoelectronics - Materials and Techniques, InTech, 2011, 38
- N.N. Jandow, H. Abu Hassan, F.K. Yam and K. Ibrahim, ZnO Metal-Semiconductor-Metal UV Photodetectors on PPC Plastic with Various Metal Contacts, Photodetectors , InTech, 2012, 30
- Solid-Liquid Heterojunction UV Photodetector Based on TiO2 Nanotubes, , 2015
- Porous GaN Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, , 2015
Refereed Proceeding
(Author),(Year),(Title),(Publisher),(Name Of Proceeding),(Venue),(Number Of Pages)
- CF Mah, FK Yam, Z Hassan, 2016, Investigation and Characterization of ZnO Nanostructures Synthesized by Electrochemical Deposition, , Procedia Chemistry, , 8
- Y Chai, FY Ha, FK Yam, Z Hassan, 2016, Fabrication of Tungsten Oxide Nanostructure by Sol-Gel Method, , Chemistry Procedia, , 6
Publication Related to Teaching
Teaching Modules
(Author),(Year),(Title),(Publisher),(Number Of Pages)
- Yam Fong Kwong, 2009, Peralatan Pengukuran Asas dalam Makmal, USM, 51
- Yam Fong Kwong, 2009, Kursus Cahaya dan Optik, USM, 34
Popular Academic Books
(Author),(Year),(Title),(Publisher),(Number Of Pages)
- Chin Che Woei, Zainuriah Hassan, Yam Fong Kwong, 2011, Study of III-Nitrides Heterostructures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Lambert Academic Publishing, 124
- The Growth of Heavily Mg Doped GaN Thin Film on Si Substrate by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Beijing, China, 23/8/2010- 27/8/2010, International
- The Investigation of Structural and Optical Properties of Self-Organized Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes Synthesized by Anodic Process, Beijing, China, 23/8/2010- 27/8/2010, International
- The structural study of Titanium Dioxide nanotubes prepared by anodic process, The Zon Regency Hotel, Johor Bahru, Johor, 8/12/2010- 10/12/2010, National
- Fabrication and characterization of humidity sensor based on Pd/GaN, Thistle Hotel, Johor Bahru, 20/12/2011- 21/12/2011, National
- Photo-electrochemical Fabrication of Porous GaN and Their Applications in UV and Ammonia sensing, Sapporo, Japan, 14/10/2012- 19/10/2012, International
- Study of Indium Oxide materials grown at different temperatures, Persada Johor International Convention Centre, 10/12/2012- 13/12/2012, International
- Investigation and Characterization of ZnO Nanostructures Synthesized by Electrochemical Deposition, Vistana Hotel, Penang, Malaysia, 4/8/2015- 6/8/2015, International
- Fabrication of Tungsten Oxide Nanostructure by Sol-gel Method, Vistana Hotel, Penang, Malaysia, 4/8/2015- 6/8/2015, International
Academic Awards
(Name of Award),(Awarding Institution),(Year),(Level)
- Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2007, University
- Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung (Publication), Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2011, University
- Anugerah Sanggar Sanjumg, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2015, University
Reviewing Articles in Academic Journals / Assessor of Working Papers / Reviewing Books
(Title of Journal),(Name of Journal),(Editor),(Year)
- Improved hydrogen sensing properties of a Pt/SiO2/GaN Schottky diode, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters (Electrochemical Society, ECS), Jennifer Bardwell, 2007
- Current-voltage and capacitance-voltage characteristics of the ITO/polyaniline doped borontrifloride /Al Schottky diode, Polymers for Advanced Technologies (Wiley), William H. Daly, 2008
- Forward bias capacitance-voltage measurements on semiconductors using co-planar ohmic and Schottky contacts in a cylindrical geometry, Mexican Workshop on Nanostructured Materials, Dr.Velumani Subramaniam,, 2008
- High sensitivity Pd/GaN hydrogen sensors with a porous-like sensing mixture of Pd and SiO2, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters (Electrochemical Society, ECS), Jennifer Bardwell, 2008
- Preparations of porous AlN particles from an aluminum-magnesium alloy melt solution, Materials Letters (Elsevier), A.F.W. Willoughby, 2009
- In-N codpoed p-type ZnMgO thin films with bandgap engineering, Materials Letters (Elsevier), A.F.W. Willoughby, 2009
- Syntheses of ZnO Nanoparticles, and Investigation of the Ionic Template Effect on Their Size and Shape, Materials Letters (Elsevier), A.F.W. Willoughby, 2009
- Morphology, luminescence, and electrical resistance response to H2 and CO gas exposure of porous InP membranes prepared by electrochemistry in a neutral electrolyte, Applied Surface Science (Elsevier), Hikaru Kobayashi , 2010
- Influence of initial growth conditions and Mg-surfactant on the quality of GaN film grown by MOVPE, Chinese Optics Letters, Shengling Liu, 2010
- The Effects of Substrate Temperature on Indium Gallium Nitride Nano-Column Crystal Engineering., Crystal Growth & Design (American Chemical Society), Allan S. Myerson, 2010
- High Light-Extraction Efficiency Light-Emitting Diodes with Silver Coated Angled Inclined Sidewall, Current Applied Physics (Elsevier), Tae Won NOH, 2010
- Research on the Influence of Vacancy Defect on the Optical Properties of GaN, Chinese Optics Letters, Hualiwei, 2011
- Experimental Artifacts for Morphological Tweaking of 7 Chemical Sensor Materials: Studies on ZnO, Sensors, Linda Wang (assistant Editor), 2012
- Magnetic Force on a Magnetic Bead, IEEE-ICSE2012, EDS Malaysia Chapter IEEE Malaysia Section, 2012
- Hydrogen concentrations sensing application of Pd/SiO2/GaN Schottky diode, Journal of Physical Science, Prof. Ismail Ab Rahman, 2012
- First observations of macroporous Gallium Nitride electrochemically etched from high doped single crystal wafers in HF based electrolytes, The Electrochemical Society Journals , Jennifer A. Bardwell, 2012
- A Ratiometric ZnO Nanorod Ultraviolet Detector With Temperature Stability, physica status solidi, Margit Schütz, 2013
- Growth and Characterization of (100) and (111) 3C-SiC Thin Film for MEMS Capacitive Pressure Sensor for Extreme Environments, ICAMN III 2013, Dr Kuan Yew Cheong, 2013
- Microstructural Evolution of 6061 Al Alloy during Cyclic Semi-Solid Heat Treatment, American Journal of Materials Science, David Thomas, 2014
- Effects of sintering temperature on surface morphology and nonlinear coefficient in low-voltage ZnO based ceramic varistors, Ceramics International, Pietro Vincenzini, 2014
- Growth mechanism of ZnO deposited by nitrogen mediated crystallization, Materials Research Express, Sarah Poulter, 2014
- Multi-compositional non-polar a-InxGa1-xN films on a-GaN / r-sapphire, Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics, , 2014
- Enhanced blue light emission in transparent ZnO:PVA nanocomposite free standing polymer films, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Greeshma Nair, 2015
- Growth of n-ZnO/p-NiO(CuO) UV Photodetector by Chemical Bath Deposition, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Prof. John David, 2015
- Growth Behavior of GaN Nano-Wires Synthesized by Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition, Journal of Crystal Growth, Joan M Redwing, 2015
- Green method for synthesizing gallium nitride nanostructures at low temperature, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Prof. Kuan Yew Cheong,, 2015
- High performance ultraviolet photodetectors based on ZnO nanoflakes / PVK heterojunction, Applied Physics Letters, Kenjiro Miyano, 2016
- Ergodic relaxor state with high energy storage performance induced by doping Sr0.85Bi0.1TiO3 in Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 ceramics, Ceramics International, Pietro Vincenzini, 2016
- Resistive switching characteristics of sputtered AlN thin films, Ceramics International, Pietro Vincenzini, 2016
- Modification in the content of phases in TiO2 nanopowders by noble metal addition and their response on 4-Chlorophenol degradation, Journal of Nanomaterials, Soha Labib, 2016
- Enhancement of photoelectrocatalysis efficiency of carbon nanotubes doped with TiO2 nanostructures applied on pesticide degradation, Journal of Nanomaterials, Noha Elsahhar, 2016
- The effect of calcination temperature on structure and photocatalytic properties of WO3/TiO2 nanocomposites, Journal of Nanomaterials, Huda Qabeel, 2016
- Aging stress behavior of non-ohmic properties for ZnO-Pr1.83-CoO-Cr2O3-Dy2O3 ceramics doped with Er2O3, Ceramics International, Pietro Vincenzini, 2016
- Influence of Mo addition on low temperature NTC properties and phase transition behavior of vanadium oxide ceramic thin films, Ceramics International, Pietro Vincenzini, 2016
- Enhanced dielectric thermal stability in Nb-doped BT-BMT ceramics , Ceramics International, Pietro Vincenzini, 2016
- Fabrication of Au decorated ZnO porous microspheres with enhanced gas sensing properties , Materials Letters, Prof. Aldo Boccaccini, 2016
- Effects of TiO2 powder morphology and SiO2 sintering additive on the positive temperature coefficient of resistivity (PTCR) behavior of (Bi1/2Na1/2)0.10Ba0.90TiO3 ceramics with CaO addition , Ceramics International, Pietro Vincenzini, 2016
- Electron-phonon coupling in GaN nanowires with different III/V ratios, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Dr. Philippe COLOMBAN, 2016
- Dielectric properties of Sr0.5Ca0.5TiO3: Pr3+, Sm3+, Dy3+ ceramics , Ceramics International, Pietro Vincenzini, 2016
- A three-dimensional blue light emitting diode, RSC(Royal Society of Chemistry) Advances, Dr Jeff Kettle, 2016
- Considerations about LED Technology in Street Lighting Systems - Power Quality Analysis, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology, Richard Akul, 2016
- Electrical and structural characteristics of Tin-doped GaN thin films and its hetero-junction diode made all by RF reactive sputtering, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Kuan Yew, Cheong (PhD), 2016
- Time-dependent growth of ZnO nanowires prepared using zinc and ethanol vapour, Jurnal Fizik Malaysia, Editor -Unknown, 2016
- P-β-Ga2O3/ n-ZnO UV Photodiode by Mutual Diffusion Doping at Ga2O3/ ZnO Heterostructure Interface, Applied Physics Letters, Christoph Grein, 2017
- Doping effect of Ta5+ ions on microstructure and electrical properties of BaTiO3-(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 ceramics with positive temperature coefficient of resistivity, Ceramics International, Pietro Vincenzini, 2017
- High-energy storage performance in lead-free (1-x)BaTiO3xBi(Zn0.5Ti0.5)O3 relaxor ceramics for high temperature applications, Ceramics International, Pietro Vincenzini, 2017
Keynote Speaker
- XRD methods for characterization of nanomaterials, Workshop on Advanced Characterization Methods for nanomaterials (1 - 3 Jun 2010), Usains, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2010, National
Awards / Recognition
(Name of Award),(Product),(Organiser),(Event),(Venue), (Date), (Level)
- Prize for excellence in teaching 2010, , , , , 2011, University
- Certificate of Reviewing (Journal), , , , , 2015, International
Member in Professional / Academic Associations
- American Nano Society, Members, 2011, International
- American Journal of Materials Science, Members, 2012, International
- International Journal of Materials & Chemistry, Members, 2012, International
- American Chemical Society, Members, 2012, International
(Name of Awards),(Produk),(Exhibition),(Name),(Venue),(Date),(Level)
- MTE 2011 (Malaysia Technology expo 2011), UV sensor based on Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes, Malaysian Association of Research Scientists (MARS), Prof. Zainuriah Hassan; Ms Ng Siow Woon; Mr Beh Khi Poay; Mr Tneh Sau Siong, Malaysian Association of Research Scientists (MARS), 17/2/2011, , , National
- Titania (TiO2) nanotubes UV photodetector, i-Inova'13, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Ng Siow Woon, Beh Khi Poay, Tneh Sau Siong, Cheong Yuit Ling, Prof. Zainuriah Hassan, i-Inova'13, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 25/10/2013, , , National
- Diamond Medal, Chemical sensor, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Rosfariza Radzali, Zainuriah Hassan, Norzaini Zainal, Yam Fong Kwong, Alhan Farhanah Abd Rahim, Dewan Besar, UITM, Cawangan Pulau Pinang, 26/10/2015, , , National
- Bronze, Application of TiO2 Nanotubes Grown Using Novel Method in Inoic Liquid Free DSSC, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Cheong Yuit Ling; Beh Khi Poay; Muhammad Muhaimin B Mohd Muslim; Wan Amirul Asyraf Bin Yusuf, Perlis,, 27/4/2016, , , International
Invited Speaker
- Chemical Vapour deposition, Workshop on Fabrication and Advanced Characterization Methods for Nanomaterials, School of Physics, USM, 2012, National
- Growth of Gallium Nitride Nanowires by Home-made CVD reactor, Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Technology: Fabrication, Characterization and Application, Centre for Research Initiatives in Natural Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2013, National
- Photodetectors, Workshop on Advanced Semiconductor Technology: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications, Centre for Research Initiatives in Natural Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2013, National
- Nano-semiconductor, International Post Graduate Course on Current Research in Physics , School of Physics, 2014, International
- Growth of Nanomaterials for Sensing Applications, , Multimedia University (MMU), 2014, National
- Synthesis of Low Dimensional Materials for UV and Gas Sensing Applications, The 3rd International Conference of Global Network for Innovative Technology 2016, Joint-organized by Universiti Sains Malaysia & Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, 2016, International
Member of a Panel Discussion / Forum
- Ahli panel bagi sesi Viva Voce Sarjana Sains (Sains Sinaran) Mod campuran sidang akademik 2015/2016, , 2016, -, , University
Internal Examiner
- Characterizations of AlCu/TiN/Ti Film stack by Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD), Leow Mun Tyng, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Fabrication and Characterization of Solar Cell Based on Porous Silicon, Khaldun A. Salman, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Nanostructures for Optoelectronic Using Conventional Techniques, Nadim Khalid Hassan, USM, -
- Characterization of GaN Nanowires Grown by Thermal Evaporation and the Study of its Capability as a Solar Cell, Leila Shekari, USM, -
- Fabrication and Characterization of Porous Zinc Oxide Thin Films, Ching Chin Guan, USM, -
- Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Nanostructures Using Physical Vapor Deposition and Electrochemical Deposition for Optoelectronic Applications , Nadim Khalid Hassan, Universiti Sains malaysia, -
- The structural and optical properties of biopolymer composites filled with ZnO nano and micro particles, Muhamad Hafiz bin Abu Kasim, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 18/7/2013- 18/7/2013
- Gold encapsulate iron oxide nanoparticle as UV and IR ray blocker, MUNIRAH BINTI MOSTAPA KAMAL, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- ZnO Gas Sensor based on Thin Film and Nanowire, (1).Zuraini binti Ahmad & (2).Nursyahril Amyra binti âAzmi, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Growth of AlN with different structure, (1).Alvin Yong Shee Meng, (2).Nurul Farhana binti Md Daud, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystalline CdS Thin Films by Microwave-Assisted Chemical Bath Deposition for Photodetectors Application, Mohammed Husham Mohammed Ali, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Growth and Characterization of Rutile TiO2 Nanostructures Synthesized by Chemical Bath Deposition for UV Photodetector Applications, Abbas Mohammed Selman, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Characterization and Fabrication of Thin Film Silicon Solar Cell on Polymeric and Glass Substrate, Ang Pun Chong, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Transparent Conductive Electrodes for GaN-based Light-Emitting Device, Ahmad Hadi Bin Ali, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Growth of GaN films on GaAs (100) Substrate Using RF-sputtering and E-beam Evaporator Techniques, Muhamad Ikram Bin Md Taib, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Electrodeposition of Sodium Doped p-type Cuprous Oxide Thin Film for Solar Cell Applications, Nezar Gassem Elfadili, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Hydrothermal and Modified Chemical Bath Deposition Methods for Growth of ZnO Nanorods for Device Applications, Sabah M. Mohammad, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Amine-Functionalized Platinum (Pt) nan0/microstructures: Solvothermal Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance, Mahayatun Dayana Binti Johan Ooi, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
- Hybrid Multilayer Nano Solar Cell Chalcogenides Materials Based on Silicon Wafers Deposited by Thermal Evaporation Technique or by CBD or Other Techniques, Mohamed Saleh Mahdi, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Synthesis and Characterization of V2O5 Nanorods using Spray Pyrolysis Method for Different Application, Nabeel Mohammed Abdulghafor, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- ZnO Nanorods on Wire as Biosensor, Ruzaina Binti Rayathulhan, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- TLD Dosimeter Using ZnO Nanorods, Ali Saleh Al Kadem Idriss Ahmad, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Penumbuhan zink oksida struktur mikro atas silikon berliang untuk kajian penyetempatan cahaya, Shahidatul Asraf Binti Zakri, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- Pembangunan Acuan Anod Aluminium Oksida untuk Penumbuhan Rod Nano CuO dalam Pengesan Foto, Khalid Majid Chahrour, Universiti Sains Malaysia, -
- 2009, Morphological Characterization of Porous GaP prepared by Electrochemical Etching, -
Pensyarah/Saintis/Felo/Professor Kunjungan
- 2014, Growth and Characterization of High Quality III-Nitride Thin Films and Nano-structures on Si Substrates, 24/2/2014- 24/6/2014
- 2016, 3rs Meeting of Malaysia Nitrides Research Group (MNRG 2016), 6/12/2016- 7/12/2016
Consultancy With Monetary Reward (University / School / Personal)
(Title Of Project),(Sponsor),(Value),(Main Researchers),(Duration)
- Bridging programme, USM, RM2,000.00, , 30/6/2014- 4/7/2014
- International Postgraduate Course on Current Research in Physics (31 Aug to 11 Sept 2015), Government of Kazakhstan, RM200.00, , 31/8/2015- 11/9/2015
- International Postgraduate Course on Current Research in Physics (3 to 15 Aug 2015), Government of Kazakhstan, RM200.00, , 3/8/2015- 15/8/2015
- External Exam Administrator,SCDL Exam Department - International,11/1/2012- 11/1/2012, University
- Committee,The 6th International Conference on Solid State Science and Technology (ICSSST2017),14/11/2017- 16/11/2017, University
- Course CoordinatorCourse Coordinator,Keusahawanan-WUS 101,29/10/2007- 29/10/2007, University
- Course CoordinatorCourse Coordinator,Keusahawanan WUS 101,8/10/2008- 8/10/2008, University
- Course CoordinatorCourse Coordinator,Keusahawanan WUS 101,2/9/2009- 2/9/2009, University
- Course CoordinatorCourse Coordinator,Penyelaras makmal 200,2010, University
- Course CoordinatorCourse Coordinator,Penyelaras Makmal 200,2011, University
- CommitteeCommittee,Wakil Pusat Pengajian ke Jawatankuasa Sidang Pengarang Sains,23/3/2009- 27/3/2011, University
- CommitteeCommittee,Wakil Pusat Pengajian ke Jawatankuasa Sidang Pengarang Sains,2012, University
- CommitteeCommittee,Rural Community Lighting Survey,1/10/2015- 14/12/2015, University
- CommitteeCommittee,International Symposium on LED and OLED Technology in Conjunction with the International Year of Lig,1/10/2015- 14/12/2015, University
- CommitteeCommittee,2nd Meeting of Malaysia Nitrides Research Group,8/6/2015- 9/6/2015, University
- CommitteeCommittee,Ahli Majlis Institut Penyelidikan dan Teknologi Nano-Optoelektronik,29/5/2015- 31/12/2015, University
- CommitteeCommittee,Nobel Laureate Lecture Series: Prof. Dr. Shuji Nakamura,29/7/2016- 29/7/2016, University
- CommitteeCommittee,3rd Meeting of Malaysia Nitrides Research Group (MNRG 2016),2016, University
- CommitteeCommittee,Ahli Jawatankuasa bagi "Academy of Sciences Malaysia Fellow's Lecture"-Prof. Dr Zainuriah Hassan,7/12/2016- 7/12/2016, University
- OthersOthers,External examination invigilation,21/2/2011- 21/2/2011, University
- OthersOthers,III-V Nanowires for Optoelectronic Applications,5/9/2013- 5/9/2013, University