Ahmad Fairuz Bin Omar
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Ahmad Fairuz Bin Omar | ||
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Spectroscopy for Environment, Agriculture and Medical Applications Light Emitting Diode Application in Sensing and General Lighting Science Outreach |
AHMAD FAIRUZ OMAR Engineering Physics Laboratory (Optics, Spectroscopy & Instrumentation) School of Physics Universiti Sains Malaysia Minden, 11800 Penang, Malaysia. Alternative Email: ACADEMIC PHILOSOPHY To dedicate my career in fulfilling my utmost passion in education through my best deliverance in teaching and my continuous scientific research and development, in order to further sustain lives that founded upon basis of certainty and serenity. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2009-2012: Doctor of Philosophy (Optical Physics) Universiti Sains Malaysia Research Title: Development Of Optical Fiber Vis-NIR Spectroscopy System for Metrological Analysis on Intrinsic Qualities of Averrhoa carambola L. 2006-2008: Master of Science (Electronics Engineering) Open University Malaysia Research Title: Development of Optical Fiber Sensor for Measurement of TSS in Water Pass with Distinction (Recipient of University Book Prize) 1998 – 2002: Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Bachelor of Engineering (HONOURS), Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Major in Communication Final Year Project: Intelligence Control for Wheeled Robot WORKING EXPERIENCE December 2007-July 2012: School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia: Researcher in the projects entitled: - The Development of Bio-Optical Sensor Multispectral Algorithms and System for Measuring Cell Freshness. - Optical Properties Determination in Quantifying Cells/Tissue Quality through Bio-Spectroscopic Instrumentations for Dermatology Application Trainer for ASAP (Optical Simulation Software), Spectroradiometer and Electronics related subjects to industries and university students (undergraduate and postgraduate). June 2008-August 2009: Part Time Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lecturer at SEGI College Penang, Malaysia (for University of Sunderland degree program). August 2006-November 2007: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lecturer at Malaysian Maritime Academy (ALAM), Terengganu, Malaysia. April 2006 – July 2006: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lecturer at ITPCollege, Penang, Malaysia April 2003-July 2006: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lecturer in InformaticsCollegePenang, Malaysia Feb-March, 2003: As a temporary physics teacher for form 5 and upper 6 students. in Sekolah Menengah Seri Balik Pulau. April-July, 2002: As a computer tutor in Sekolah Menengah Abdullah Munsyi. Feb-June, 2000: As an industrial trainee / project engineer at Equity Craft Industries Sdn Bhd at Permatang Damar Laut, Pulau Pinang. Science exploration should be used as a tool to understand the nature, where the outcomes are reliable in sustaining the natural balance and accordingly safeguarding the rights of all. Scientists should limit themselves from redefining the existing natural algorithms and variables within it, and from compromising the high appreciation and respect to other organisms that coexist on this earth. Science should not be used to underestimate the complex nature of the ecosystem for the benefits of very few. --Ahmad Fairuz Omar-- War is a single man-made event that will completely annihilate the entire 17 Sustainable Development Goals. To ensure the ongoing efforts are realistic rather than mere rhetoric, the world governance should mutually condemn the pathetic and despicable history of wars and those who continuously beating the drums of war throughout the modern century; and at the same time pledge that the only path to peace is through peace. Civilisation can only exist and prevail in the mature society that can effectively inhibit conflict. --Ahmad Fairuz Omar-- The wealthy are driving and monopolizing the direction of humanity through the scientific data and the integration of technology in everyday life; while the best of the rest and their followers remains fighting to stand on their arbitrary philosophical ground; and the rest of mankind are struggling to understand and compromise their basic necessities. --Ahmad Fairuz Omar-- It has come to my attention that many recent papers submitted on sensing and its integration with machine learning has almost completely abandoned the discussion on sensing mechanism in relation to the samples properties, which should have been the core scientific element in the research paper. --Ahmad Fairuz Omar-- The only thing that I may regret in my entire life, is the failure to establish proportionality between time spent and knowledge gained. --Ahmad Fairuz Omar-- RESEARCH INTEREST The application of ultraviolet, visible and near infrared (aquaphotomics) spectroscopy, colorimetry, optical fiber sensor technologies and the development of specialized / simplified optical sensing system for: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DoAIjGMAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao My Current Research Works Optical Characterization of Water Qualities In collaboration with Dr. Norizham Abdul Razak (School of Aerospace Engineering) Spectroscopic Quantitative Analysis of Fruits Qualities: Taste is in the eye of Beholder? In collaboration with Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA) & Dr. Rosly Othman (Graduate School of Business, USM) Dermatological Research: Determining Beauty and Health of Human Skin Cancer Detection: An Optical Approach In collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Md Azman PKM Seeni Mohamed (Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI), USM) Measurement of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation STEM-Optics Education Undergraduate Programme: ZCT106: Electronics 1 ZCT206: Electronics 2 / JIF316: Electronics 2 (for School of Distance Education) ZAT281: Introduction to Microprocessors ZAT283: Instrumentation ZCE321: Engineer in Society ZKE323: Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems ZAT394: Applied Physics Project and Seminar JIF490: Project (Course Manager - for School of Distance Education) Master Programme: ZCC591 & ZCC 592: Experimental Techniques and Measurement i & II ZCC593: Solid State Physics Project ZCT 595: Medical Physics Project ZCT598: Radiation Science Dissertation PhD Programme: KAA500 ZCT500: Research Methodology Undergraduate students conducting their experiments in our Electronics and Spectroscopy Laboratories. SUPERVISION: POST-DOC Fellow Dr. Muna Ezzi Abdullah Raypah: The Application of UV-VIS-NIR Spectroscopy Technique for Differentiating Various Types of Prostate Cancerous Cells”. PhD Graduated 1. Ommi Kalsom Mardziah Yahaya: Characterization of Sala Mango Quality Attributes via Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy Techniques. 2015 (Co-Supervisor). 2. Sinan Adnan Abdulateef: prepare gold nanoparticles colloidal solutions by laser ablation to interact with functional groups of enzyme. 2018 (Main Supervisor). 3. Hayder Saad Abdulbaqi: Using medical image processing in early diagnosis of cancer by using MATLAB. 2018 (Co-Supervisor). 4. Zarlaida Fitri (Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh): Pengembangan Sensor Kolorimetrik Berbasis Khitosan untuk Mendeteksi Merkuri Terlarut. 2019 (Co-Supervisor). 5. Suhainah Sudik: Development of VIS-NIR Spectroscopic Spectral Signatures in Detecting Prostate and Cervical Cancer. 2020 (Main Supervisor). 7. Edrine Damulira: Development of a LED Array Prototype for Dosimetry in Diagnostic Radiology. 2020 (Co-supervisor). 8. Tan Chun Ho: Assessment of Human Skin Condition Using UV/VIS/NIR Spectroscopy Technique. 2022 (Main supervisor). On-Going 10. Mohd Razemy Bin Mohd Raffay: Development of Colorimetric and Aquaphotomics Biomarker for Prostate Cancer Cells (Main Supervisor). 12. Abu Mhanna Hamad Yahia Mohammad: The Cellular Absorption of Gold Nanoparticles for Cancer Radiotherapy and Its Monitoring through Optical Spectroscopy (Main Supervisor). 13. Zyoud Samer Husni Abdel Razzaq: Laser Assisted Chemical Bath Growth Technique of Doped and Un-Doped Zinc Oxide Nanostructures: A Low-Cost Approach to UV Photodetector Fabrication (Main Supervisor). 14. Bahoudela Nahwan Kamal Abdulraheem M,: Comparative Clinical Study of Visual and Instrumental Analysis of Shade Selection (Co-supervisor). Master (Research) Graduated 1. Aisyah Ruqayyah binti Mohd Sabbri: NIR Spectroscopic Measurements of Human Skin Sebum. 2014 (Co-Supervisor). 2. Mastura bt Mohamad: Near Infrared Spectroscopic Measurement Of Skin Moisture. 2014 (Co-Supervisor). 3. Tan Hong Kok: Aqueous Sucrose Concentration Measurement Based On Michelson Interferometer. 2015 (Main Supervisor). 4. Chiong Wan Long: Effects of White Light Emitting Diodes and Halogen Lamp on Spectroscopic Measurement of Sala Mango Intrinsic Qualities. 2017 (Main Supervisor). 5. Ummi Shuhada Osman: Development of Optical System for Gafchromic EBT Film Color Evaluation in Measuring Solar UV Irradiance. 2018 (Main Supervisor). 6. Nur Athirah Ahmad Zaki: Impact of Zinc Oxide on Skin Moisture and UV Protection. 2018 (Co-Supervisor). 7. Wan Insaniah Saleha Binti Ahmad Shah: Development of External Beam Therapy 3 Ultraviolet Dosimeter 2018 (Main Supervisor). On-Going 8. Naziah Binti Md Jasin: Influence of Different Acidic Beverages on the Microhardness and Colour Stability of Light Cured Composite Resins (Co-supervisor) Master (Coursework – Solid State Physics) 2014 1. Zainab Shaban Ab.Grunbasa: The Effect of Occlusion in the Near Infrared Spectral Measurement of Skin Moisture and Transepidermal Water Loss. 2. Muhamad Najmuddin bin Mohamad Fauzi: Comparative Study in Measuring the Acidity of Different Type of Grapes using VIS-NIR Spectroscopy. 3. Nur Fatiha binti Ismail: Red, Green and Blue LEDs Spectral Characterization. 2015 4. Mazlin binti Marzenan: Study on Shelf Life of Watermelon Juice under Different Ambient Temperatures: A Vis-NIR Spectroscopic Observation of Quality Changes. 5. Munirah binti Jalaludin: Optical Characterization of White LEDS under Different Ambient Temperatures. 6. Norwahida binti Adnan: Study on the Influence of LEDS Viewing Angles in Measuring Water Turbidity. 2016 7. Mohd Ann Amirul Zulffiqal Md Sahar: The Influence of Photodiode Characteristics in the Accuracy of Turbidity Measurement. 8. Hayatun Najihah Hussin: Study on the Influence of Particles' Color in the Measurement of Water Turbidity through Spectroscopy Technique. 9. Nabihah Kasim: Fluorescence Spectroscopy Characterization of Stingless Bee Honey 2018 10. Mas Ira Syafila Binti Mohd Hilmi Tan: Laser Ablation Synthesis of Gold, Silver, Copper, Aluminium and Nickel Nanoparticles in Distilled Water. 11. Puteri Haslinda Binti Megat Abdul Hedei: Stability of Au and Ag Nanoparticles Synthesized by Laser Ablation in Acetone, Ethanol and Distilled Water. 12. Zulfa Binti Zahri: The Influence of Red LEDs Half Angle in the Accuracy of Nephelometer 2021 13. Alrobaish Abdullah Mohammed: Colorimetric Detection of Cancer Cells Using Phenol Red Master (Coursework – Medical Physics) 2013 1. Nur Athirah Sohaimi: The effect of occlusion in consistency measurement of skin moisture content and transepidermal water loss (TEWL). 2. Azahani Ab Aziz: The influence of calibration setup and measurement techniques on spectral reflectance of human skin. Master (Mixed Mode – Radiation Science) 2013 1. Christina Anak Undau@Anau: Quantifying UV Exposure Dose through Colour Changes of EBT2 Film: An Innovative Spectroscopic Approach 2014 2. Mohd Amirul Bin Tajuddin: Measuring Ultraviolet Exposure Dose on EBT3 Film through the Application of Visible Absorbance Spectroscopy 2015 3. Erny Nurliessa binti Amran: The Application of VIS-NIR Spectroscopic Technique in Monitoring Growth of Prostate and Cervical Cancer Cells. 4. Khairunisa binti Abdul Ghani: Quantitative Characterization of Prostate and Cervical Cancer Cells through Visible and Near Infrared. 5. Intan Nadia binti Mohammad Saleh: Ambient Daylight UVA and UVB Irradiation Profiling through EBT3 Film. 6. Nur Ashikin binti Mat Yusof: Study on the Efficiency of UV A LEDs with Different Peak Emission Wavelengths in Discoloration of EBT3 Film. 2020 7. Maisarah Binti Musa: Analysis on Optical Response for Characterization of EBT3 Films in X-Ray and Electron Beam Absorbed Dose Measurement. 2021 8. Abu Mhanna Hamad Yahia Mohammad: Tolerance in Expired Ebt3 Radiochromic Film Sensitivity for the Measurement of X-Ray and UV Radiation: An Optical Analysis 2022 9. Osama Abdallah Turki Almomani: The Stability of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized Through Laser Ablation in Culture Media for Potential Application in Radiotherapy 10. Anas Sameer Hasan Almomani: Changes in Phenol Red pH During The Synthesis Of Gold Nanoparticles By Laser Ablation And Irradiation By An 18 MeV Electron Beam for a Potential Application in Radiotherapy 11. Abdallah Emad Abdallah Odat: Effect of Amalgam Filling to Optical Response of EBT3 Films and Absorbed Dose Measurement 2023 12. Nur Anis Khairunniesa Binti Hisham Sam Mood: The Stability of Gold and Platinum Nanoparticles Synthesized through Pulsed Laser Ablation in Rpmi-1640 Cell Culture Media. 13. Faisal Rami Ibrahim Abualhaija’a: Study on Three Batches of Expired EBT3 Films' Efficiencies in Measuring Ultraviolet Radiation. Undergraduate (Final year project) School of Physics 2013 1. Ummi Shuhada Osman: Study on the influence of particles color in the measurement of water turbidity. 2. Nur Fatiha Akma binti Ismail & Nurul Izati binti Azizan: Calibration transfer between NIR spectrometers in the measurement of sucrose concentrations. 2014 3. Muhammad Asri bin Zawawi & Farhana Adhwa binti Salihhuddin: Optical Transmissionmeter for Water Turbidity Measurement and Characterization. 4. Nur Yusra bt Mt Yusuf & Nur Syuhada binti Hashim: The Influence of Particle Settling Behavior in the Measurement of Water Turbidity using Nephelometric and Transmission Techniques. 2015 5. Tengku Nasuha binti Tengku Jalal & Nordiana binti Ahmad Nawawi: The application of UV and NIR spectroscopy for the measurement of water turbidity. 2016 6. Loh Jing Zhi & Lim Zi Loon: Spectroscopic and Physicochemical Characterization of Pure and Adulterated Stingless Bee Honey 7. Nurul Adibah binti Che Zakaria & Ahmad Zulfadhli bin Mohd Zain: The Application of Spectroscopy in Shelf Life Determination of Honey Dew, Coconut and Sugarcane Juices 2017 8. Mohammad Hafiz bin Mohd Sopian & Engku Aisyah Najihah binti Engku Ahmad Khairul Anuar: Improving the inaccuracy in turbidity measurement due to settling of particles using vertically displaced optical fiber bundles. 9. Tan Wei Yee & Wong Jia Wen: Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes Characterization Using EBT3 Films. 2018 10. Kusuma A/p Cha Lung & Norfatihah Binti Hasnawi: Direct Calibration Transfer Algorithms between Spectrometers in VIS-NIR Spectroscopy Analysis. 11. Wan Muhammad Nazreen Bin Wan Mohamad Nasir & Abdul Rahman Bin Abdul Najib: UV-VIS-NIR Spectroscopy Analysis On Adulterated Genus Apis and Stingless Bee Honey. 2020 12. Aida Salwa Bt Abdullah & Anis Iwana Bt Rohesan: Design of Optical Fiber Probe in the Detection of Water Turbidity. 13. Norfaiqah Binti Husin & Nur Akidah Binti Mohamad Da’ai: Application of Phenol Red as a pH Sensor. 2021 14. Arif Faisal Bin Pauzai: Development of an Optical Instrument for Colorimetry Application. 15. Kavina Cynthia A/p Louis: Spectrophotometry and Colorimetry Profiling of Phenol Red pH. 16. Muhammad Haziq Khusairi Bin Mohamad Lizai and Muhammad Adli Haiqal Bin Mohd Radzi: Development of Optical System for Continuous Measurement of Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance and Dose. 2022 17. Muhammad Hazeem bin Hasnol Nazim and Muhammad Imran Mohd Nasru: Monitoring of Palm Oil Stress through Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy 2023 18. Puteri Marsya Mukhlisa Binti Zubir & Nur Husnina Binti Rozali: The Implications of CCT Towards RGB Values of Turbid Liquid Sample Measured through Raspberry Pi Camera School of Distance Education (co-supervisor) 2014 10. Zakaria Mohamed: Identification of highest efficient measuring angle for the determination of TSS in water. 11. Haliza Sahafiai: The application of Near Infrared spectroscopy for the measurement of aqueous sugars concentrations. 2017 12. Mohamad Salahuddin Bin Sahibul Fadilah: Water Turbidity Measurement Using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy Technique. 13. Siti Sarah Binti Ismail: Application of EBT3 Films in the Measurement of Solar UV Radiation. 2018 14. Mohamad Hidzir Bin Omar: Visible Absorbance and Reflectance Spectroscopy in Characterizing EBT3 Films for the Measurement of Low Solar Ultraviolet Dose. 15. Abdul Aziz Bin Mohd Ali: The effect of ultraviolet radiation exposure methods in the color changes of EBT3 film. UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang (co-supervisor) 2017 14. Abdul Hafiz bin Abu Samah: Sensing Mechanism of Particle Flow Through A Clear Channel Using Optical Sensor. EXAMINER: PhD 2014 1. Mohammad Khairul Azhar bin Abdul Razab: Study on Efficiency of Pulse Nd YAG Laser in Paint Removal. 2016 2. Ahmed Asal Kzar: Water quality mapping using HNN over Penang Island. 2017 3. Amer Neamah Jarad: Synthesis and Characterization of Conductive Polyaniline (PANI) and Applications in Organic Solar Cells. 2020 4. Sylvester Jande Gemanam: Study of Dielectric Response and Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy in Human Blood Induced by Low Level Laser. 2021 5. Lim Siew Yong @ Lim Siew Eng (Institut Perubatan dan Pergigian Termaju): Feasibility of Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)-Based Time-Of-Flight (ToF) Image Sensors in Conjuction with kiloVoltage (kV) Cone-Beam Computed Tomography 2022 6. Muhammad Aminu (Institut Penyelidikan dan Teknologi Nano Optoelektronik (INOR)): Growth of Fluorine Doped Zinc Oxide Nanostructures for Ultra-Violet Photodetector using Modified Chemical Bath-Hydrothermal. 2023 7. Farhank Saber Braim: Ultrasound Assisted Bismuth Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Dual- Modal CT/MR Imaging Application. 8. Heng Han Yann (Institut Penyelidikan Dan Teknologi Nano Optoelektronik): Synthesis And Characterization of Organic-Inorganic Bismuth Halide Perovskites for Photonics Applications. 9. Ahmad Sauffi Bin Yusof: Fabrication and Characterization of InGaN Based Solar Cell: from Material to Device. Master (Coursework – Solid State Physics) 2013 1. Muna Ezzi Abdullah Raypah: Photoluminescence of Porous Silicon Passivation using Nano Ag Thin Film Deposited by RF-Sputtering and Electrochemical Method. 2014 2. Rabiah Salem Al Arifi: ZnO Nanorod Photodetector On Textured Glass Substrate. 2015 3. Nursyahida binti Mohamad Hasan: Fabrication of Optical Fiber Sensor by Using Pulsed Laser. 2016 4. Fatahiya Bt Karim: The Investigation of Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes for Hydrogen Gas Sensor Application. 5. Hawa El-tayab Mostafa: UV-Blue Light Conversion using Dye Materials. 2017 6. Ahlaam Taher: Nomaan Saeed: Study the YAG Phosphor for white light conversion using blue and UV light emitting diode. 2019 7. Alsaee Saleh Karama Obaid: Investigation of the Optical Properties for Nano and Quantum Dots Using Pulse Laser Ablation for Different Materials. 2023 8. Omar Mohammed Kakasur Omar: Silver Nanowires for Flexible and Stretchable Substrates for Different Applications. Master (Coursework – Medical Physics) 2013 1. Penny Wong Siew Gin: Fabrication and dose distribution of AHNOHEMAG- A novel polymer gel dosimeter. 2. Nadirah Mohamad: Ultrasound characteristic and Imaging of mimicked-tissue phantom. 2021 3. Siti Nur Hazieqah Binti Khasim: Investigation Of Dielectric Effects Of Irradiated Yeast By 405 Nm Laser. 2022 4. Mohamad Firdaus Bin Noor Azman: Effects of Low Level Laser on Yeast Morphology 2023 Alif Syahmi Bin Shamsul Anuar: Evaluation of Starlite Material as Radiation Shielding in KV Photon Beam. Master (Mixed Mode – Radiation Science) 2013 1. Bilal Al-Qasem: Enhancement of radiation effect by nanoparticles via LINAC. 2. Anisah Mohd. Ali: Parameterization of Mass Attenuation Coefficient of B2O3-Bi2O3-RHA. 3. Norshamimi Azua Mohd Noor: Radiation Absorption and Scattering of ANOHEMAG. 2015 4. Hisyamuddin Afif bin Mohamad: Crystal violet-PVA polymer blend dosimeter: optical properties induced by irradiation. 2021 5. Asasfeh Shefa Sameeh Ahmed: Spectroscopy Study of Plant Extract Upon Exposure to Ionization Radiation. 2023 6. Siti Sarah Binti Mohamad Pauzi: Novel Hydroxyl-Chalcone Derivatives: Synthesis, Characterization, In Vitro, and In Silico Biological Evaluations as Potential Antioxidant Agents. Undergraduate (Final year project) 2013 1. Nurul Nabihah binti Hamzah and Siti Nur Fatihah binti Ab Aziz: Light Emission From Nano Structured Semiconductor/Metal System. 2. Muhammad Ridwan bin Ramlee and Muhamad Al Afiq bin Yahaya: Fabrication Of Nano Materials Using Porous Alumina Template. 3. Amin Nor Qarim bin Zainal and Muhammad Asyraff Mohd. Sarif: Study on EM Waves propagation in 2-D Photonics Crystal. 2014 4. Noor Hidayah binti Mohamad and Zulfah binti Hasnan: Fiber Optics Temperature Sensor Fabrication and Testing 5. Nursyahida binti Mohamad Hasan and Nur Amirah binti Mohamad Apandi: Investigating Variability of Outgoing Longwave Radiation over Peninsular Malaysia using Wavelet Transform 2015 6. Loke Jia Cherng & Nurharizan binti Tajudin: Using Arduino to Develop a Low Cost Water Turbidity meter. 7. Muhammad Hafizul Hakim bin Zailand & Nurul Hidayah bin Rased: Growth Of Gan One-Dimensional Structures. 8. Fakrurazie bin Zulkifli: Algae Mapping in Tasik Harapan. 2016 9. Wan Insaniah Saleha binti Ahmad Shah & Ahmad Farhan bin Abas: Development of microwave sensor for mangoes (mangifera indica L.) ripeness determination. 10. Mohamad Zahid bin Aris & Nor Fazira binti Mohd Rofi: Growth characterization of ZnO nanostructure on porous silicon. 11. Tan Chin Chung & Soong Zi Yang: Optical Fiber Array for the Measurement of Water Turbidity. 2017 12. Puteri Nazlin binti Yusri & Siti Nur Farzana binti Jamal Azam@Wansu: 10x10 Three Dimensional Optical Fiber Sensor For Topographical Analysis Of Water Impurity. 2018 13. Norshafina binti Harun: Study on Thermal Interface Properties on Thermal Performance of Low Power and High Power LED. 14. Muhammad Azmi bin Mazlan: Effects of Voids Content of Thermal and Chromatic Performance of High Power While LEDs. 2020 15. Fatin Nabila Binti Rahim & Nur Syahiirah Binti Mohd Mokhtar: Effect of Laser Activated Gold Nanoparticles Therapy on Human Blood. 16. Inas Salsabila Binti Ahmad & Nur Syazwani Binti Ibrahim: Li-Fi Performance System using Rasberry PI. 17. Nurfatihah Binti Jasni & Siti Noralifah Ilyana Binti Che Ramlan: Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Fluoride Nanostucture using Electrochemical Method. 2021 18. Nadiah Binti Safar & Nurfathiyah Fatin Binti Mohamad Zainudin: Systhesis and Characterization of Nano Particles using Pulsed Laser Ablation Indifferent Types of Water. 19. Hassan Rashid Bin Sahibudeen and Balamurrali Krishna A/L Ananthan: Development of a Smart Home Automation System using Raspberry Pi. 20. Nur Adrinna Binti Nor Ariffin and Nor ‘Adilah Binti Mohd Ali: Characteristics and Performance of Different Shape and Size of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles for Water Degradation Applications “Truth is sought for itself but the truths are immersed in uncertainties, therefore, whoever investigates the writings of ‘scientists’ has the duty, if learning the truth is his goal, has the duty to make himself an enemy of all that he reads and, applying his mind to the core and margins of its content, attack it from every side. He should also suspect himself as he performs his critical examination of it, so that he may avoid falling into either prejudice or leniency” Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham. PUBLICATION: 2008 A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Development of Optical Fiber Sensor for Water Quality Measurement”, CURRENT ISSUES OF PHYSICS IN MALAYSIA: National Physics Conference 2007 - PERFIK 2007. AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings, Volume 1017, pp. 398-402 (2008). Conference on 26-28th of December 2007 at Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. DOI: 10.1063/1.2940669. (Environment) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Water Quality Measurement Using Transmittance and 90o Scattering Techniques through Optical Fiber Sensor”, Proceedings of IEEE 2008 6th National Conference on Telecommunication Technologies and IEEE 2008 2nd Malaysia Conference on Photonics, pp. 17-21. Conference on 26-27th of August 2008 at Putrajaya, Malaysia. DOI: 10.1109/NCTT.2008.4814227. (Environment) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Consistency Test on a Newly Develop Water Quality Fiber Sensor”, Proceedings of The Sixth Regional IMT-GT (Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle) UNINET Conference 2008, Sustaining Natural Resources Towards Enhancing the Quality of Life Within the IMT-GT Zone. pp. 388-392. Conference on 28-30th of August 2008 at Penang, Malaysia. (Environment) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Analysis of NIR Spectral Reflectance Linearization and Gradient Shift in Monitoring Apple and Pear Decay”, Asian Journal of Food and Agro-Technology, October 2008, 1(04), pp. 223-231. ISSN 1906-3040. (Food) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Monitoring of Spectrum Responsivity on Apples and Pears Decay through VIS-NIR Reflectance Spectroscopy”, Proceedings of The ISSAAS (The International Society for Southeast Asian Agriculture Sciences) International Congress 2008, The Agriculture for the 3 ES: Economy, Environment and Energy, pp. 63-69. Conference on 23-27th of February 2009 at The Emerald Hotel, Ratchadapisek Road, Bangkok, Thailand. (Food) N. Othman, M. Z. Mat Jafri, H. S. Lim, A. F. Omar & C. K. Sim, ”Water Turbidity Measurements in Endau Rompin National Park Area Using Water Quality Fiber Sensor”, Proceedings of The ISSAAS (The International Society for Southeast Asian Agriculture Sciences) International Congress 2008, The Agriculture for the 3 Es: Economy, Environment and Energy, pp. 202-207. Conference on 23-27th of February 2009 at The Emerald Hotel, Ratchadapisek Road, Bangkok, Thailand. (Environment) 2009 A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Simulation and Experimental Identification of Bifurcated Optical Fiber Configurations Efficiency”, presented at IMFP2009 (Third International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics 2009). Conference on 12-16th of January 2009 at Awana Genting Highland, Malaysia. (General Optics) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Identification of Reflectance Fiber Probe Configurations Efficiency through ASAP Simulation and Optical Fiber Sensor”, Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society, ICIME2009, 2009 International Conference on Information Management and Engineering, 2009, pp.370-374. Conference on 3-5th of April 2009 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. DOI: 10.1109/ICIME.2009.30. (General Optics) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Optical Sensor in the Measurement of Fruits Quality: Review on an Innovative Approach”, International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, December 2009, 1(5), pp. 580-584. ISSN: 1793-8198 (Online Version); 1793-8163 (Print Version). (Food) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Turbidimeter Design and Analysis: A Review on Optical Fiber Sensor for the Measurement of Water Turbidity”, Sensors 2009, 9(10), pp. 8311-8335. ISSN 1424-8220. (Environment) A. F. Omar, H. Atan & M. Z. MatJafri, “Optical Technology in Quantifying Fruits Quality: An Approach in Sustaining Agriculture Industry”, Proceedings of The ISSAAS (The International Society for Southeast Asian Agriculture Sciences) International Congress 2009, Agriculture for Better Living and Global Economy, pp. 17-23. Conference on 11-15th of January 2010 at Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden & Resort, Pattaya, Thailand. (Food) 2010 A. F. Omar, M. Z. MatJafri & H. Atan, “Optical Technology in Continuous Monitoring of Water Turbidity: Moving Towards Sustaining Environmental Quality”, Proceedings of The 2nd IETBIC2010 (2nd International Conference of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, Brunei Darussalam), Green Technology For Sustainable Global Development, p15 (1-5). Conference on 21-22nd of June 2010 at The Rizqun International Hotel, Bandar Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam. (Environment) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Diluting University Research into School Project in Catalysing Early Interest in Physics-Engineering”, Proceedings of IEEE 2010 2nd Intenational Congress on Engineering Education (ICEED2010), pp. 52-57. Conference on 8-9th of December 2010 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Scopus). DOI: 10.1109/ICEED.2010.5940763 (Training/Education) A. F. Omar, H. Atan & M. Z. MatJafri, “Spectroscopic Measurement of Fruits Intrinsic Quality”, presented at School of Distance Education Postgraduate Colloquium 2010. Colloquium on 20-22 November 2010 at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. (Food) F. H. Mustafa, M. S. Jaafar, A. H. Ismail, A. F. Omar, H. A. Houssein & Z. A. Timimi, “Red Diode Laser in the Treatment of Epidermal Diseases in PDT”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2010, 70, pp. 779-782. (Medical) F. H. Mustafa, M. S. Jaafar, A. H. Ismail, A. F. Omar, Z. A. Timimi & H. A. Houssein, “Influences of different low level laser power at wavelength 635 nm for two types of skin; dark and light”, Proceedings of the 7th IMT-GT UNINET and the 3rd International PSU-UNS Conferences on Bioscience. pp. 130-135. The conference is at Prince of Songkla University, Thailand on 7-8 October 2010. (Medical) 2011 A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “The Swift Turbidity Marker”, Physics Education, January 2011, 46(1), pp. 90-96. DOI: 10.1088/0031-9120/46/1/011. (Environment) A. F. Omar, H. Atan & M. Z. MatJafri, “Application of NIR Spectral Absorbance Linearization and Gradient Shift in Quantifying Aqueous Glucose and Fructose Solutions”, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2011, 23(7), pp. 3066 – 3070. (Food) A. F. Omar, H. Atan & M. Z. MatJafri, “Peak Response Identification Through Near Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis On Aqueous Sucrose, Glucose And Fructose Solution”, School of Distance Education Postgraduate Colloquium 2011, Colloquium on 19-20 November 2011 at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, pp. 5-11. (Food) F. H. Mustafa, M. S. Jaafar, A. H. Ismail, A. F. Omar, H. A. Houssein & Z. A. Timimi, “Influence of hair color on photodynamic dose activation in PDT for scalp diseases”, IFMBE 2011 Proceedings, Volume 35, pp. 315-319. 5th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BIOMED 2011, Held in Conjunction with the 8th Asian Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, APCMBE 2011; Kuala Lumpur on 20-23 June 2011. (Medical) 2012 R. Othman & A. F. Omar, “University and Industry Collaboration: Towards A Successful and Sustainable Partnership”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 31 (2012) 575-579. (Training/Education) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri (2012). “Optical Fiber Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Skin Moisture Measurement”, Selected Topics on Optical Fiber Technology, Moh. Yasin, Sulaiman W. Harun and Hamzah Arof (Ed.), InTech Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia. pp. 229-246. ISBN: 978-953-51-0091-1. Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/optical-fiber-near-infrared-spectroscopy-for-skin-moisture-measurement (Medical) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Development of Optical Instrument as Turbidimeter: A Comparative Study”, Sensor Review, Vol. 32 Iss: 2, pp. 134 – 141. (Environment) A. F. Omar, H. Atan & M. Z. MatJafri, “Peak Response Identification through Near Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis on Aqueous Sucrose, Glucose and Fructose Solution”, Spectroscopy Letters, 45(3), pp. 190-201. (Food) A. F. Omar, M. Z. MatJafri & S. K. Mohsin, “Redefining quality- evaluating fruits through their intrinsic spectroscopic attributes”, First Pakistan International Biophysics Symposium, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, June 1st-2nd, 2012. Poster presentation. (Food) M. N. L. Y. Abdullah, S. C. Mey, T. K. Eng, R. Othman and A. F. Omar School-to-work transition services for students with disabilities in Malaysia: organisations’ views on policy and practices, Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. 13(4), pp. 259-271. (Training/Education) A. F. Omar, H. Atan & M. Z. MatJafri, “NIR Spectroscopic Properties of Aqueous Acids Solutions”, Molecules 2012, 17, pp. 7440-7450. (Food) A. F. Omar, H. Atan & M. Z. MatJafri, "Visible Spectral Linearisation, Gradient Shift and Normalisation in Quantifying Carambola Acidity", Food Biophysics, 7, pp. 289–295. (Food) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “A Prominent Medieval Islamic Scholar: Ibn al-Haytham’s Contributions in Science”, presented at WCIT2012 (World Conference on Islamic Thought 2012: Contemporary Challenges and Realities). Conference on 11-12th of September 2012 at Kinta Riverfront, Ipoh Perak, Malaysia. (Training/Education) S. Yeoh, M. Z. Mat Jafri and A. F. Omar, “Revisiting the Operating Principles and Application of Interferometers”, Proceedings of IEEE 2012 3rd International Conference on Photonics 2012, pp. 1003-1006. Conference on 1-3rd October 2012 at Park Royal Penang, Malaysia. (Scopus) DOI: 10.1109/ICP.2012.6379882 (General Optics) 2013 A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, " NIR Spectral Linearisation in Quantifying Carambola SSC", Sensors 2013, 13, pp. 4876-4883. (Food) A. F. Omar, “Spectroscopic Profiling of Soluble Solids Content and Acidity of Intact Grape, Lime and Star Fruit”, Sensor Review. 33 (3), pp. 238–245. (Food) A. F. Omar, “Quantifying Water-Sucrose Solutions through NIR Spectral Absorbance Linearisation and Gradient Shift", Journal of Optics. 42 (3), pp. 189–193. (Scopus). (Food) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Principles, Methodologies and Technologies of Fresh Fruit Quality Assurance”, Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods. 5 (3), pp. 257–271. (Food) A. F. Omar [Review of the book Fiber optic sensors: an introduction for engineers and scientists by Udd, E. & Spillman Jr, W. B. (Eds.)] Sensor Review. 33 (2). (General Optics) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Optical System in Measurement of Water Turbidity: Design and Analytical Approach”, Penerbit USM, Research Book, 2013. (Environment) A. F. Omar & M. Z. MatJafri, “Specialised Optical Fiber Sensor for Intrinsic Quality Measurement of B10 Averrhoa Carambola”, Photonics Sensors. 3 (3), pp. 272–282. (Food) 2014 A. R. Msabbri, M. Mohamad, M. Z. MatJafri & A. F. Omar, ”Development of Optical Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Instruments for Human Skin Sebum Measurement", Proceedings of SPIE 9129, Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care IV, pp. 91293M (11 pages). Conference on 14th April 2014 in Brussels, Belgium. (Medical) M. Mohamad, A. R. M. Sabbri, M. Z. MatJafri & A. F. Omar, (2014, November). Correlation between near infrared spectroscopy and electrical techniques in measuring skin moisture content. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 546, No. 1, p. 012021; 6 pages). IOP Publishing. (Medical) O. K. M. Yahaya., M. Z. MatJafri., A. A. Aziz & A. F. Omar, "Non-destructive Measurement of Fruit Quality Based on RGB LEDs System", Proceedings of IEEE Signal Processing Society, ICED 2014, 2014 2nd International Conference on Electronic Design, 2014. pp. 230-233. Conference on 19-21 of August 2014 at Equatorial Hotel, Penang, Malaysia. (Food) O. K. M. Yahaya., M. Z. MatJafri., A. A. Aziz & A. F. Omar, “Determining Sala Mango Qualities with the use of RGB Images Captured by a Mobile Phone Camera”, National Physics Conference 2014 - PERFIK 2014. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1657, No. 1, p. 060003).. Conference on 18-19th of November 2014 at Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Food) C. Undau., O. K. M. Yahaya., S. Kandaiya & A. F. Omar, “Measuring UV LED Exposure Dose using EBT2 GafChromic Film”, National Physics Conference 2014 - PERFIK 2014. AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings. Conference on 18-19th of November 2014 at Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Environment) H. S. Abdulbaqi, M. Z. MatJafri, A. F. Omar, I. S. Mustafa & L. K. Abood, “Detecting Brain Tumor in Computed Tomography Images Using Hybrid Method Hidden Markov Random Fields and Threshold Techniques”, Journal of Applied Science and Agriculture, 9(18) Special 2014, Pages: 170-176. (Medical) H. S. Abdulbaqi, M. Z. MatJafri, A. F. Omar, I. S. Mustafa & L. K. Abood, “Detecting Brain Tumor in Computed Tomography Images using Markov Random Felds, Fuzzy C-means, and Watershed Techniques”, National Physics Conference 2014 - PERFIK 2014. AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings. Conference on 18-19th of November 2014 at Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Medical) T. H. Kok, N. Zainal & A. F. Omar, “Preservation of Local Cultural Artifacts through Self-Modified Optical Reflective Holography System”, 4th. REGIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOCAL KNOWLEDGE 2014, 12th& 13th October 2014, Riverside Majestic Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak. (General Optics) T. H. Kok, N. Zainal & A. F. Omar, “Development of Self-Modified Enhanced Reflective Holography System on Physical Artifacts Preservation”, National Physics Conference 2014 - PERFIK 2014. Conference on 18-19th of November 2014 at Sunway Resort Hotel and Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (General Optics) A. Abdulateef, M. Z. Matjafri, A. F. Omar, N. M. Ahmed, I. M. Ibrahim, “Copper Nanoparticales Prepared by Laser Ablation in Liquids" The Regional Fundamental Science Congress (FSC) UPM, Conference on 19/8/2014 - 20/8/2014 at Kompleks Kejuruteraan, Universiti Putra Malaysia. (General Optics) 2015 Yahaya, O.K.M., MatJafri, M.Z., Aziz, A.A. and Omar, A.F., 2015. Visible spectroscopy calibration transfer model in determining pH of Sala mangoes. Journal of Instrumentation, 10(05), p.T05002. (Food) Yahaya, O.K.M., Jafri, M.Z.M., Aziz, A.A. and Omar, A.F., 2015. Simplified optical fiber RGB system in evaluating intrinsic quality of Sala mango. Optical Engineering, 54(6), pp.067108-067108. (Food) Abdulbaqi, H.S., Jafri, M.Z.M., Omar, A.F., Mutter, K.N., Abood, L.K. and Mustafa, I.S.B., 2015, December. Segmentation and estimation of brain tumor volume in computed tomography scan images using hidden Markov random field Expectation Maximization algorithm. In 2015 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD) (pp. 55-60). IEEE. (Medical) Chiong, W.L., Jafri, M.Z.M. and Omar, A.F., 2015, November. Influence of light emitting diode correlated colour temperature in visible spectroscopic observation of RGB samples. In 2015 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA), (pp. 1-5). (Food) 2016 Abdulateef, S.A., MatJafri, M.Z., Seeni, A., Omar, A.F., Ahmed, N.M. and Mutter, K.N., 2016, March. Study of laser intensity on gold nano-particles preparation in a harsh environment. In 2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Photonics (ICP) (pp. 1-3). IEEE. (General Optics) Omar, A.F., Yahaya, O.K.M., Tan, K.C., Mail, M.H. and Seeni, A., 2016, April. The influence of additional water content towards the spectroscopy and physicochemical properties of genus Apis and stingless bee honey. InSPIE Photonics Europe (pp. 98990Y-98990Y). International Society for Optics and Photonics. (Food) Abdulateef, S.A., MatJafri, M.Z., Omar, A.F., Ahmed, N.M., Azzez, S.A., Ibrahim, I.M. and Al-Jumaili, B.E., 2016, July. Preparation of CuO nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquid. In International Conference On Nano-Electronic Technology Devices And Materials 2015 (IC-NET 2015) (Vol. 1733, No. 1, p. 020035). AIP Publishing. (General Optics) Mohammad, S.M., Hassan, Z., Ahmed, N.M., Talib, R.A., Abd-Alghafour, N.M. and Omar, A.F., 2016, July. Hydrothermal growth and characterization of vertically well-aligned and dense ZnO nanorods on glass and silicon using a simple optimizer system. In International Conference On Nano-Electronic Technology Devices And Materials 2015 (IC-NET 2015) (Vol. 1733, No. 1, p. 020032). AIP Publishing. (General Optics) Omar, A.F. and Yahaya, O.K.M., 2017. Spectrometry Evaluation of B10 Averrhoa carambola L. and Sala Mango Physical Attributes. In 9th International Conference on Robotic, Vision, Signal Processing and Power Applications, Part of the Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE) Volume 398, pp. 655-662. Springer Singapore. Conference on 2-3 Feb 2016, PARKROYAL Penang Resort, Penang, Malaysia. Awarded Best Paper Award. (Food) Tajuddin, M.A. and Omar, A.F., 2017. Measuring Solar Ultraviolet Exposure Dose on EBT3 Film Through the Application of Visible Absorbance Spectroscopy. In 9th International Conference on Robotic, Vision, Signal Processing and Power Application. Part of the Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE) Volume 398, pp. 639-646 Springer Singapore. Conference on 2-3 Feb 2016, PARKROYAL Penang Resort, Penang, Malaysia. (Environment) A. F. Omar & O. K. M. Yahaya, “Penakrifan Semula Kualiti Buah”, Dewan Kosmik, Jilid 24, June 2016, pp. 46-49. (Food) Abdulbaqi, H.S., Jafri, M.Z.M., Mutter, K.N., Omar, A.F., Mustafa, I.S. and Abood, L.K., 2016. Segmentation and estimation of brain tumor volume in magnetic resonance images based on t2-weighted using hidden Markov random field algorithm. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 8(3), pp.9-13. (Medical) 2017 O. K. M. Yahaya & A. F. Omar, “Spectroscopic of Tropical Fruits: Sala Mango and B10 Carambola”, Research Book, Penerbit USM. 2017. 175 pages. (Food) Ahmed, N.M., Kabaa, E.A., Jaafar, M.S. and Omar, A.F., Characteristics of Extended-Gate Field-Effect Transistor (EGFET) Based on Porous n-Type (111) Silicon for Use in pH Sensors. Journal of Electronic Materials, 46 (10), pp 5804–5813. (Other Sensing) Chiong, W.L. and Omar, A.F., White light emitting diode as potential replacement of tungsten-halogen lamp for visible spectroscopy system: a case study in the measurement of mango qualities. Journal of Intrumentation, 12, pp. 1-10. (Food) Jafri, M.Z.M., Abdulbaqi, H.S., Mutter, K.N., Mustapha, I.S. and Omar, A.F., 2017, June. Measuring the volume of brain tumour and determining its location in T2-weighted MRI images using hidden Markov random field: expectation maximization algorithm. In SPIE Digital Optical Technologies (pp. 103351V-103351V). International Society for Optics and Photonics. (Medical) Abd, H.R., Hassan, Z., Ahmed, N.M., Omar, A.F., Alsultany, F.H. and Yusof, Y., 2017. Laser-induced solution combustion of nano-Y 2.96 Al 5 O 12: 0.04 Ce phosphors and their fluorescent properties for white light conversion. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 711, pp.42-50. (General Optics) Yusof, N.A.M., Osman, U.S. and Omar, A.F., 2017, November. Measuring UV LEDs radiation dose using EBT3 film. In IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering (ICAEES) (pp. 5-10). Awarded Best Student Paper Award (Environment) Osman, U.S. and Omar, A.F., 2017, November. Solar ultraviolet measurement: A mini review. In IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering (ICAEES), (pp. 252-257). (Environment) Abdulateef, S. A., Omar, A. F., Jafri, M. M., Ahmed, N. M., & Seeni, A. (2017) One-Step Synthesis of Stable Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles Through Bioconjugation with Bovine Serum Albumin in Harsh Environments. Journal of Cluster Science, 1-15. (Medical) Omar, A. F., Osman, U. S., & Tan, K. C. (2017, September). Characterizing the discoloration of EBT3 films in solar UV A+ B measurement using red LED. In Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems XX (Vol. 10425, p. 1042505). International Society for Optics and Photonics. (Environment) Samah, A. H. A., Rahman, M. F. A., Omar, A. F., Ahmad, K. A., & Yahaya, S. Z. (2017, December). Sensing mechanism of water turbidity using LED for in situ monitoring system. In Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications (USYS), 2017 IEEE 7th International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE. (Environment) 2018 Husnen R Abd, Z Hassan, Naser M Ahmed, Munirah Abdullah Almessiere, AF Omar, Forat H Alsultany, Fayroz A Sabah, Ummu Shuhada Osman, Effect of Annealing Time of YAG: Ce 3+ Phosphor on White Light Chromaticity Values, Journal of Electronic Materials, 47 (2), pp. 1638-1646. (General Optics) Mohammad Saleh I.N., Osman U.S., Omar A.F. (2018). The Measurement of Solar Ultraviolet Ambient Dose Using EBT3 Film. In: Suparta W., Abdullah M., Ismail M. (eds) Space Science and Communication for Sustainability. Springer, Singapore. pp. 213-222. Conference on 3-5 May 2017 (Conference on Space Science and Communication, IconSpace2017), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Environment) Chiong, W. L., Omar, A. F., & MatJafri, M. Z. (2018). White light emitting diode correlated colour temperature influence on image analysis in Sala mango quality assessment, Journal of Spectral Imaging, 7, pp. 1-7. (Food) Zarlaida, F., Adlim, M., Surbakti, M. S., & Omar, A. F. (2018, May). Chitosan-stabilized Silver Nanoparticles for Colorimetric Assay of Mercury (II) Ions in aqueous system. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 352, No. 1, p. 012049). IOP Publishing. (Environment) Chuin, L. H., Omar, A. F., Abdullah, M. Z., & Razak, N. A. (2018). Characterization and Evaluation of PIV Illumination System Using High Power Light Emitting Diodes for WaterTank Applications. Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 61(3), 436-444. (Environment) Tan, C. H., MatJafri, M. Z., Omar, A. F., & Maryam, W. (2018, May). The performance and stability of titanium dioxide and ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate as sunscreen filter: a comparison study. In Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care VI (Vol. 10685, p. 1068548). International Society for Optics and Photonics. (Medical) Azhari, F., Mahmud, S., Bakhori, S. M., Pa, M. C., Latiff, N. M., & Omar, A. F. (2018, August). Effects of Oxygen Annealing on Kaolin-Doped Zinc Oxide Discs. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1083, No. 1, p. 012006). IOP Publishing. Abd, H. R., Hassan, Z., Ahmed, N. M., Omar, A. F., & Alsultany, F. H. (2018, August). Effect of Annealing Temperature on Growth Particles of YAG: Ce+ 3 Phosphor and White Light Chromaticity Values. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1083, No. 1, p. 012021). IOP Publishing. (General Optics) Abdulateef, S. A., Omar, A. F., Jafri, M. M., Ahmed, N. M., Seeni, A., & Kabaa, E. A. (2018, August). Ex-situ Generation of the Gold Nanowire Networks Bovine Serum Albumin Bio-Conjugated System Using Pulsed Laser Ablation in a Harsh Environment. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1083, No. 1, p. 012011). IOP Publishing. (Medical) Chiong, W. L., Omar, A. F., Jafri, M. Z. M., & Tan, C. H. (2018, August). Spectroscopic Colour Evaluation under Different White Light Emitting Diode Illumination Angle. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1083, No. 1, p. 012023). IOP Publishing. (General Optics) Zaki, N. A. A., Mahmud, S., & Omar, A. F. (2018, August). Ultraviolet Protection Properties of Commercial Sunscreens and Sunscreens Containing Zno Nanorods. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1083, No. 1, p. 012012). IOP Publishing. (Medical) Roslan, H., Maniam, P. D. M., Suhaimi, F. M., & Omar, A. F. (2018, December). Color Stability of Acrylic Denture Teeth Exposed to Black Coffee and Turmeric. In 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES) (pp. 529-532). IEEE. (Medical) 2019 Abd, H. R., Hassan, Z., Ahmed, N. M., Alsultany, F. H., & Omar, A. F. (2019). Ce-doped YAG phosphor powder synthesized via microwave combustion and its application for white LED. Optical Engineering, 58(2), 027110. (General Optics-LED) Hassan, Z., Abd, H. R., Alsultany, F. H., Omar, A. F., & Ahmed, N. M. (2019). Investigation of sintering temperature and Ce3+ concentration in YAG: Ce phosphor powder prepared by microwave combustion for white-light-emitting diode luminance applications. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 229, 22-31. (General Optics) Ghani, K. A., Sudik, S., Omar, A. F., Mail, M. H., & Seeni, A. (2019). VIS–NIR spectral signature and quantitative analysis of HeLa and DU145 cell line. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 222, 117241. (Medical) Amran, E. N., Sudik, S., Omar, A. F., Mail, M. H., & Seeni, A. (2019). Potential colorimetric detection of cancer cells using Phenol Red. Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy, 27, 380-384. (Medical) Damulira, E., Yusoff, M. N. S., Omar, A. F., Taib, M., & Hartini, N. (2019). A Review: Photonic Devices Used for Dosimetry in Medical Radiation. Sensors, 19(10), 2226. (Medical) Hedei, P. H. M. A., Alsaee, S. K., Omar, A. F., Hashim, U., & Kaus, N. H. M. (2019). Spectral aging of gold and silver nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation in liquids. Journal of Nanophotonics, 13(2), 020502. (General Optics-Nanoparticles) Adlim, M., Zarlaida, F., Khaldun, I., Dewi, R., Karina, S., & Omar, A. F. (2019). Immobilization of Sulfur from Different Precursors on Mini Rice-Husk-Ash Pellet Coated Chitosan Film and the Application for Mercury Vapor Uptake. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry. InPress. (Environment) Alsaee, S. K., Omar, A. F., Ahmed, N. M., Alsadig, A., Sulieman, A. and Alzimami, K. (2019). EBT3 Films in Low Solar Ultraviolet and X-Ray Dose Measurement: A Comparative Analysis. Dose-Response. 17(2), 1-6. (Environment/Medical) Omar, A. F., Chiong, W. L., Tan, W. Y. and Wong, J. W. (2019). EBT3-based dosimeter in characterizing UVA–LEDs with lambertian radiation pattern. Sensor Review. Vol. 39 No. 4, pp. 433-438. (Environment/Medical) Tan, M. I. S. M. H., Omar, A. F., Rashid, M., & Hashim, U. (2019). VIS-NIR spectral and particles distribution of Au, Ag, Cu, Al and Ni nanoparticles synthesized in distilled water using laser ablation. Results in Physics, 14, 102497. (General Optics-Nanoparticles) Fitri, Z., Adlim, M., Surbakti, M. S., Omar, A. F., Sijabat, F. A., & Syahreza, S. (2019, June). Mercury (II) Ions Assessment as a Toxic Waste Hazard in Solution Based on Imagery Data for a Part of Environmental Disaster Management. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 273, No. 1, p. 012052). IOP Publishing. (Environment) Suhaimi, F. M., Mubarak, M. F., Roslan, H., Abd Razak, N. A., Azman, N., & Omar, A. F. (2019). The Effect of Coloured Beverages on The Colour Stability of a Flexible Denture. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 15(109). (Medical) 2020 Damulira, E., Yusoff, M.N.S., Sulaiman, S., Zulkafli, N.F.H., Zulkifli, N.A., Shakir, N.S.A., Zainun, M.A., Omar, A.F., Taib, N.H.M. and Ali, Y. (2020). Comparison of Current–Voltage Response to Diagnostic X-rays of Five Light-Emitting Diode Strips. Applied Sciences, 10(1), 200. (Medical) Damulira, E., Yusoff, M. N. S., Omar, A. F., & Taib, N. H. M. (2020). Amplification of Radiation-Induced Signal of LED Strip by Increasing Number of LED Chips and Using Amplifier Board. Applied Sciences, 10(2), 651. (Medical) Shah, W. I. S. A., & Omar, A. F. (2020). Spectroscopy and Light Emitting Diodes Based System in Characterizing External Beam Therapy 3 Films for Solar Ultraviolet Measurement. Photonic Sensors, 10(1), 34-44. (Environment) Ahmad Shah, W. I. S., & Fairuz Omar, A. (2020). EBT3-based solar ultraviolet dosimeter. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 1-17. (Environment) Abd, H. R., Hassan, Z., Ahmed, N. M., Omar, A. F., Lau, K. S., & Alsultany, F. H. (2020). Study of the Effect of Injection Currents on White Light Emission of Ce-Doped YAG Phosphor Powder Prepared by Microwave Combustion. In Solid State Phenomena (Vol. 301, pp. 60-68). Trans Tech Publications Ltd. (General Optics-LED) Sabah, F. A., Razak, I. A., Kabaa, E. A., Zaini, M. F., & Omar, A. F. (2020). Influence of CuS powder concentration on the construction of hybrid PVA/CuS thin films for polymer light-emitting applications. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 31(4), 3456-3465. (General Optics-LED) Damulira, E., Yusoff, M. N. S., Omar, A. F., Taib, N. H. M., Kamal, S. A. M., Dani, S. M., & Abdullah, R. (2020, March). Current-Voltage Response of Cold White LED Strip to Radiotherapeutic Electron and Photon Beams: A Preliminary Study. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1505, No. 1, p. 012008). IOP Publishing. (Medical) Sabah, F. A., Razak, I. A., Kabaa, E. A., Zaini, M. F., & Omar, A. F. (2020). Influence of CuS powder concentration on the construction of hybrid PVA/CuS thin films for polymer light-emitting applications. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 31(4), 3456-3465. (General Optics-LED) Sabah, F. A., Razak, I. A., Kabaa, E. A., Zaini, M. F., & Omar, A. F. (2020). Characterization of hybrid organic/inorganic semiconductor materials for potential light emitting applications. Optical Materials, 107, 110117. (General Optics-LED) Abd, H. R., Hassan, Z., Ahmed, N. M., Thahab, S. M., Alsultany, F. H., & Omar, A. F. (2020). Ce-doped YAG single-crystals prepared by continuous wave (CW)–CO2 laser combustion technique with attractive characteristics and moderate white LED performance. Optics & Laser Technology, 132, 106506. (General Optics-LED) 2021 Mohd Hilmi Tan, M. I. S., Jamlos, M. F., Omar, A. F., Dzaharudin, F., Chalermwisutkul, S., & Akkaraekthalin, P. (2021). Ganoderma boninense Disease Detection by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Classification: A Review. Sensors, 21(9), 3052. (Food) Damulira, E., Yusoff, M. N. S., Omar, A. F., & Taib, N. H. M. (2021). Development and characterization of an LED-based detector for dosimetry in diagnostic radiology. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(8), 085001. (Medical) Damulira, E., Yusoff, M. N. S., Omar, A. F., Taib, N. H. M., & Ahmed, N. M. (2021). Application of Bpw34 photodiode and cold white LED as diagnostic X-ray detectors: A comparative analysis. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 170, 109622. (Medical) Muhammad Zahir, S. A., Yahaya, O. K., & Omar, A. F. (2021). Correlating the natural color of tropical fruit juice with its pH. Color Research & Application, 46(2), 467-476. (Food) Osman, U.S. and Omar, A.F. Visible Spectroscopy in EBT3 Solar Ultraviolet Dosimeter. Penerbit USM, Monograph, 2021. (Environment) Radzi, Y. M., Zulkafli, N., & Omar, A. F. (2021). Preliminary investigation on performance of photodiode sensor as a dosimeter. Biomedical Photonics, 10(1), 4-10. (Medical) 2022 Raypah, M. E., Zhi, L. J., Loon, L. Z., & Omar, A. F. (2022). Near-infrared spectroscopy with chemometrics for identification and quantification of adulteration in high-quality stingless bee honey. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 104540. (Food). Raypah, M. E., Omar, A. F., Muncan, J., Zulkurnain, M., & Abdul Najib, A. R. (2022). Identification of Stingless Bee Honey Adulteration Using Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Aquaphotomics. Molecules, 27(7), 2324. (Food). Raffay, R., Husin, N., & Omar, A. F. (2022). Spectrophotometry and colorimetry profiling of pure phenol red and cell culture medium on pH variation. Coloration Technology. (Medical) Zahir, S. A. D. M., Omar, A. F., Jamlos, M. F., Azmi, M. A. M., & Muncan, J. (2022). A Review of Visible and Near-Infrared (Vis-NIR) Spectroscopy Application in Plant Stress Detection. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 113468. (Food). Tan, M. I. S. M. H., Jamlos, M. F., Omar, A. F., Dzaharudin, F., Azmi, M. A. M., Ahmad, M. N., ... & Khairi, K. A. (2022). Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Ganoderma Boninense Detection: An Outlook. In Recent Trends in Mechatronics Towards Industry 4.0 (pp. 117-126). Springer, Singapore. (Food). Raypah, M. E., Muncan, J., Sudik, S., Omar, A. F., Mail, M. H., Tsenkova, R., & Seeni, A. (2022). Integration of near-infrared spectroscopy and aquaphotomics for discrimination of cultured cancerous cells using phenol red. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 227, 104611. (Medical) Raypah, M. E., Muncan, J., Sudik, S., Omar, A. F., Mail, M. H., Tsenkova, R., & Seeni, A. (2022). Implication of phenol red in quantification of cultured cancerous cells using near-infrared spectroscopy and aquaphotomics. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 104669. (Medical) Musa, M., Abu Mhanna, H. Y., Omar, A. F., Radzi, Y. M., Akhdar, H. F., Ishak, N. H., & Al Ewaidat, H. (2022). Optical Response of Expired EBT3 Film for Absorbed Dose Measurement in X-ray and Electron Beam Range. Applied Sciences, 12(8), 3974. (Medical) Abu Mhanna, H. Y., Omar, A. F., Radzi, Y. M., Akhdar, H. F., & Al Ewaidat, H. (2022). Expired EBT3 Films’ Sensitivity for the Measurement of X-ray and UV Radiation: An Optical Analysis. Materials, 15(8), 2903. (Medical) Zyoud, S. H., Ahmed, N. M., Lahewil, A. S. Z., & Omar, A. F. B. (2022). Micro spot ZnO Nanotubes Using Laser Assisted Chemical Bath Deposition: A Low-Cost Approach to UV Photodetector fabrication. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 113485. (General Optics-Nanoparticles) Mzwd, E., Ahmed, N. M., Suradi, N., Alsaee, S. K., Altowyan, A. S., Almessiere, M. A., & Omar, A. F. (2022). Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles in Gum Arabic using pulsed laser ablation for CT imaging. Scientific reports, 12(1), 1-11. (General Optics-Nanoparticles) Rajamanickam, S., Mohammad, S. M., Hassan, Z., Omar, A. F., & Muhammad, A. (2022). Investigations into Ag nanoparticles–carbon–poly (9, 9-di-n-octylfluorenyl-2, 7-diyl)(PFO) composite: morphological, structural, optical, and electrical characterization. Polymer Bulletin, 79(10), 9111-9130. (General Optics-Nanoparticles) Lahewil, A. S. Z., Zyoud, S. H., Ahmed, N. M., Omar, A. F., & Azman, N. Z. N. (2022). Synthesis ZnO nanoclusters micro active area using continues wave blue laser-assisted chemical bath deposition based on UV photodetector. Optik, 260, 169099. (General Optics-Nanoparticles) Alsaee, S. K., Ahmed, N. M., Mzwd, E., Omar, A. F., Aljameel, A. I., Afzal, N., ... & Arshad, S. (2022). pH sensor based on AuNPs/ITO membrane as extended gate field-effect transistor. Applied Physics B, 128(1), 1-7. (Materials) Abdullah, M. N. L. Y., Omar, A. F., Ping, T. A., & Chun, T. C. (2022). Validity and Reliability of the Postgraduate Self-Determined Learning Questionnaire (PSLQ). Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE), 18(1). (Education) Raypah, M. E., Ahmed, A. A., & Omar, A. F. (2022). Application of Porous Materials and Structures for Improving Optical and Thermal Performance of Inorganic and Organic Light-Emitting Diodes: A review. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 113966. (General Optics-LED) 2023 Tan, M. I. S. M. H., Jamlos, M. F., Omar, A. F., Kamarudin, K., & Jamlos, M. A. (2023). Ganoderma boninense classification based on near-infrared spectral data using machine learning techniques. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 232, 104718. (Food). Abdulateef, S. A., Raypah, M. E., Omar, A. F., Jafri, M. M., Ahmed, N. M., Kaus, N. H. M., ... & Barakat, K. (2023). Rapid synthesis of bovine serum albumin-conjugated gold nanoparticles using pulsed laser ablation and their anticancer activity on hela cells. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 16(1), 104395. (Medical) Zahir, S. A. D. M., Jamlos, M. F., Omar, A. F., Jamlos, M. A., Mamat, R., Muncan, J., & Tsenkova, R. (2023). Review–Plant nutritional status analysis employing the visible and near-infrared spectroscopy spectral sensor. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 123273. (Food) Li, A. T. B., Bakar, M. A. A., Omar, A. F., Saheed, M. S. M., Taib, N. A. M., Mohammad, S. M., ... & Abdullah, M. (2023). 3rd order optical nonlinearity enhancement of halochromic phenol red dye immobilized in PVA/silica hybrid host matrix. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 1-13. (General Optics) Bakar, M. A. A., Li, A. T. B., Krishnan, G., Aziz, M. S. A., Mohammad, S. M., Omar, A. F., & Abdullah, M. (2023). Microfiber Optics Liquid Refractometer: The Effect of Taper Waist. Key Engineering Materials, 947, 27-32. (General Optics). Raypah, M. E., Nasru, M. I. M., Nazim, M. H. H., Omar, A. F., Zahir, S. A. D. M., Jamlos, M. F., & Muncan, J. (2023). Spectral response to early detection of stressed oil palm seedlings using near-infrared reflectance spectra at region 900-1000 nm. Infrared Physics & Technology, 135, 104984. (Food) Jasin, N. M., Roslan, H., Suhaimi, F. M., Omar, A. F., & Bahoudela, N. (2023). Influences of Different Solutions on the Colour Stability and Microhardness of Contemporary Light Cured Composites: An In Vitro Study: Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), 291-298. (Medical) Jasin, N. M., Roslan, H., Adin, N., Suhaimi, F. M., & Omar, A. F. (2023). Effect of Different Drinks on Stainability of Acrylic Denture Teeth: Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC), 255-260. (Medical) Training / Consultancy I also offer free short lecture to high school (preferably form 4 & 5 students) and colleges around Penang Island on topics related to "introduction to instrumentation" and "introduction to spectroscopy". Contact me “International Course on Current Research in Physics” ACADEMIC ASSESSOR 1. Panel Pakar Penilai bagi Pembangunan Model Pengajaran: “Development And Evaluation of STEM Integrative Physics Real-World Problem-Solving Teaching Model Using Computational (CT), Design Thinking (DT) and TRIZ Among Form Four Students”. PhD Candidate: Norhafizan Binti Abdul Wahab, Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan, Universiti Putra Malaysia. 21/07/2022. 2. Pakar Pengesahan: “The influence of learning environment and students’ psychological factors on postgraduates’ self-determined learning”. PhD Candidate: Tiew Chia Chun, School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia. 10/12/2021. INVITED LECTURE 2019, Invited Speaker, "Optical Spectroscopy in Sustaining Quality of Life", Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Guest Speaker for a General Public Lecture. 2019, Invited Speaker, International Conference on Quantum & Nonlinear Optics. "Dynamic Variables in Quantitative Application of Optical Spectroscopy". A Case Study in Fruits Quality Measurement". Universiti Malaya. 2019, Forum Panelist, International conference on STEM and Education (ICON STEM-Ed 2019 "Inspire, Inform and Engage Future Science Citizen through Outreach". Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris. 2020, Keynote Speaker, Second International Symposium on Modern Trend in Physics and Its Applications with a presentation entitled "Visible & Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in the Measurement of Fruits Intrinsic Qualities". Organized by the University of Baghdad & University of Fallujah and was held online through Free Conference Call with more than 350 participants. 2021, Keynote Speaker, USM - Electrical & Electronic Engineering Postgraduate Society (EEPS) with a presentation entitled “The Dynamic Role of Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Non-Destructive Measurement”. 2022, Invited Speaker, Water Stress Detection in Oil Palm Seedlings through Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Online - Zoom, Malaysian Institute of Physics, PERSIDANGAN FIZIK KEBANGSAAN (PERFIK) 2022. 2022, Invited Speaker, Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy & Its Potential Role in Medical Diagnosis. The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Penang Branch, Zoom Online Talk - 11th March 2022 EXTRA ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Member of The International Council for Near Infrared Spectroscopy (ICNIRS) and currently served as a member for ICNIRS Educational Group. Member of Aquaphotomics Research Group. Member of Institute Physics Malaysia. Editor, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (6th International Conference on Solid State Science and Technology). Head of Editorial Board: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (5th Photonics Meeting 2022 Reviewer for the following journals which mostly for VIS/NIR as well as general optics related manuscripts: GRANT OUTREACH EFFORTS (School & Public)
1. Water quality measurement including turbidity, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids and heavy metals
2. The measurement of solar ultraviolet irradiance including its implication on human health and materials
3. Early detection of plant disease and physiological responses to stress
4. Fruits’ intrinsic qualities measurement such as soluble solid contents, acidity, firmness, vitamins and minerals
5. Detection of food adulteration and mishandling such as adulteration in honey and quality degradation of thermally abused cooking oils
6. Human skin quality analysis including the measurement of hydration, trans-epidermal water loss, sebum and pigmentation
7. Cancer detection at cellular level and tissue
8. The color measurement in dentistry
9. Characterizing light and its association to biodiversity
10. Science (physics-optics-spectroscopy) OutreachTeaching
Short Courses
Other Academic Activities
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