School of Physics - Universiti Sains Malaysia


Fenomena Gerhana Penuh di Pulau Pinang 2022

8 November 2022 - Unit Penyelidikan Ilmu Falak dan Sains Atmosfera (UPIFSA) bersama-sama dengan Jabatan Mufti Negeri Pulau Pinang (JMNPP) telah mengadakan aktiviti pencerapan fenomena gerhana penuh pada Selasa lepas. Pencerapan gerhana bulan penuh ini dijalankan di Masjid Abdullah Fahim. Aktiviti ini melibatkan dua orang pensyarah iaitu Dr. Nur Azwin Ismail dan Dr. Idahwati Sarudin beserta penglibatan 11 orang pelajar yang mengambil kursus ZCE275, Pengantar Astronomi. Selain dapat melihat bagaimana pencerapan dijalankan, pelajar juga mendapat pendedahan tentang cara-cara pemasangan teleskop secara ringkas.


8 November 2022 - The Astronomy and Atmospheric Science Research Unit (UPIFSA) together with the Penang State Mufti Department (JMNPP) held an activity to observe the total eclipse phenomenon last Tuesday. Observation of this full moon eclipse was conducted at the Abdullah Fahim Mosque. This activity involves two lecturers namely Dr. Nur Azwin Ismail and Dr. Idahwati Sarudin with the involvement of 11 students who took the course ZCE275, Introduction to Astronomy. In addition to being able to see how observation is carried out, students also get exposure in how to assemble a telescope in a nutshell.







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Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM,
Penang, Malaysia

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