School of Physics - Universiti Sains Malaysia


Geophysics Field Camp 2018 at Manong, Perak

On a yearly basis, the geophysics group conduct a field camp activity for the second-year students of the applied geophysics program. Each year, the field camp visit one of the beautiful sites in Malaysia that give the students not only the practical knowledge but also the entertainment to sightseeing marvelous Malaysian landscape as well. This year, the field camp visited Ara Panjang village in Manong. The targeted site is one of the many hot springs in Malay Peninsula that may be considered as potential source for renewable energy (geothermal energy). In the 5 days activities, between April 2nd to 6th, the students performed 4 field experiments. These experiments are the gravity, magnetic gradiometer, resistivity and seismic refraction. The students are subdivided into four groups. Each day, every group perform one of method starting by the field work in the work in the morning and data analysis and reporting in the evening. By the end of the activity, every group performed the four methods and discussion session was held to integrate and maximize the students’ knowledge. At the closing ceremony a BBQ party is held that brings students and lecturers together in a friendly environment.


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Penang, Malaysia

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