School of Physics - Universiti Sains Malaysia


Asia Petroleum Geoscience Conference and Exhibition (APGCE)

29 – 30 October 2019 – Asia Petroleum Geoscience Conference and Exhibition (APGCE)

This event was held on 29th and 30th of October at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur. This event was participated by undergraduate and post-graduate who take Geology, Geoscience and Petroleum related courses. APGCE is well-attended by business leaders, technical gurus and industry experts to explore new plays and prospects especially in South-East Asia-in the continuous quest for advancement and innovation. The highlight of this event are Industrial and technical talk, networking reception, mini-challenge, core display session, exhibition and competition. Eight Geophysics students that participate in this event are Kugen A/L Balan, Nur Alisha Akram, Nurin Hannah Ahmad Rizal, Intan Suraya Wahid, Low Ming Haw, Muhammad Eizlan Zaidi, Nursyahida Mohamad Sharif and Saowany Kungsuwan. Our undergraduate Geophysics students joined EAGE Geo-Quiz. One of our student, Kugen A/L Balan managed to be the winner for Motorcycle Simulation Game at Repsol’s exhibition booth and won a mini motorcycle. Nurin Hannah, Intan Suraya and Kugen A/L Balan joined Kahoot quiz at Eliis’s exhibition booth and won spectacular prizes and Low Ming Haw received The Best Student Award during closing ceremony.

Universities involved are;

1.            Universiti Sains Malaysia

2.            Universiti Teknologi Petronas

3.            Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

4.            Universiti Malaya

5.            Chulalongkorn University

6.            Heriot Watt University

7.            Universiti Malaysia Sabah

8.            Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

9.            Universitas Gadjah Mada

10.          China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

11.          Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

12.          University of Yangon

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The Dean, School of Physics,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM,
Penang, Malaysia

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